%% Copyright 2016 Daniel Ballester Marques
%% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
%% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
%% The latest version of this license is in
%%   http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
%% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
%% version 2005/12/01 or later.
%% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
%% The Current Maintainer of this work is Daniel Ballester Marques.

[2018-11-17\space v3.4\space ABNT BibLaTeX citation style]%

% Init >>>1



% <<<1

% Comp >>>1

% \newbool{cbx:parens}%





    ( test {\iffieldundef{labelprefix}} and test {\ifundef\cbx@lastprefix} )%
    test {\iffieldequals{labelprefix}{\cbx@lastprefix}}%





% <<<1

\renewbibmacro*{name:family}[4]{% >>>1
     \ifdefvoid{#4}{}{\bibnamedelimd\mkbibnamesuffix{#4}\isdot}}}% <<<1

% Cite commands >>>1

\DeclareCiteCommand{\cite}[\mkbibparens]% >>>2
   \usebibmacro{postnote}}% <<<2

\DeclareCiteCommand{\parencite}[\mkbibparens]% >>>2
   \usebibmacro{postnote}}% <<<2

\DeclareCiteCommand{\footcite}[\mkbibfootnote]% >>>2
   \usebibmacro{postnote}}% <<<2

\DeclareCiteCommand{\footcitetext}[\mkbibfootnotetext]% >>>2
   \usebibmacro{postnote}}% <<<2

\DeclareCiteCommand{\smartcite}[\iffootnote\mkbibparens\mkbibfootnote]% >>>2
   \usebibmacro{postnote}}% <<<2

\DeclareCiteCommand{\supercite}[\mkbibsuperscript]% >>>2
     {\BibliographyWarning{Ignoring prenote argument}}%
     {\BibliographyWarning{Ignoring postnote argument}}}%
  {\usebibmacro{cite:dump}}% <<<2

% \textcite >>>2


  \renewbibmacro*{textcite}{% >>>3
  }% <<<3

  \renewbibmacro*{textcite:init}{% >>>3
      {\global\undef\cbx@lasthash}}% <<<3

  \renewbibmacro*{textcite:postnote}{% >>>3
        \textcitedelim}}}% <<<3

  \DeclareCiteCommand{\cbx@textcite}% >>>3
    }}% <<<3

  \DeclareCiteCommand{\textcite}[\cbx@textcite@init\cbx@textcite]% >>>3
      [\thefield{prenote}][\thefield{postnote}]{\cbx@savedkeys}}}% <<<3

  % textcite has nested \DeclareCiteCommand definitions for textcite and we want to use
  % the normal textcite context




% <<<2




% <<<1

% bibhyperref >>>1

\DeclareFieldFormat{citehyperref}{%% >>>2
  \DeclareFieldAlias{bibhyperref}{noformat}% Avoid nested links
}% <<<2


\renewbibmacro*{cite}{%% >>>2
}% <<<2

% <<<1


% vim: set foldmarker=\ >>>,\ <<< :