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  author    = {Darwin, C. R. and Darwin, F.},
  publisher = {Murray {L}ondon},
  title     = {The power of movement in plants},
  year      = {1880},
  groups    = {Imported SP-WITTE-2021-01.bib.sav},
  timestamp = {2016.01.27},

  author      = {Mohawk, Jennifer A. and Green, Carla B. and Takahashi, Joseph S.},
  journal     = {Annu Rev Neurosci},
  title       = {Central and peripheral circadian clocks in mammals.},
  year        = {2012},
  pages       = {445--462},
  volume      = {35},
  groups      = {Imported SP-WITTE-2021-01.bib.sav},
  language    = {eng},
  medline-pst = {ppublish},
  owner       = {we},
  timestamp   = {2014.11.21},

  author    = {Daan, S. and Beersma, D. G. and Borbely, A. A.},
  journal   = {Am J Physiol},
  title     = {Timing of human sleep: recovery process gated by a circadian pacemaker},
  year      = {1984},
  pages     = {161--183},
  volume    = {246},
  groups    = {Imported MODELLE-WITTE-BUCH.bib},
  owner     = {we},
  timestamp = {2015.12.12},

  author       = {Young, Michael W.},
  title        = {Time travels: a 40-year journey from \emph{{D}rosophila}'s clock mutants to human circadian disorders ({N}obel {L}ecture).},
  issue        = {36},
  pages        = {11532--11539},
  pubstate     = {published},
  volume       = {57},
  chemicals    = {Circadian Rhythm Signaling Peptides and Proteins},
  completed    = {2019-08-14},
  country      = {Germany},
  issn-linking = {1433-7851},
  journal      = {Angewandte Chemie (International ed. in English)},
  nlm-id       = {0370543},
  owner        = {NLM},
  pmid         = {30003624},
  pubmodel     = {Print-Electronic},
  revised      = {2020-05-04},
  year         = {2018},

  author    = {McClure, F. A.},
  title     = {The bamboos. A fresh perspective},
  publisher = {Harvard Univ. Press},
  owner     = {we},
  timestamp = {2016.08.04},
  year      = {1966},

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