%& --translate-file=il2-pl % Pl: Ten dokument prezentuje fonty z paczki ,,qfonts'' użyte w LaTeXu 2e. % Stosowany jest układ QX --- naturalny układ tych fontów (linia 13.), % co umożliwia dostęp do dodatkowych znaków. % En: This document demonstrates fonts from the `qfonts' package in LaTeX2e. % We use here QX encoding, which gives access to some additional symbols. % Marcin Woliński <2002/01/23>. Public domain. \documentclass{article} \usepackage{polski} \usepackage{qtimes,qcourier} \usepackage[QX]{fontenc} \newcommand*{\tekst}{% Pójdź kińże tę chmurność w~głąb flaszy.\par PÓJDŹ KIŃŻE TĘ CHMURNOŚĆ W~GŁĄB FLASZY.\par [(<<@>>,,0123456789''\&\#/=+*)] -- --- ,.;:!? <> fifka ff ffi\par } \newcommand*{\testfam}[3][]{\bgroup \normalfont \centerline{\bf #3 (\texttt{#2})}\bigskip\bigskip #1\fontfamily{#2}\selectfont \mdseries\tekst\bigskip {\itshape\tekst}\bigskip {\bfseries\tekst\bigskip {\itshape\tekst}}\bigskip \qxsymbole \egroup \newpage} \newcommand*{\qxsymbole}{% \textDelta \textbeta \textdelta \textpi \textPi \textSigma \textmu \textOmega \i\ \j\ \` x \' x \v x \u x \= x \b x \r x \c x \^ x \. x \H x \~ x \" x \k x \d x \ss\ \ae\ \oe\ \o\ \AE\ \OE\ \O\ \k A \' C \k E \k I \L\ \' N \' S \v S \c S \c T \k U \" Y \' Z \v Z \. Z \k a \' c \k e \k i \l\ \' n \' s \v s \c s \c t \k u \" y \' z \v z \. z \` A \' A \^ A \~ A \" A \AA\ \c C \` E \' E \^ E \" E \` I \' I \^ I \" I \DH\ %=\DJ\ \~ N \` O \' O \^ O \~ O \" O \` U \' U \^ U \" U \' Y \TH\ \`a \'a \^a \~ a \" a \aa\ %=\r a \c c \` e \' e \^ e \" e \` i \' i \^ i \" i \dh\ %=\dj\ \~ n \` o \' o \^ o \~ o \" o \` u \' u \^ u \" u \' y \th\ \textellipsis \textquotedblright\ \textdollar\ \texteuro\ \textquoteright\ * \textexclamdown\ \textquestiondown\ @ \textquotedblleft\ \textquoteleft\ \textendash\ \textemdash\ \textgreater\ \textxgeq\ \textapprox\ %=\textapproxequal\ \textless\ \textxleq\ \textasciitilde\ \textasciicircum\ \textell\ \textdagger\ %=\dag\ \textdaggerdbl\ %=\ddag\ \textdegree\ %=\textcirc\ \textbraceleft\ \textbraceright\ \textsection\ \textregistered\ \copyright\ \textdiv\ %=\textdivide \textminus\ \texttimes\ %=\textmultiply\ \textpm \textinfty\ %=\textinfinity \guillemotleft\ \guillemotright\ \textparagraph\ \textbullet\ \textperiodcentered\ %=\textcdot\ \textquotedbl\ \textquotesingle\ \textbackslash\ \textcurrency\ \% \textperthousand\ \textbar\ \textunderscore\ \textanglearc\ \textdiameter\ \quotedblbase } \begin{document} \parindent0pt \fontsize{12dd}{16dd}\selectfont \testfam{qtm}{QuasiTimes} \testfam{qpl}{QuasiPalatino} \testfam{qbk}{QuasiBookman} \testfam{qhv}{QuasiSwiss} \testfam{qcr}{QuasiCourier} \testfam[\def\mddefault{mc}\def\bfdefault{bc}]{qhv}{QuasiSwissCondensed} \centerline{\bf QuasiChancery (\texttt{qzc})}\bigskip\bigskip \bgroup \fontfamily{qzc}\itshape \tekst\bigskip \qxsymbole \egroup \newpage \end{document}