% tkz-obj-eu-points-rnd.tex
% Copyright 2024  Alain Matthes
% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
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% This work has the LPPL maintenance status “maintained”.
% The Current Maintainer of this work is Alain Matthes.

\typeout{2024/04/19 5.10c tkz-obj-eu-points-rnd.tex} 
%  Points aléatoires sur un segment, une droite, une demi-droite un cercle 
%                          les points aléatoires
      rectangle/.code args        = {#1 and #2}{\def\tkz@numrp{0}%
      segment/.code  args         = {#1--#2}{\def\tkz@numrp{1}%
      line/.code args             = {#1--#2}{\def\tkz@numrp{2}%
      circle/.code args           = {center #1 radius #2}{\def\tkz@numrp{3}%
      circle through/.code args   = {center #1 through #2}{\def\tkz@numrp{4}%
      disk through/.code args     = {center #1 through #2}{\def\tkz@numrp{5}%
%<------------------------ version 2019 ---------------------------------->
 % first case 0
  \or% 1
  \or% 2
  \or% 3
  \or% 4
   \or% 5
 \path[coordinate] ($(#1)+(\tkzrndone*\tkz@a pt,\tkzrndtwo*\tkz@b pt)$) coordinate (tkzPointResult);
\path[coordinate]  ($ (#1)!\myrnd!(#2) $) coordinate (tkzPointResult);
\path[coordinate]  ($ (#1)!\myrnd!(#2) $) coordinate (tkzPointResult);
\tkz@ax#2cm %
  \path[coordinate]($(#1) + (\tkz@pxa pt,\tkz@pxb pt) $) coordinate (tkzPointResult);
\path[coordinate]($(#1) + (\tkz@pxa pt ,\tkz@pxb pt) $) coordinate (tkzPointResult);
  \path[coordinate]($(#1) + (\tkz@pxa pt ,\tkz@pxb pt) $) coordinate (tkz@tmp);
  \path[coordinate]  ($ (#1)!\myrnd!(tkz@tmp) $) coordinate (tkzPointResult);