% % This file demonstrates indexing with the 'imakeidx' package. % This file is processed as follows: % % latex file % bibtex/biber file % latex file % latex file % % Note that the file name suffix may be omitted. It's 'latex file' and not % 'latex file.tex'. Also note that '-t <file>' is optional. % \documentclass[a4paper]{article} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} % % The 'imakeidx' package provides advanced indexing facilities with support for % multiple indexes. Unlike the 'index' package, 'imakeidx' does not generate % "self-protecting" index entries. So we need to protect control sequences in % indexing fields from expansion. For an example see the 'knuth:ct:a' entry in % biblatex-examples.bib. % \usepackage{imakeidx} \usepackage[american]{babel} \usepackage{csquotes} % % We set the 'indexing' package option and use the 'authortitle' % style in this example. % \usepackage[indexing=cite,style=authortitle,autolang=hyphen,backend=biber]{biblatex-ms} \addbibresource{biblatex-examples.bib} % % We want two indexes: an index of names with title subentries, an index of % titles organized by year. They are defined by way of \makeindex, see the % documentation of the 'imakeidx' package for details. % \makeindex[name=name-title,title={Name and Title Index}] \makeindex[name=year-title,title={Year and Title Index}] % % A 'name:title' indexing bibmacro can be found in biblatex.def. It takes the same % arguments as the 'index:name' bibmacro. Note that the title fields are accessed % inside the name indexing directive. So we have to test for missing titles. % \makeatletter \@ifpackageloaded{biblatex_legacy} {\DeclareIndexNameFormat{name:title}{% \iffieldundef{title} {\usebibmacro{index:name}{\index[name-title]}{#1}{#3}{#5}{#7}} {\usebibmacro{index:name:title}{\index[name-title]}{#1}{#3}{#5}{#7}}}} {\DeclareIndexNameFormat{name:title}{% \iffieldundef{title} {\usebibmacro{index:name}{\index[name-title]} {\namepartfamily} {\namepartgiven} {\namepartprefix} {\namepartsuffix}} {\usebibmacro{index:name:title}{\index[name-title]} {\namepartfamily} {\namepartgiven} {\namepartprefix} {\namepartsuffix}}}} \makeatother % % Auxiliary indexing macros in biblatex.def can be used to define additional % indexing directives with subentries. The following directive creates entries % for the year-title index. % \DeclareIndexFieldFormat{with:year}{% \iffieldundef{year} {\usebibmacro{index:entry}{\index[year-title]}{% \mkbibindexentry{0}{Not dated}% \subentryoperator% \mkbibindexfield{\thefield{indexsorttitle}}{\emph{#1}}}} {\usebibmacro{index:entry}{\index[year-title]}{% \thefield{year}\subentryoperator% \mkbibindexfield{\thefield{indexsorttitle}}{\emph{#1}}}}} % % We redefine the 'citeindex' bibmacro to use the new indexing directives. % \renewbibmacro*{citeindex}{% \ifciteindex {\indexnames[name:title]{labelname}% \indexfield[with:year]{indextitle}} {}} \begin{document} \section*{Indexing with the \texttt{imakeidx} package} % We cite a few items. These citations will be added to the indexes. \cite{knuth:ct,knuth:ct:a,knuth:ct:c,knuth:ct:d} \cite{aristotle:anima,aristotle:poetics,aristotle:physics,aristotle:rhetoric} \clearpage % We print the printbibliography... \printbibliography % ...and the indexes \raggedright \printindex[name-title] % the name-title index \printindex[year-title] % the year-title index \end{document}