%% Save file as: CEA.STY          Source: CTAN/macros/latex209/contrib/misc/
% Name: cea.sty
% Description: LaTeX style for Computers and Electronics in Agriculture
%              Submissions
% Keywords: LaTeX, style-option
% Author: James Darrell McCauley <jdm5548@diamond.tamu.edu>
% Latest Version: Version 0.1a <30 Mar 2000>
% Note: This is a hack and not official by Elsevier Sci Pub.
%       It requires doublespace.sty and endfloat.sty from CTAN.
%       See CHANGE LOG below.
% See also: cea.bst, doublespace.sty, endfloat.sty
% USAGE: \documentstyle[cea]{article}
%        ....
%        \begin{document}
%        \bibliographystyle{cea}
%        \maketitle
% Date          Ver  Changes
% <30 Mar 2000> 0.1a \input endfloat.sty instead of \input endfloat11.sty.
%                    The former exists on CTAN but the later doesn't.
%                    Also, change niord.shsu.edu to CTAN in the comments.
%                    G. Pearson <gpearson@hipnt.com>
% <13 Mar 1992> 0.1  Built late one night <jdm5548@diamond.tamu.edu>
% Variations from the general article.sty:
% 1. You should list correspondence address in \date. For example:
%       \date{James Darrell McCauley\\
%       Department of Agricultural Engineering\\
%       Purdue University\\
%       1146 Agricultural Engineering Building\\
%       West Lafayette, Indiana 47907--1146\\
%       USA}
% 2. At the beginning of the abstract (after \begin{abstract}), you should
%    provide the complete bibliographic entry by which the paper will be
%    referenced.
% 3. The singlespace environment may be very helpful for typesetting
%    math (see doublespace.sty).
% 4. Read the ``Guide for Authors,'' included once a year in ``Computers
%    and Electronics Agriculture.''

\input doublespace.sty % available from CTAN
\input endfloat.sty    % available from CTAN

% put page number in upper right corner

% changes to maketitle
 \vskip 2em \begin{center} \begin{singlespace}
 {\LARGE \@title \par} \vskip 1.5em {%\large \lineskip .5em
 \vskip 1em {{\bf Direct Correspondence to:}\\ \@date}
 \vskip 1.5em}
\else %\small
{\bf Abstract\vspace{-.5em}\vspace{0pt}}

% Use parens instead of brackets for \cite, and no label in the bibliography
\def\@cite#1#2{(#1\if@tempswa , #2\fi)}

% following borrowed from apalike.sty
% Set length of hanging indentation for bibliography entries

% \thebibliography environment depends on whether or not `chapter's can exist
    \def\newblock{\hskip .11em plus .33em minus .07em}
    \def\newblock{\hskip .11em plus .33em minus .07em}

% `; ' goes between cites, and there's no \hbox around individual cites
    {\@citea\def\@citea{; }\@ifundefined
       {b@\@citeb}{{\bf ?}\@warning
       {Citation `\@citeb' on page \thepage \space undefined}}%
{\csname b@\@citeb\endcsname}}}{#1}}
% end of stuff from apalike.sty