# gitstatus This package allows to include information about a git-repository into a document. ## Introduction If your LaTeX-document is version-controlled with git, you might encounter situations, where you want to include some information of your git-repository into your LaTeX-document - e.g. to keep track on who gave you feedback on which version of your document. ## Options - *gitdir* - custom git dir (can be relative), (default is ".git/", meaning your LaTeX document is in the top level of your repo) - *watermark* - watermark with branch + hash on top of page (default: don't use watermark) - *nowatermark* - same as watermark=false - *novariables* - disable creation of variables (default: false) ## Variables Apart from the option to add a watermark at the top of the page that mentions the current commit hash and branch-name, the package also provides variables with the same information for individual use. These variables are: - *\gitdir* - *\gitcommit* - *\gitbranch* ## About ### Version The package is currently at version v1.1. ### Maintainer The code is created and maintained by Maximilian Gruber. ### License This package is provided under the LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL).