\chapter{Introduction to the Template} \section{The purpose of this package} This template provides a streamlined design for typesetting books. Welcome to feedback bugs or ideas via email \href{mailto:xiamyphys@gmail.com}{\ttfamily xiamyphys@gmail.com} or \href{https://github.com/xiamyphys/litebook}{GitHub}. This template is used by me to reformat the textbook \href{https://github.com/xiamyphys/LaTeX-General-Relativity-R.Wald}{\emph{General Relativity, R. Wald}}, and I also use this template to typesetting my notes on \href{https://github.com/xiamyphys/Group-Theory-in-Physics}{\emph{Group Theory in Physics}}. You can download them on \href{https://github.com/xiamyphys}{GitHub}. \section{Installing \pkg{LiteBook} and loading it} For portable version, simply download latest \verb|litebook.cls| file from \href{https://github.com/xiamyphys/LiteBook}{GitHub} or \href{https://ctan.org/pkg/litebook}{CTAN} and save it under your working directory. This way of installation is simple and convenient, but you have to manually update \verb|.cls| now and then. However, I strongly suggest that you should use terminal/cmd to implement the commands to update all the packages (and install this package) to the latest version or switch to portable version instead \begin{verbatim} sudo tlmgr update --self --all \end{verbatim} If you are in some areas with awful Internet environment (such as GFW), you can choose a proper mirror source or use other means\footnote{Please comply with local network regulations.}. To learn more, please refer to \href{https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/55437/how-do-i-update-my-tex-distribution}{How do I update my \hologo{TeX} distribution?} \section{Compatibility} The test environments are macOS + Mac\hologo{TeX} 2024 / Overleaf / Ubuntu 22.04.2 and they all work fine for \hologo{pdfLaTeX} and \hologo{XeLaTeX} compilers. Windows and Unix platforms' unknown. The compiling time of current document via \hologo{pdfLaTeX} compiler is about \verb|1s| on \textsf{MacBook Air M2 8 GB (macOS 14.4.1)} when charging. \section{Cover configurations} There are several lines of information and a cover image on the cover of this document, the corresponding commands are the following \begin{verbatim} \cover{\UPLOWFadingImage[trim={0 {.9\paperheight} 0 0},clip]{cover} [trim={0 {.5\paperheight} 0 0},clip]{cover}} \title{\scshape The \pkg{LiteBook} Template} \subtitle{Version 0.2b \today} \author{Hsia Mingyu} \bioinfo{Hangzhou Dianzi University} \press{\scshape The University of Chicago Press} \end{verbatim} The same as the \pkg{book} class, the macro \cmd{title} could not be omitted, or it will return an error, and there will be a warning if the macro \cmd{author} is omitted. The \cmd{cover} can assign the format of the image on the cover and you can adjust the format of the image with the \pkg{fadingimage} package. \section{Math options of this template} \begin{verbatim} \documentclass[]{litebook} \end{verbatim} You can set the math font to be \mode{newtx} (default) or \mode{mtpro2}. \section{Preset packages and commands} This template has preset with the following packages: \begin{table}[!ht] \centering \begin{tabular}{l l l l l l l l} \toprule \pkg{amsthm} & \pkg{bm} & \pkg{cancel} & \pkg{derivative} & \pkg{esvect} & \pkg{extarrows} & \pkg{fixdif} & \pkg{nicefrac}\\ \midrule \pkg{nicematrix} & \pkg{physics2} & \pkg{refstyle} & \pkg{siunitx} & \pkg{booktabs} & \pkg{diagbox} & \pkg{fontawesome5} & \pkg{geometry}\\ \midrule \pkg{indentfirst} & \pkg{mdframed} & \pkg{multicol} & \pkg{multirow} & \pkg{setspace} & \pkg{tabularx} & \pkg{tikz} & \pkg{xcolor}\\ \bottomrule \end{tabular} \end{table} You can click on them to go to the homepage to view the documentation. And commands \verb|\i|, \verb|\e|, \verb|\T| have been defined to input $\i$, $\e$ in roman (non-italic) text and matrix transpose symbol $\T$, which can help you typeset math quickly. The template has preset the following commands for different type of references via \pkg{refstyle} package: \verb|\eqref{