% Save file as: LOGO-DENK.TEX Source: FILESERV@SHSU.BITNET % This is an example picture for the \logo environment of Georg Denk's % ESLIDES.STY taken from the original ESLIDES.STY file, but removed by % Denk for the distribution. By default, ESLIDES.STY has a null % environment defined by \logo. \begin{picture}(40,20)(0,8) \put( 4, 0){\line(1,0){ 4}} \put(12, 0){\line(1,0){12}} \put(28, 0){\line(1,0){ 4}} \put(36, 0){\line(1,0){ 4}} \put(16, 4){\line(1,0){ 4}} \put( 0,14){\line(1,0){ 4}} \put( 8,14){\line(1,0){ 4}} \put(24,14){\line(1,0){ 4}} \put(32,14){\line(1,0){ 4}} \put( 0,18){\line(1,0){16}} \put(20,18){\line(1,0){20}} \put( 0,14){\line(0,1){ 4}} \put( 4, 0){\line(0,1){14}} \put( 8, 0){\line(0,1){14}} \put(12, 0){\line(0,1){14}} \put(16, 4){\line(0,1){14}} \put(20, 4){\line(0,1){14}} \put(24, 0){\line(0,1){14}} \put(28, 0){\line(0,1){14}} \put(32, 0){\line(0,1){14}} \put(36, 0){\line(0,1){14}} \put(40, 0){\line(0,1){18}} \end{picture}