\section{Macros and Edges in a graph}
\subsection{Edge in a graph from one vertex \tkzcname{EdgeInGraphFromOneToComp}}

\begin{NewMacroBox}{EdgeInGraphFromOneToComp}{\oarg{local options}\var{prefix}\var{order}\var{from}}

Arguments   &   & Definition              \\
\TAline{order} {}{order of the graph}

options   & default  & definition                                           \\
\TOline{RA}     {4}      { radius  circle}
\TOline{prefix} {a}      {prefix for vertices }
\TOline{Math}   {false}  {math mode }

\emph{This macro works on an unique graph. |from| is integer. |EdgeInGraph| designs a macro that works only in a graph defined by a prefix. The result is some edges between the vertex |from| and the others vertices. }

\subsubsection{Empty Cycle}
\begin{tkzexample}[very small]
\subsection{Edges in a graph - a loop \tkzcname{EdgeInGraphLoop}}%
\emph{This macro is useful with vertices on a circle . |order| in an integer.}

\subsubsection{Empty Cycle}
  \begin{tkzexample}[very small]

\subsubsection{Empty Cycle}
\begin{tkzexample}[very small]
\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=4cm]

\subsection{Edges in a graph - a loop \tkzcname{EdgeInGraphLoop*}}

\emph{Not exactly a loop, there is no edge between the first and the last vertex.}

\subsubsection{Empty Cycle}
\begin{tkzexample}[very small]

\subsubsection{Empty Path}
\begin{tkzexample}[very small]

\subsection{Sequence of edges in a graph  \tkzcname{EdgeInGraphSeq}}

\emph{This macro gives a sequence of edges between |start| and |end|.\\
|start| and |end| are  two integers. }

\begin{tkzexample}[very small]

\subsection{Edges in a graph  \tkzcname{EdgeInGraphMod}}

\emph{This macro works on an unique graph. Edges between $v_i$ and $v_j$ with $i$ in $0,...,(\text{\#2}-1)$  and $j=\text{Mod(i+\#3,\#2)}$.\\
\#2 = |order| and  \#3 = |add|.\\
|Mod| is like |mod| but the result is a positive integer. }

\begin{tkzexample}[very small]

\subsubsection{EdgeInGraphMod 2}
\begin{tkzexample}[very small]

\subsection{Edges in a graph  \tkzcname{EdgeInGraphMod*}}

\emph{Edges between $v_i$ and $v_j$ with $i$ in $\#4,\#4+\#5,...,(\text{\#2}-1)$  and $j=\text{Mod(i+\#3,\#2)}$}\\
\#2 = |order|,  \#3 = |add|, \#4 = |start|, \#5 = |step|.\\

\begin{tkzexample}[very small]

\subsection{Edges in a graph  \tkzcname{EdgeInGraphModLoop}}

\emph{ |order|, |add| and |start| are integers.\\
Edges between $v_i$ and $v_j$ with $i$ from $\#4$, $j=\text{Mod(i+\#3,\#2)}$ and then $i=j$ until $j=\#4$\\
\#2 = |order|,  \#3 = |add| and \#4 = |start|.}

\begin{tkzexample}[very small]

\begin{tkzexample}[very small]

\subsection{Edges between two graphs with the same order \tkzcname{EdgeIdentity}}


\emph{|order| is an integer. This macro gives edges between two graphs.\\
Edges between $v_i$ and $v_j$ with $i=j$ in $0,...,(\text{\#3}-1)$.\\
\#3 = |order|.\\}

\begin{tkzexample}[very small]

\subsection{Edges between two graphs with the same order \tkzcname{EdgeIdentity*}}


\emph{|list| is a list of  integers. This macro gives edges between two graphs.\\
Edges between $v_i$ and $v_j$ with $i=j$ in |list|.\\}


\begin{tkzexample}[very small]

\begin{tkzexample}[very small]

\subsection{Edges between two graphs \tkzcname{EdgeFromOneToAll}}

\emph{The graphs must to have the same order. |from| and |order| are integers.}

\begin{tkzexample}[very small]

\subsection{Edges between two graphs \tkzcname{EdgeFromOneToSeq}}

\emph{|from|, |start| and |end| are integers. This macro  builds edges between the vertex with an indice |from| through the vertices with an indice in the sequence |start|,...,|end|.}

\begin{tkzexample}[very small]

\subsection{Edges between two graphs \tkzcname{EdgeFromOneToSel}}

\emph{This macro  builds edges between the vertex with an indice |from| through the vertices with an indice in the list |list|.}

\begin{tkzexample}[very small]

\subsection{Edges between two graphs \tkzcname{EdgeFromOneToComp}}

\emph{This macro  builds edges between the vertex with an indice |from| through all the vertices of the second graph, except the vertex with an indice |from|.}


\subsection{Edges between two graphs \tkzcname{EdgeMod}}%

\emph{This macro works on two graphs with the same order. We get edges between $v_i$ and $v_j$ with $i$ in $0,...,(\text{\#2}-1)$  and $j=\text{Mod(i+\#4,\#3)}$.\\
\#3 = |order| and  \#4 = |step|.}


\subsection{Edges between two graphs \tkzcname{EdgeMod*}}%

\emph{This macro works on two graphs with the same order. We get edges between $v_i$ and $v_j$ with $i$ in $0,...,(\text{\#3}-1)$ with a step $\text{\#5}$ and $j=\text{Mod(i+\#4,\#3)}$.\\
\#3 = |order| ,  \#4 = |step1| and \#5 = |step2|.}

\subsubsection{\tkzcname{EdgeMod*} }%with |step1|=1 and |step2|=2

\subsubsection{EdgeMod* }%with |step1|=2 and |step2|=1

\subsection{Edges between two graphs \tkzcname{EdgeDoubleMod}}%

For the first node,  the numbers are :

For the second node,  the numbers are :

\emph{Edges between $v_i$ and $v_j$ with $i=\text{Mod(\#3+(\#4*k),\#2)}$ and j=$\text{Mod(\#7+(\#8*k),\#6)}$ $k$ is an integer from $0$ to |end|.\\
\#2 = |order1|,  \#3 = |start1| and \#4 = |add1|.\\
\#6 = |order2|,  \#7 = |start2| and \#8 = |add2|.}


\subsubsection{EdgeDoubleMod with two graphs and different orders}