@techreport{JA:1, author="Joe Author", title="Title of Report", type="Research Report", institution="Department of Publication, Name of University", year=1999, number=23, address="City, State", month="October"} @article{AAJA:1, author="Arthur Author and Joe Author", title="Title of Journal Article", journal="Title of Journal", volume=76, pages="27--45", month="July", year=1776} @book{AB:1, author="Author Book", title="Title of Book", address="City, State of Publication", publisher="Name of Publishing Company", volume=1, edition="16th", year=1988} @inbook{MWJCDL:1, author="Matthew Wright and James Chodzko and Danny Luk", title="Title of Book", chapter="4--5", pages="56--99", address="College Station, Texas", publisher="Name of Publisher", year=1988} @booklet{HC:1, author="Han Chen", title="Title of Booklet", howpublished="Texas A\&M University", address="College Station, Texas", month="July", year=1989} @manual{ROPC:1, author="Russell L. Oertel and Pierce Cantrell", title="\LaTeX\ Example Manual", organization="Department of Electrical Engineering, Texas A\&M University", address="College Station, Texas", month="September", year=1988} @incollection{JS:1, author="Joseph W. Simpson", title="Title of Article", booktitle="Title of Book", editor="of Book, Editor", address="City, State of Publication", publisher="Name of Publishing Company", year=1983, chapter="3", pages="400--402"} @proceedings{PR:1, title="Title of Conference Proceedings", editor="Peter J. Rizzo", organization="Sponsoring Organization", address="Location of Symposium", publisher="Name of publisher", month="June", year=1987} @inproceedings{AA:1, author=" Arthur Article", title="Title of Conference Article", booktitle="Title of Conference Proceedings Record", organization="Sponsoring Organization", address="Location of Symposium", publisher="Name of Publisher", month="January", year=1989} @unpublished{PKGT:1, author="P. Kenneth and G. E. Taylor", title="Solution of variational problems with bounded control variables by means of the generalized {N}ewton-{Raphson} method", note="presented at the Symp.\ on Recent Advances in Optimization Techniques, Carnegie Inst.\ of Tech., Pittsburgh, Pa.", month="April", year=1965} @phdthesis{RL:1, author="R. E. Larson", title="Title of Dissertation", school="Stanford University", address="Stanford, California", year=1964} @mastersthesis{EG:1, author="Elaine G. Haschke", title="Title of Thesis", school="Drofnats University", address="West Yellowstone, Montana", month="May", year="1993"} @misc{JS:2, author="J. D. Simon", month="November", year=1963, howpublished="private communications"}