% --------------------------------------------------- % Date: 12.11.2018 % Version: v0.1 % Autor: Felix Faltin <ffaltin91[at]gmail.com> % Repository: https://github.com/faltfe/iodhbwm % --------------------------------------------------- % --- --- --- --- -- Class options -- --- --- --- --- % --------------------------------------------------- \documentclass[ add-bibliography, % Include bibliography (needs biber run) bib-file = biblatex-examples.bib, % Set bibliography file biblatex/style = alphabetic, % Change citestyle and biblatex to alphabetic % biblatex/citestyle = alphabetic, % biblatex/bibstyle = alphabetic, language = ngerman, % Set main document language debug % Provide \lipsum, \blindtext ]{iodhbwm} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} %\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} % UTF-8 is default at the latest release \begin{document} % --------------------------------------------------- % --- --- --- --- Begin actual content -- --- --- --- % --------------------------------------------------- \Blinddocument % Dummy content \nocite{*} % Cite every entry from the passed file % --------------------------------------------------- \end{document}