% !Mode:: "TeX:DE:UTF-8:Main" % !! needs lualatex % this sets the hyphen used by automatic hyphenation to 00AD % this improves copy&pasting % the example gives % aaaaaaa-aaaaaa aaaaaaa-aaaaaa % Ministerpräsident % when copied from adobe % sumatra doesn't understand this and copies Mi­nisterprä­sident \DocumentMetadata{testphase=phase-II,pdfversion=1.7,uncompress} \documentclass{book} \usepackage[ngerman]{babel} %to get some hyphenation \usepackage{fontspec} %with older luaotfload we must remove the invisible feature! \setmainfont{TeX Gyre Pagella}[RawFeature={-invisible}] \prehyphenchar"AD \pagestyle{empty} \textwidth=1cm \begin{document} aaaaaaa-aaaaaa aaaaaaa-aaaaaa Ministerpräsident \end{document} aaaaaaa-aaaaaa aaaaaaa-aaaaaa Ministerpräsident aaaaaaa-aaaaaa aaaaaaa-aaaaaa Ministerpräsident