\documentclass[DIV=9, parskip=half, pagesize=auto]{scrartcl} \usepackage{fixltx2e} \usepackage{etex} \usepackage{xspace} \usepackage{lmodern} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage{textcomp} \usepackage[svgnames]{xcolor} \usepackage{listings} \usepackage{microtype} \usepackage{hyperref} \newcommand*{\mail}[1]{\href{mailto:#1}{\texttt{#1}}} \newcommand*{\pkg}[1]{\textsf{#1}} \newcommand*{\cs}[1]{\texttt{\textbackslash#1}} \makeatletter \newcommand*{\cmd}[1]{\cs{\expandafter\@gobble\string#1}} \makeatother \newcommand*{\env}[1]{\texttt{#1}} \addtokomafont{title}{\rmfamily} \lstset{% language=[LaTeX]TeX,% columns=flexible,% upquote=true,% numbers=left,% basicstyle=\ttfamily,% keywordstyle=\color{Navy},% commentstyle=\color{DimGray},% stringstyle=\color{SeaGreen},% numberstyle=\scriptsize\color{SlateGray}% } \title{The \pkg{ltablex} package\thanks{This manual corresponds to \pkg{ltablex}~v1.0, dated~1995/11/06.}} \author{Anil K. Goel (\mail{akgoel@uwaterloo.ca})} \date{1995/11/06} \begin{document} \maketitle \noindent The file modifies the \env{tabularx} environment to combine the features of the \pkg{tabularx} package (auto-sized columns in a fixed width table) with those of the \pkg{longtable} package (multi-page tables). The tables are typeset using the \env{tabularx} environment and the \env{longtable} environment is used internally to handle multi-page tables. The \cmd{\setlongtables} feature is used, and, therefore, the document should be run through \texttt{latex} twice. Another feature that has been added is to treat the \texttt{X} columns like `\texttt{l}' columns if the table contents would allow that to happen without exceeding the specified width of the table. In other words, the specified width is treated as the maximum allowed and not the exact width of the table. This feature is the default but can be disabled (or enabled) with \cmd{\keepXColumns} (or \cmd{\convertXColumns}). Caveats: % \begin{itemize} \item The document needs to be \texttt{latex}ed a couple times in general. \item In general, it is necessary to remove the \texttt{.aux} file before the first \texttt{latex} run on the document. \item The table should not be larger than \TeX's memory capacity \end{itemize} \bigskip Here is a a simple usage example: % \begin{lstlisting} \documentclass{article} \usepackage{ltablex} \textheight=4in \begin{document} % we want a table that is \textwidth long, has 4 columns, columns 1 % and 3 are auto sized with the 3rd columns being 3 times wider than % the first column. % \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}% {% col 1; auto-sized ragged right |>{\setlength{\hsize}{.5\hsize}\raggedright\arraybackslash}X|% % col 2; default centered c|% % col 3; auto-sized ragged left >{\setlength{\hsize}{1.5\hsize}\raggedleft\arraybackslash}X|% % col 4; default left-justified l|} \caption*{The Table Caption}\\ \hline F-Head1 & F-Head2 & F-Head3 & F-Head4\\ \hline \hline \endfirsthead \hline Head1 & Head2 & Head3 & Head4\\ \hline \hline \endhead \hline \hline Foot1 & Foot2 & Foot3 & Foot4\\ \hline \endfoot \hline \hline L-Foot1 & L-Foot2 & L-Foot3 & L-Foot4\\ \hline \endlastfoot This is a very long sentence not likely to fit& not too long& This is another very long sentence not likely to fit& not long\\ \hline filler & filler & filler & filler\\ \hline This is a very long sentence not likely to fit& not too long& This is another very long sentence not likely to fit& not long\\ \hline This is a very long sentence not likely to fit& not too long& This is another very long sentence not likely to fit& not long\\ \hline This is a very long sentence not likely to fit& not too long& This is another very long sentence not likely to fit& not long\\ \end{tabularx} \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{|c|X|c|} \hline a &convert X to l & b\\ \hline \end{tabularx} \keepXColumns \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{|c|X|c|} \hline a &retain X & b\\ \hline \end{tabularx} \convertXColumns \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{|c|X|c|} \hline a &convert X to l & b\\ \hline \end{tabularx} \end{document} \end{lstlisting} \end{document}