% ---------------------------------------------------
% Date:       12.12.2018
% Version:    v0.1
% Autor:      Felix Faltin <ffaltin91[at]gmail.com>
% Repository: https://github.com/faltfe/iodhbwm
% ---------------------------------------------------
% --- --- --- --- -- Class options -- --- --- --- ---
% ---------------------------------------------------
    load-dhbw-templates,      % Allow \dhbw* commands
    language = english,       % Set main document language
    auto-intro-pages = custom % Takes care about titlepage, abstract, ToC, etc.
%\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}  % UTF-8 is default at the latest release

% ---------------------------------------------------
% --- --- --- --- - Necessary setup - --- --- --- ---
% ---------------------------------------------------
    intro/print toc=true

% ---------------------------------------------------
% --- --- --- --- Begin actual content -- --- --- ---
% ---------------------------------------------------
    \chapter{Simple reference}\label{chap:ref}
        See chapter~\ref{chap:cref} for more information.
    \chapter{Reference with identifier}\label{chap:cref}
        See \Cref{chap:ref} in comparison to \ref{chap:ref}.