\documentstyle[margin,line]{res} % Logos % ===== \font\attand=cmr7 %\font\MetafontLogoFont=logo10 \def\PS{{\tt P\small OST\tt S\small CRIPT}} \def\ATT{{AT{\attand \&}T}} \def\MF{{METAFONT}} \def\Cplusplus{{\rm C\raise.5ex\hbox{\small ++}}} \def\AmSTeX{{$\cal A\kern-.1667em\lower.5ex\hbox{$\cal M$}\kern-.125em S$-\TeX}} \oddsidemargin -.5in \evensidemargin -.5in \textwidth=6.0in \begin{document} \name{Mark R. Anderson} \address{mail code c-014\\ University of California, San Diego\\ La Jolla, CA 92093} \begin{resume} \section{\sc Objective} I wish to join a team involved in software development of a parallel processing system. \section{\sc Education} University of California at San Diego, San Diego, CA. \newline M.S. in Computer Science, June 1985; GPA: 4.0 Harvey Mudd College, Claremont, CA. \newline B.S. in Mathematics, May 1982; GPA: 3.3 Graduate coursework includes: Advanced Compiler Construction, Automata Theory, Combinatorial Algorithms, Operating Systems, Software Engineering, Parallel Processing Seminars, Formal Semantics of Programming Languages Seminars. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % I put the experience stuff here %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \begin{format} \title{l}\employer{r}\\ \location{l}\dates{r}\\ \body\\ \end{format} \title{\em Research Assistant.} \employer{\bf Prep-P Project.} \dates{\bf Sep. 1984 -- Present.} \location{UCSD} \section{\sc Research and Work Experience} \begin{position} The Prep-P project is developing a preprocessor for the CHiP parallel architecture. The goal of the preprocessor is to map problems that use an arbitrary number of processes onto the processing elements of a fixed size machine. On this project I have served as co-supervisor. My duties included devising tasks for and supervising the work of others as well as writing and maintaining programs written in C. \end{position} \title{\em Teaching Assistant} \employer{\bf Department of EECS} \dates{\bf Sep. 1984 -- Dec. 1985.} \location{UCSD} \begin{position} I graded homework and conducted review sessions for graduate and undergraduate classes. \end{position} \title{\em Consultant} \employer{\bf Simple Software} \dates{\bf Feb. 1984 -- Apr. 1984.} \location{San Diego, CA.} \begin{position} I was hired as a consultant to develop a file compression system on micros. The system was written in C. \end{position} \title{\em Programmer/Analyst} \employer{\bf System Development Corporation} \dates{\bf May 1982 -- Sep. 1983.} \location{Santa Monica, CA.} \begin{position} I was a member of a group developing an interactive testing system for the Jovial programming language. I wrote parts of a Jovial to threaded code compiler in CWIC. CWIC is SDC's Lisp based compiler writing system. \end{position} \title{\em Research Assistant.} \employer{\bf Self-Sorting Memory Project} \dates{\bf Sep. 1981 -- Dec. 1981.} \location{Harvey Mudd College} \begin{position} I wrote a simulation of an algorithm which performed Gaussian elimination on a parallel machine using self-sorting memory modules. The simulator was written in Fortran. \end{position} \section{\sc Special Skills} Programming Languages: Algol, C, Fortran, Jovial, Lisp, Pascal, Snobol, and SETL. \newline Assembly Languages: 6502, 8051, 8086. \newline Operating Systems: IBM CMS, Unix, Vax VMS. \section{\sc Honors and Awards} University of California Regents Fellowship \newline Graduation with Distinction from Harvey Mudd College \section{\sc Publications:} D. Beeman, R. Lynds, and M. R. Anderson, ``Structural and vibrational properties of a model vitreous $As_{2}O_{3}$,'' Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids Vol. 42 pp. 61-7 (October 1980). D. Beeman, J. Silverman, R. Lynds, and M. R. Anderson, ``Modeling studies of amorphous carbon.,'' Physics Review B Vol. 30 pp. 870-5 (July 15, 1984). M. Anderson and F. Berman, ``A Complexity Measure for Demand Driven Data Flow Models,'' UCSD Dept. of Computer Science Technical Report (CS-087) (September 1986). M. Anderson and F. Berman, ``Removing Useless Tokens from a Dataflow Computation,'' submitted for publication (Jan 1987). \section{\sc References} Available on request. \end{resume} \end{document}