============================================================ emTeX/TDS -- fix #008 (2002-02-27) ============================================================ FixPak 8 for emTeX/TDS 0.56 is provided in the subdirectory fix008. Download all files from the subdirectory to a temporary folder; when downloading via FTP, use "binary" mode! Further installation instructions are provided in the file "readme.1st". Installing this package will 1) replace the obsolete/defective Metafont sources of the invisible SliTeX fonts; 2) update the .mf sources of the Concmath fonts, which are lacking the copyright information; 3) update modes.mf 4) enhance the documentation of dvips; 5) replace defective BaKoMa Type1 fonts with newer fonts from the Tt2001 collection; 6) update the French hyphenation patterns to v2.11; 7) update the Italian hyphenation patterns to v4.8d; 8) add the missing KOMA-Script bug report form (file komabug.tex) 9) remove a few junk files. == finis