% based on example 7 in pythontex_gallery % https://github.com/gpoore/pythontex/ \documentclass[12pt]{pylatex} \usepackage{examples} \begin{document} \section*{A table of derivatives and anti-derivatives} This example is based upon a nice example in the Pythontex gallery, see \ \url{https://github.com/gpoore/pythontex/}. It uses a tagged block to capture the {\tt\small Sympy} output for later use in the body of the LaTeX table. \lstset{numbers=left} \begin{minipage}[t]{0.72\textwidth} \begin{python} from sympy import * var('x') # Create a list of functions to include in the table funcs = [['sin(x)',r'\\'], ['cos(x)',r'\\'], ['tan(x)',r'\\'], ['asin(x)',r'\\[5pt]'], ['acos(x)',r'\\[5pt]'], ['atan(x)',r'\\[5pt]'], ['sinh(x)',r'\\'], ['cosh(x)',r'\\'], ['tanh(x)',r' ']] # pyBeg (CalculusTable) for func, eol in funcs: myddx = 'Derivative(' + func + ', x)' myint = 'Integral(' + func + ', x)' print(latex(eval(myddx)) + '&=' + latex(eval(myddx + '.doit()')) + r'\quad & \quad') print(latex(eval(myint)) + '&=' + latex(eval(myint + '.doit()')) + eol) # pyEnd (CalculusTable) \end{python} \end{minipage} \hskip 1cm \begin{minipage}[t]{0.28\textwidth} \begin{latex} \begin{align*} \py {CalculusTable} \end{align*} \end{latex} \end{minipage} \clearpage \begin{align*} \py {CalculusTable} \end{align*} \end{document}