\documentclass{article} \usepackage{quotmark} \begin{document} First quote uses an environment: \begin{qt}This is a quote.\end{qt} This isn't a quote. The next quote uses a text-block command: \tqt{This is a quote.} This isn't a quote. Now for some nested quotes: \tqt{Did she say \tqt{I am here}?} he asked. \tqt{She said \tqt{where am I?}\,} he replied. \tqt{He said to me \tqt{I am Harry \tqt{Mad} Hatter},} I said. Paragraphs within the quotes are dealt with automatically: \begin{qt}Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing to inform you that I would like you to quote this letter in your so-called \tqt{funny} article, which I don't find the least bit amusing. Yours etc\end{qt} Back to unquoted text. \end{document}