%% --------------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Copyright 2015 Matthias Vogelgesang and the LaTeX community. A full list of %% contributors can be found at %% %% https://github.com/matze/mtheme/graphs/contributors %% %% and the original template was based on the HSRM theme by Benjamin Weiss. %% %% This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 %% International License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/). %% --------------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Copyright 2024 Johan Larsson and contributors %% --------------------------------------------------------------------------- \PassOptionsToPackage{unicode,pdfusetitle}{hyperref} \PassOptionsToPackage{hyphens}{xurl} \PassOptionsToPackage{dvipsnames}{xcolor} \documentclass{ltxdoc} \usepackage{parskip} \usepackage{setspace} \usepackage{xspace} \usepackage{xurl} \usepackage{lmodern} \usepackage{microtype} \UseMicrotypeSet[protrusion]{basicmath} % disable protrusion for tt fonts \usepackage{enumitem} \setlist[itemize]{noitemsep} \setlist[enumerate]{noitemsep} \usepackage{xcolor} \definecolor{mDarkBrown}{HTML}{604c38} \definecolor{mDarkTeal}{HTML}{23373b} \definecolor{mLightBrown}{HTML}{EB811B} \definecolor{mLightGreen}{HTML}{14B03D} \definecolor{mBackground}{HTML}{FFFFFF} \usepackage{listings} \lstset{% language=[LaTeX]{TeX}, basicstyle=\ttfamily, keywordstyle=\color{MidnightBlue}\bfseries, commentstyle=\color{Periwinkle}, stringstyle=\color{mLightGreen}, backgroundcolor=\color{mBackground}, numbers=none, numberstyle=\tiny\ttfamily, stepnumber=2, showspaces=false, showstringspaces=false, showtabs=false, frame=none, framerule=1pt, tabsize=2, rulesep=5em, captionpos=b, breaklines=true, breakatwhitespace=false, framexleftmargin=0em, framexrightmargin=0em, xleftmargin=0em, xrightmargin=0em, aboveskip=1em, belowskip=1em, morekeywords={ usetheme, institute, maketitle, @moloch@titleformat, %plain, setbeamercolor, molochset, setsansfont, setmonofont }, } \lstMakeShortInline| \usepackage{metalogo} \usepackage[colorlinks=true,linkcolor=MidnightBlue,urlcolor=MidnightBlue]{hyperref} \newcommand{\DescribeOption}[4]{ \DescribeMacro{#1} \begin{minipage}[t]{\textwidth} \textit{\textbf{\textcolor{JungleGreen}{#2}}}\dotfill\,#3\par \begingroup \vspace{0.5em}#4\par \endgroup \end{minipage} } \newcommand{\themename}{\textsf{moloch}\xspace} \def\molochversion{0.6.0} % x-release-please-version \usepackage{readprov} \title{The \themename Package (v\molochversion)} \author{Johan Larsson \and Matthias Vogelgesang\footnote{Matthias wrote the original version of this manual for the Metropolis theme, which has since been modified by Johan Larsson.}} \date{\today} \begin{document} \maketitle \hypersetup{linkcolor=black} \tableofcontents \hypersetup{linkcolor=MidnightBlue} \section{Introduction} Beamer is a great way to make presentations with LaTeX, but its theme selection is surprisingly sparse. The stock themes share an aesthetic that can be a little cluttered, while the few distinctive custom themes available are often specialized for a particular corporate or institutional brand. The goal of \themename is to provide a simple, modern Beamer theme suitable for anyone to use. It tries to minimize noise and maximize space for content; the only visual flourish it offers is an (optional) progress bar added to each slide or to the section slides. \themename's codebase is maintained at \url{https://github.com/jolars/moloch}. If you have any issues, find mistakes in the manual or want to help make the theme even better, please get in touch there. \themename is a fork of the popular Metropolis theme by Matthias Vogelgesang. The motivation for the fork was to fix some longstanding bugs in Metropolis and also simplify the codebase to make it easier to maintain and less fragile to changes in the underlying Beamer code. \section{Getting Started} \subsection{Installing from CTAN} For most users, we recommend installing \themename from \href{https://www.ctan.org}{CTAN}. If you keep your \TeX\ distribution up-to-date, chances are good that \themename is already installed. If it is not, you need to update your packages. If your distribution is \TeX\ Live (or Mac\TeX\ on OS X), the following command updates all packages. \begin{lstlisting} tlmgr update --all \end{lstlisting} If this results in an error, you may need to run it with administrative privileges: \begin{lstlisting} sudo tlmgr update --all \end{lstlisting} Mac\TeX\ on OS X also provides a graphical interface for |tlmgr| called \TeX\ Live Utility. For any other distribution please refer to its documentation on how to update your packages. \subsection{Installing from Source} If you want to use the development version of \themename, you can install it manually. You only need a recent \LaTeX\ distribution which includes \textbf{l3build}. Then simply follow the steps below. \begin{description} \item[Download the source] with a |git clone| of \url{https://github.com/jolars/moloch} \item[Install the package] by running |l3build install| inside the downloaded directory. \end{description} \subsection{A Minimal Example} The following code shows a minimal example of a Beamer presentation using \themename. \begin{lstlisting} \documentclass{beamer} \usetheme{moloch} \title{A Minimal Example} \date{\today} \author{Johan Larsson} \institute{Some University} \begin{document} \maketitle \section{First Section} \begin{frame}{First Frame} Hello, world! \end{frame} \end{document} \end{lstlisting} \subsection{Dependencies} \themename depends on the |beamer| class and the following standard packages: \begin{multicols}{3} \begin{itemize} \item |tikz| \item |pgfopts| \item |etoolbox| \item |calc| \end{itemize} \end{multicols} \subsection{Pandoc} To use this theme with \href{http://johnmacfarlane.net/pandoc/}{Pandoc}-based presentations, you can run the following command \begin{lstlisting} $ pandoc -t beamer -V theme:moloch -o output.pdf input.md \end{lstlisting} \section{Customization} \subsection{Package Options} The theme provides a number of options, which can be set using a key=value interface. The primary way to set options is to provide a comma-separated list of option-value pairs when loading \themename in the preamble: \begin{lstlisting} \usetheme[option1=value1, option2=value2, ...]{moloch} \end{lstlisting} Options can be changed at any time---even mid-presentation---with the |\molochset| macro. \begin{lstlisting} \molochset{option1=newvalue1, option2=newvalue2, ...} \end{lstlisting} The list of options is structured as shown in the following example. \DescribeOption{option key}{list of possible values}{default}{ A short description of the option. } \subsubsection{Main Theme} \DescribeOption{titleformat}% {regular, smallcaps, allsmallcaps, allcaps} {regular}{ Changes the format of titles, subtitles, section titles, frame titles, and the text on ``standout'' frames. The available options produce Regular, \textsc{SmallCaps}, \textsc{\MakeLowercase{AllSmallCaps}}, or \MakeUppercase{AllCaps} titles. Note that these commands do not affect math and numbers, so may not work as you expect if your titles contain these. } \DescribeOption{titleformat plain}% {regular, smallcaps, allsmallcaps, allcaps}% {regular}{ Changes the format of ``standout'' frames (see |titleformat|, above). } \subsubsection{Inner Theme} \DescribeOption{sectionpage}{none, simple, progressbar}{progressbar}{ Adds a slide at the start of each section (|simple|) with an optional thin progress bar below the section title (|progressbar|). The |none| option disables the section page. } \DescribeOption{subsectionpage}{none, simple, progressbar}{none}{ Optionally adds a slide at the start of each subsection. If enabled with the |simple| or |progressbar| options, the style of the |section page| will be updated to match the style of the |subsection page|. Note that section slides and subsection slides can appear consecutively if both are enabled; you may want to use this option together with |sectionpage=none| depending on the section structure of your presentation. } \DescribeOption{standoutnumbering}{none, hide, show}{none}{ This option decides whether or not to count standout pages as frames if frame counting. Option |none| (the default) means that the standout frames are not counted. |hide| means that they are counted but that there won't be any footer showing a frame number. |show| means that they are counted and that the frame number count is shown in the same fashion as for regular frames. } \subsubsection{Outer Theme} \DescribeOption{numbering}{none, counter, fraction}{}{ \emph{This option is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Please use Beamer's |page number in head/foot| template instead.} Controls whether the frame number at the bottom right of each slide is omitted (|none|), shown (|counter|) or displayed as a fraction of the total number of frames (|fraction|). } \DescribeOption{progressbar}{none, head, frametitle, foot}{none}{ Optionally adds a progress bar to the top of each frame (|head|), the bottom of each frame (|foot|), or directly below each frame title (|frametitle|). } \subsubsection{Color Theme} \DescribeOption{block}{transparent, fill}{transparent}{ Optionally adds a light grey background to block environments like |theorem| and |example|. } \DescribeOption{background}{dark, light}{light}{ Provides the option to have a dark background and light foreground instead of the reverse. } \subsubsection{Font Theme} \DescribeMacro{titleformat title} \DescribeMacro{titleformat subtitle} \DescribeMacro{titleformat section} \DescribeOption{titleformat frame}% {regular, smallcaps, allsmallcaps, allcaps}% {regular}{ Individually controls the format of titles, subtitles, section titles, and frame titles (see |titleformat|, above). } \subsection{Color Customization} The included \themename color theme is used by default, but its colors can be easily changed to suit your tastes. All of the theme's styles are defined in terms of three beamer colors: \begin{itemize} \item |normal text| (dark fg, light bg) \item |alerted text| (colored fg, should be visible against dark or light) \item |example text| (colored fg, should be visible against dark or light) \end{itemize} An easy way to customize the theme is to redefine these colors using \begin{lstlisting} \setbeamercolor{ ... }{ fg= ... , bg= ... } \end{lstlisting} in your preamble. For greater customization, you can redefine any of the other stock beamer colors. In addition to the stock colors the theme defines a number of \themename specific colors, which can also be redefined to your liking. \begin{lstlisting} \setbeamercolor{progress bar}{ ... } \setbeamercolor{title separator}{ ... } \setbeamercolor{progress bar in head/foot}{ ... } \setbeamercolor{progress bar in section page}{ ... } \end{lstlisting} \subsubsection{Themes} For low-light situations \themename it might be helpful to use the |moloch-highcontrast| color theme. It is enabled like any other color theme: \begin{lstlisting} \usecolortheme{moloch-highcontrast} \end{lstlisting} There is also a theme based on the \href{tomorrow color theme}{https://github.com/chriskempson/tomorrow-theme}, which you can enable like this: \begin{lstlisting} \usecolortheme{moloch-tomorrow} \end{lstlisting} \subsection{Commands} \subsubsection{Standout Frames} The \themename inner theme offers a custom frame format with large, centered text and an inverted background---perfect for focusing attention on single sentence or image. To use it, add the key |standout| to the frame: \begin{lstlisting} \begin{frame}[standout] Thank you! \end{frame} \end{lstlisting} \section{Known Issues} \subsection{Title Formats} Be aware that not every font supports small caps, so the |smallcaps| or |allsmallcaps| options may not work for all fonts. In particular, the Computer Modern sans-serif typeface, which is used by default when \themename is compiled with pdf\LaTeX, does not have a small-caps variant. Note that title format options |allsmallcaps| and |allcaps| do not affect the sizes of numerals, punctuation, and math symbol, and are probably best avoided if your titles contain these characters. \subsection{Interactions with Other Color Themes} \themename can be used along with any other Beamer color theme, such as |crane| or |seahorse|. If you wish to do this, it is usually best to include the \themename subpackages individually so the \themename color theme is never loaded. This will prevent conflicts between the \themename color theme and your preferred theme. For example, overriding the color theme as follows may not work as expected because |\usetheme{moloch}| loads the \themename color theme, which defines a relationship between the frametitle background and the primary palette of the theme. Since |seahorse| assumes a different relationship between its palettes, the result is a grey, rather than periwinkle, frametitle background. \begin{lstlisting} \usetheme{moloch} \usecolortheme{seahorse} \end{lstlisting} The correct colors are chosen if the \themename outer, inner, and font themes are loaded seperately: \begin{lstlisting} \useoutertheme{moloch} \useinnertheme{moloch} \usefonttheme{moloch} \usecolortheme{seahorse} % or your preferred color theme \end{lstlisting} Please note that \themename may not use all the colors defined in your favourite Beamer color theme. In particular, \themename does not set a background color for the title; this will cause issues when using color themes like |whale| which set a white foreground for the title. \subsection{Notes on Second Screen} If you use the \verb+[show notes on second screen]+ option built in to Beamer and compile with \XeLaTeX, text on slides following the first section slide may be rendered in white instead of the regular colour. This is due to \href{http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/288408/}{a bug} in Beamer or \XeLaTeX\ itself. You can work around it either by compiling with \LuaTeX\ or by adding the following code to your preamble to reset the text color on each slide. \begin{lstlisting} \makeatletter \def\beamer@framenotesbegin{% at beginning of slide \usebeamercolor[fg]{normal text} \gdef\beamer@noteitems{}% \gdef\beamer@notes{}% } \makeatother \end{lstlisting} \subsection{Standout Frames with Labels} Because the |standout| frame option creates a group to restrict the colour change to a single slide, labels defined after calling |standout| will stay local to the group. In other words, the following may result in a ``label undefined'' error. \begin{lstlisting} \begin{frame}[standout, label=conclusion]{Conclusion} Awesome slide \end{frame} \end{lstlisting} To fix this problem, change the order of the keys in the frame. \begin{lstlisting} \begin{frame}[label=conclusion, standout]{Conclusion} Awesome slide \end{frame} \end{lstlisting} This error can be unwittingly triggered if you export your slides from Emacs Org mode, which automatically adds labels after frame options. Alex Branham \href{https://github.com/matze/mtheme/issues/203}{offers} the following solution for Org mode users, using |org-set-property|. \begin{lstlisting} * Start of a frame :PROPERTIES: :BEAMER_opt: label=conclusion,standout :END: \end{lstlisting} \subsection{Standout Frames with Pandoc} With Pandoc versions prior to 1.17.2 it was not possible to create standout frames because Pandoc only supported a specific list of frame attributes thus ignoring additional attributes such as |{.standout}|. \section{License} \themename is licensed under a \href{http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/}{Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License}. This means that if you change the theme and re-distribute it, you must retain the copyright notice header and license it under the same CC-BY-SA license. This does not affect any presentations that you create with the theme. \section{Implementation} \DocInput{beamerthememoloch.dtx} \DocInput{beamerinnerthememoloch.dtx} \DocInput{beamerouterthememoloch.dtx} \DocInput{beamerfontthememoloch.dtx} \DocInput{beamercolorthememoloch.dtx} \end{document}