%**********************************START \documentclass[ms-thesis,12pt,mathdesign]{ndsu-thesis-2022} %Refer documentation (ndsu-thesis-2022-documentation.pdf) for various options and commands %**********************************Packages, newcommands, and other customization \usepackage[sort&compress]{natbib} \citestyle{egu} % plain, agu, egu, agms, dcu, kluwer, cospar, nature \newcommand\tend{\tempend{apalike}{mybib}} %**********************************First and second page material \title{The Title of My M.S. Thesis} \author{Samuel Fargo Bison} \date{January 2022} \progdeptchoice{Department} % Use Department (or) Program \department{Mathematics} \cchair{Prof. John Adams} % Use actual committee members names \cmembera{Prof. Abraham Lincoln} \cmemberb{Prof. George Washington} \cmemberc{Prof. Theodore Roosevelt} % If 3rd not required - delete this line \approvaldate{12/14/2022} \approver{Prof. James Garfield} %**********************************Front matter \abstract{This is the abstract for my thesis. \\ \emph{Abstracts for doctoral dissertations must use 350 words or less. Abstracts for master's papers or master's theses must use 150 words or less.}\\ \kant[16]} % dummy text \acknowledgements{I acknowledge people here. \\ \emph{Acknowledgements text should be placed here.} \\ \kant[15]} \dedication{This thesis is dedicated to my cat, Mr. Fluffles.\\ \emph{This section dedicates the disquisition to a few significant people. The text must be double-spaced and aligned center to the page.} \\ Which is already taken care of by this \LaTeX\ class.} \preface{You can put a preface here. \\ \emph{This section is optional!} \\ \kant[14]} \listofabbreviations{% may use title case AC & Alternating Current \\ NDSU & North Dakota State University \\ ZL & Zeta Level} \listofsymbols{% may use sentence case $A$ & Area (\si{\m\squared})\\ $e$ & Euler's constant (\num{2.718281828}) \\ $R^2$ & Coefficient of determination} %**********************************Document start \begin{document} %**********************************First chapter - paper style \mypaperheading{The First Chapter - Paper Style - Long title of this technical paper}{*} {This paper is planned to be submitted as a peer-reviewed article \ldots\ more information about the author(s), title, \emph{journal}, to be added.} \section{Abstract11} Paper-styled chapters will have abstracts. Abstract of this chapter goes here. \kant[1] \section{Section12} This is the first section of the thesis (1st level: 1.2. Section). \kant[2] \section{Section13} This is the second section of the thesis (1st level: 1.3. Section). \kant[3] \subsection{Subsection131} This is the subsection text (2nd level: 1.3.1. Subsection). \kant[4] \subsubsection{Subsubsection1311} This is the subsection text (3rd level: Subsubsection). \kant[5] \paragraph{Paragraph13111} This is the subsection text (4th level: Paragraph). \kant[6] \section{Table and Figure} This is the third section of the thesis (1st level: 1.4. Section). This section illustrates the inclusion of a simple table (\cref{tab:1}) and a figure shown later. \begin{table}[h] \centering \caption{Table captions go at the top of the table. This was long caption of the table included in the first chapter --- so that we see how it breaks into another line and having a single spacing. Usually tables are of full-width and are demonstrated subsequently.} \vspace{-1ex} \begin{tabular}{clr} \toprule Number & Month & Days\\ \midrule 1 & January & 31\\ 2 & February & 28\\ 3 & March & 31\\ \bottomrule \end{tabular} \label{tab:1} \end{table} \kant[7] Now the figure (\cref{fig:1}) illustrates an example figure from the \texttt{mwe} package. \myfig{H}{0.6}{example-image-duck}{Caption for this example image in this first chapter.} {fig:1} \kant[8-9] %**********************************Second chapter - regular \myheading{The Second Chapter - Regular Style - Long title for this chapter} Regular style chapters will not have abstracts. General information or outline of the chapter is given here --- before breaking into sections. \section{Excellent Results} This is another section of the thesis (1st level: 2.1. Experimental Results). \Cref{tab:2} presents the results in a tabular form that spans the entire width. Please note the results shown (\cref{tab:2}) are preliminary. \begin{table}[ht] \centering \caption{Table spanning entire width (full-width) using \texttt{setlength} and \texttt{tabcolsep}} \vspace{-1ex} \setlength{\tabcolsep}{3.75em} \begin{tabular}{@{\hspace{2ex}} lccr @{\hspace{2ex}}} \toprule Number & Name of month & Days & Season\\ \midrule 4 & April & 30 & Spring\\ 5 & May & 31 & Summer\\ 6 & June & 30 & Summer\\ \bottomrule \end{tabular} \begin{tablenotes}[flushleft] \footnotesize \item \hspace{-1ex} \emph{Note}: The \texttt{tablenotes} environment produces table footnotes. \end{tablenotes} \label{tab:2} \end{table} \kant[7-8] \subsection{Minor Results} This is a subsection of the thesis (1st level: 2.2. Experimental Results). \kant[8] The \Cref{fig:2} is an example image with command showing all arguments including the optional caption placement. The example figure (\cref{fig:2}) is included in the \texttt{mwe} package. \myfig[2ex]{H}{0.5}{example-image}{Caption for this example image demonstrating an optional 2ex vertical spacing. Compare this with a narrow caption spacing without optional argument in \cref{fig:1}.}{fig:2} \kant[8] \section{Some References} Referring to all entries in the ``\texttt{mybib.bib}'' file to generate the citations here and the listing using the \texttt{\textbackslash citep\{\ldots\}} ``natbib'' command (cite parenthesis)\citep{texbook,lcompanion,latex2e,knuth1984,lesk1977,amsthm2017, calvo2004using,cannayen2011latex,kopka2004guide,notso2021}. The same using \texttt{\textbackslash citet\{\ldots\}} command (cite text) in the running text as: The authors \citet{texbook,lcompanion,latex2e,knuth1984,lesk1977,amsthm2017, calvo2004using,cannayen2011latex,kopka2004guide,notso2021} have something to do with \LaTeX. For most bibliography citation and list creation, these two commands are sufficient. %**********************************Bibliography handling \biblio{apalike}{mybib} % Shortcut command using style and bib-file arguments %**********************************Named appendix A \namedappendices{A}{Named first appendix} Appendix material can be included here. First including a figure (fig.~\ref{fig:ap1}). \section{Appendix A - Section With Figure} \myfigap{H}{0.5}{example-image-golden}{A golden ratio rectangle image.}{fig:ap1} \kant[8] \section{Appendix A - Section With Table} And, then including a table (table.~\ref{tab:ap1}). \begin{appendixtable}[h!] \centering \caption{Use of \texttt{tabu} environment for full-width table - applicable to both main text and appendix. Note the use of \texttt{booktabs} commands and `X' parameters to reproduce Table~\ref{tab:2}. } \begin{tabu} {X X[2, c] X[2,c] X[r]} %X[2, c] = coef. = 2, align = center \toprule Number & Name of month & Days & Season\\ \midrule 4 & April & 30 & Spring\\ 5 & May & 31 & Summer\\ 6 & June & 30 & Summer\\ \bottomrule \end{tabu} \begin{tablenotes}[flushleft] \footnotesize \item \hspace{-1ex} \emph{Note}: The \texttt{tablenotes} environment produces table footnotes. Refer to \texttt{tabu} documentation for further details. \end{tablenotes} \label{tab:ap1} \end{appendixtable} \subsection{Appendix A Subsection} \kant[10] %**********************************Named Appendix B \namedappendices{B}{Named second appendix} Appendix material can be included here. First including a figure (fig.~\ref{fig:ap2}). \section{Appendix B - Section With Figure} \kant[9] \myfigap[0.5ex]{H}{0.7}{example-grid-100x100pt}{A $10 \times 10$ grid of different concentric colors.}{fig:ap2} \section{Appendix B - Section With Table} Now coding another appendix table (table.~\ref{tab:ap2}) that spans the entire width using the manual method (using `tabcolsep' command; and `resize' command to fit large tables). \begin{appendixtable}[h] \centering \caption{Squares and cubes named appendix table using \texttt{siunitx} package.} \setlength{\tabcolsep}{7.1ex} \begin{tabular}{@{\hspace{2ex}} lcrr @{\hspace{2ex}}} \toprule Number & Square & Cubes & Fourth power\\ \midrule 11 & 121 & \num{1331} & \num{14641}\\ 22 & 484 & \num{10648} & \num{234256}\\ 333 & \num{110889} & \num{36926037} & \num{12296370321}\\ \bottomrule \end{tabular} \label{tab:ap2} \end{appendixtable} \subsection{Appendix B Subsection} \kant[11] \closeappendices % Closing (redundant) of appendices for LOAT and LOAF generation \end{document} %**********************************END