% 10/08/93 % % IBM simple resume file, /pub/ibmres-tex/simpres.ltx % % George B. Leeman, Jr., leeman@watson.ibm.com. % % Please read /pub/README.FTP on software.watson.ibm.com before using % % this file. Run LaTeX on this file to produce a simple resume, cover % % letter, and mailing label. % \documentstyle[12pt,ibmres]{article} \begin{document} \name{George B. Leeman, Jr.} \preferredtitle0{Mr. Leeman} \school0{The University of Michigan} \email{leeman at um.cc.umich.edu} \discipline0{mathematics} \highestdegree0{PhD} \degreeyear0{1972} \oneaddressandphone{ 2904 Washtenaw Avenue, Apt. 1B\\ Ypsilanti, MI 48198\\ (313) 434-1815 } \presentstatus{BS Student} \immigrationstatus{US citizen} \typeofpositiondesired{Summer} \availabledate{June, 1973} \objective{To obtain a position in numerical analysis and/or scientific programming.} \education{} \when{May 1973} \place{The University of Michigan} \location{Ann Arbor, MI} \degree{BA in Mathematics.} \gpa{3.603} \outof{4.000} \references{} \referencename{Provided upon request.} \referenceemail{} \coverletter{ The University of Michigan\\ Department of Mathematics\\ Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2122 } \rightlines{ George B. Leeman, Jr.\\ leeman at um.cc.umich.edu\\ (313) 764-8504 } \recipient{ Manager, Mid-Hudson Valley Recruiting\\ Employment Solutions Corporation\\ P. O. Box 390\\ Poughkeepsie, New York 12602 } \letterbody{ Dear Sir: I would like to apply for a summer, 1973 position within the IBM development divisions in the Mid-Hudson Valley region. A resume is included. I can be reached at the number shown above every afternoon from 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM. I answer electronic mail throughout each day, including weekends. Thank you for your consideration. } \closing{Sincerely yours,\\George B. Leeman, Jr.} \cc{my mother} \encl{resume} \ps{P.\ S.\ Thank you for making it possible to send resumes electronically!} \letterlabel{} \end{document}