\documentclass{sageep} \usepackage{lipsum} \usepackage{graphicx} \begin{document} \title{New Green Technology: A Method of Extracting Sun Energy From Fresh Cucumbers} \author{Sam U. Llaun, Academy of Lagado, Lagado, Balnibarbi} \author{James Incandenza, Interdependence University, Boston, MA} \maketitle \section{Abstract} \lipsum[1] \section{Discussion} \subsection{First Subsection} The use of PostScript fonts is described in \cite{Schmidt04:PSNFSS9.2}. The popular \LaTeX{} manual is \cite{Lamport94}. The use of \TeX{} in scientific publishing\footnote{As well as in other publishing fields} was discussed in \cite{Flynn01:TeXMassMarket}. \begin{figure}[bhp] \includegraphics{sageep_graphic2009} \caption{SAGEEP Meeting} \label{fig:sageep} \end{figure} \begin{table}[htbp] \caption{North American Paper Sizes} \label{tab:paper} \begin{tabular}{lll} \hline Size & in $\times$ in &mm $\times$ mm\\ \hline Letter &8.5 $\times$ 11 &216 $\times$ 279\\ Legal &8.5 $\times$ 14 &216 $\times$ 356\\ Junior Legal &8 x 5 &\\ Ledger &17 $\times$ 11 &432 $\times$ 279\\ Tabloid &11 $\times$ 17 &279 $\times$ 432\\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{table} \lipsum[2-5] \subsection{Second Subsection} \lipsum[5-8] \section{Conclusions} \lipsum[9-10] \bibliography{sageep} \bibliographystyle{sageep} \end{document}