\documentclass[fontsize=12pt,parskip=half] {scrartcl} \usepackage[british]{babel} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} % Note: Only one of the following two lines is needed. \usepackage{lmodern} \usepackage{charter,helvet} \usepackage{enumerate} \usepackage[clausemark=forceboth, juratotoc, juratocnumberwidth=2.5em] {contract} \useshorthands{'} \defineshorthand{'S}{\Sentence\ignorespaces} \defineshorthand{'.}{. \Sentence\ignorespaces} \pagestyle{myheadings} \begin{document} \subject{By-Laws} \title{CfCH} \subtitle{Club for Club Hoppers} \date{11.\,11.\,2011} \maketitle \tableofcontents \addsec{Preamble} The club landscape in England is diverse. But we have unfortunately been forced to conclude that it often suffers seriously when dealing with seriousness. \appendix \section{Overview} \begin{contract} \Clause[title={Name, Legal Form, Headquarters}] The name of this club shall be the ``Club for Club Hoppers'' and is not registered in any club register. 'S The club is a non-economic, useless club'. It has no headquarters because its members heads are in their hindquarters. The fiscal year is from March 31st through April 1st. \Clause[title={Purpose of the Club}] 'S The club is pointless but not useless'. Rather, it should put the serious handling of seriousness on a sound footing. For this purpose, the club members can \begin{enumerate}[\qquad a)] \item pick their noses, \item crack nuts, \item such their thumbs. \end{enumerate} The club is selfish and stands by it. The club has no financial means.\label{a:mittel} \Clause[title={Club Officers}] The club officers hold honorary positions. 'S If the club had resources (see \ref{a:mittel}), it could afford a full-time manager'. Without the necessary funds, this is not possible. \Clause[title={Club Hopper},dummy] \label{p.maier} \end{contract} \section{Membership} \begin{contract} \Clause[title={Types of Members},dummy] \Clause[title={Becoming a Member}] Everyone can purchase a membership from one of the associations listed in \refClause{p.maier}.\label{a.preis} 'S To become a member, an informal application is required'. This application should be submitted in green ink on pink paper. Membership applications cannot be rejected. \SubClause[title={Amendment to the Previous Clause}] 'S With the repeal of \refClause{p.maier}, \ref{a.preis} has become impractical'. In its place, memberships can be inherited. \Clause[title={Termination of Membership}] 'S Membership ends with one's life'. For non-living members, membership does not end. \Clause[title={General Meeting}] A general meeting shall take place twice per year. The interval between two general meetings shall be no more than 6~months, 1~week, and 2~days. The invitation to the next general meeting shall be sent no earlier than 6~months from the previous general meeting. \SubClause[title={Amendment to the General Meeting}] The general meeting may be held at the earliest 2~weeks after the invitation is received. \end{contract} \section{Validity} \begin{contract} \Clause[title={Effective Date}] These articles will enter into force on 11.\,11.\,2011 at 11:11~am. 'S If any provision of these by-laws is in conflict with any other, the by-laws will be repealed on 11.\,11.\,2011 at 11:11~am and 11~seconds'. The club is considered to be dissolved in this case. \end{contract} \end{document}