% !TeX root = tcolorbox.tex % include file of tcolorbox.tex (manual of the LaTeX package tcolorbox) \clearpage \section{Library \mylib{xparse}}\label{sec:xparse}% \tcbset{external/prefix=external/xparse_}% The library is loaded by a package option or inside the preamble by: \begin{dispListing} \tcbuselibrary{xparse} \end{dispListing} This loads the package |xparse| \cite{latexproject:xparse}. Note that up to version 5.0.2 this library contained code which needed the |xparse| package. Since nowadays this package has become basically a part of the \LaTeX\ kernel, the code of the library was migrated to other parts of the |tcolorbox| package. So, the remaining library is nearly a stub which only loads |xparse|. Instead of including the |xparse| library, it is recommended to include the |xparse| package directly, \textbf{if really needed} (the \LaTeX\ kernel contains essentially everything needed). The library is kept for compatibility.