% ---------------------------------------------------
% Date:       15.05.2019
% Version:    v1.1.0
% Autor:      Felix Faltin <ffaltin91[at]gmail.com>
% Repository: https://github.com/faltfe/iodhbwm
% ---------------------------------------------------
% --- --- --- --- -- Class options -- --- --- --- ---
% ---------------------------------------------------
    load-dhbw-templates,                % Allow \dhbw* commands
    add-bibliography,                   % Include bibliography (needs biber run)
    bib-file = biblatex-examples.bib,   % Set bibliography file
    add-tocs-to-toc,                    % Add LoF, LoT, etc. to ToC
    language     = english,             % Set english as second language (\selectlanguage{english})
    mainlanguage = ngerman,             % Set main document language
    debug                               % Provide \lipsum, \blindtext

% ---------------------------------------------------
% --- --- --- --- - Necessary setup - --- --- --- ---
% ---------------------------------------------------
    author              = Max Mustermann,
    thesis type         = PA,
    thesis title        = Erweitertes Einführungsbeispiel,
    student id          = 12345,
    location            = Musterstadt,
    institute           = Musterwerke GmbH,
    institute logo      = dhbw-logo,    % The file dhbw-logo.pdf is provided by the class itself.
    course/id           = Txxxx,
    supervisor          = Felix Faltin,
    processing period   = {01.01.17 -- 31.01.17}


    % ---------------------------------------------------
    % --- --- --- Print formatted titlepage,  --- --- ---
    % --- --- --- abstract, ToC, LoF and LoT  --- --- ---
    % ---------------------------------------------------
    % Have a look into the recommended example! There will
    % be shown a way how to simplify all lists.
    % ---------------------------------------------------
    \dhbwfrontmatter    % Disable page numbering and deactivate ToC, LoF, LoT numbers
    \dhbwtitlepage      % Print titlepage

    \dhbwdeclaration    % Print declaration
    \dhbwabstract       % Print abstract (if there exists one)

    \tableofcontents    % Print ToC
    \listoffigures      % Print LoF
    \listoftables       % Print LoT
    \dhbwmainmatter     % Enable page numbering and active ToC numbers again

    % ---------------------------------------------------
    % --- --- --- --- Begin actual content -- --- --- ---
    % ---------------------------------------------------
    \chapter{Test Kapitel}\label{chap:test-chap}
        \section{Test Section}\label{sec:test-sec}

            Verweis auf \Cref{chap:test-chap} und auf mich selbst \Cref{sec:test-sec}~\cite{glashow}.


    % ---------------------------------------------------
    % --- --- --- --- End actual content --- --- --- ---
    % ---------------------------------------------------
    % There is no need to include the bibliography
    % manually. The class takes care about the correct
    % position. You only have to run
    %   pdfLaTeX -> biber -> 2x pdfLaTeX
    % ---------------------------------------------------