% Un petit test pour ShLaTeX




\title{\shlatex\footnote{A complete and up to date description is available in \cite{bib:manuel}.
	}\ -- \LaTeX\ compilation script for Linux.}
\author{Mael Hilléreau}
\date{12$^{\textrm{\small th}}$ March, 2003}


     \shlatex\index{S!\shlatex}\ -- \LaTeX\index{L!\LaTeX}\ compilation script for Linux.

     \texttt{ShLaTeX [}\textit{options}\texttt{]} \texttt{sourceFile.tex}


\subsection{A begining}

\par This  script allows to centralize the many program calls necessary to completely
compile a \LaTeX\ document. In particular, the multiple  calls to  the \texttt{latex}
command necessary in order to create a \index{T!table of contents}, a
\textsc{Bib}\TeX\index{B!\textsc{Bib}\TeX} \index{B!bibliography} or an
index\index{I!Index} are carried out automatically. Are also managed  the  calls  to 
the  programs \texttt{bibtex\index{B!bibtex}} and \texttt{makeindex\index{M!makeindex}}
as well as the vizualisation of the resulting file (in DVI, PostScript or PDF  format)
by calling an external program.


\subsection{A continuation} \par Once  compilation  done,  the temporary files are
erased (option \textbf{-no-tmp}) or preserved (option \texttt{-tmp}). The DVI file
generated by \LaTeX\ can then directly be converted\index{C!Conversion} to the
PostScript or PDF formats. [\dots]

\subsection{The continuation of a continuation}

\par This  script  also provides the stressing of the French characters by the
intermediary of an external C program (named \texttt{tex8to7}) and  provided with  the
script. It also manages the C cedilla as well as the replacement of the quotation marks
by the \verb|\og| and \verb|\fg| commands (supposing that the quotation marks are
coupled). The quotation marks can be imbricated by using accodances for distinguishing 
the  different  quotation  mark couples.

\subsection{The continuation of the continuation of a continuation}

\par Well, now I don't want to say anymore\dots

