% Figures for MetaPost doc, by John Hobby. Public domain. input boxes if scantokens(mpversion) < 1.200: filenametemplate else: outputtemplate := fi "%j-%c.mps"; %%% This redefinition of dotlabel draws dots as a closed path %%% which are rendered more smoothly in Adobe Reader. vardef dotlabel@#(expr s,z) text t_ = label@#(s,z) t_; addto currentpicture contour (makepath pencircle scaled dotlabeldiam) shifted z t_; enddef; beginfig(48); fill unitsquare xscaled 1.1in yscaled .7in withcolor .9white; boxit(currentpicture); dx = dy = .25in; clearit; drawboxed(); forsuffixes $=n,c: makelabel.top(str $, $); endfor makelabel.bot("s",s); forsuffixes $=ne,e,se: makelabel.rt(str $, $); endfor forsuffixes $=nw,w,sw: makelabel.lft(str $, $); endfor pickup pencircle scaled .3bp; vardef larrow@#(expr a, da, s) = drawdblarrow a..a+da; label@#(s,a+.5da); enddef; larrow.rt(n, (0,-dy), "dy"); larrow.rt(s, (0,dy), "dy"); larrow.top(e, (-dx,0), "dx"); larrow.top(w, (dx,0), "dx"); endfig; beginfig(49); boxjoin(a.se=b.sw; a.ne=b.nw); boxit.a(btex\strut$\cdots$ etex); boxit.ni(btex\strut$n_i$ etex); boxit.di(btex\strut$d_i$ etex); boxit.ni1(btex\strut$n_{i+1}$ etex); boxit.di1(btex\strut$d_{i+1}$ etex); boxit.aa(btex\strut$\cdots$ etex); boxit.nk(btex\strut$n_k$ etex); boxit.dk(btex\strut$d_k$ etex); drawboxed(di,a,ni,ni1,di1,aa,nk,dk); label.lft("ndtable:", a.w); interim defaultdy:=7bp; boxjoin(a.sw=b.nw; a.se=b.ne); boxit.ba(); boxit.bb(); boxit.bc(); boxit.bd(btex $\vdots$ etex); boxit.be(); boxit.bf(); bd.dx=8bp; ba.ne=a.sw-(15bp,10bp); drawboxed(ba,bb,bc,bd,be,bf); label.lft("hashtab:",ba.w); vardef ndblock suffix $ = boxjoin(a.sw=b.nw; a.se=b.ne); forsuffixes $$=$1,$2,$3: boxit$$(); ($$dx,$$dy)=(5.5bp,4bp); endfor; enddef; ndblock nda; ndblock ndb; ndblock ndc; nda1.c-bb.c = ndb1.c-nda3.c = (whatever,0); xpart ndb3.se = xpart ndc1.ne = xpart di.c; ndc1.c - be.c = (whatever,0); drawboxed(nda1,nda2,nda3, ndb1,ndb2,ndb3, ndc1,ndc2,ndc3); drawarrow bb.c -- nda1.w; drawarrow be.c -- ndc1.w; drawarrow nda3.c -- ndb1.w; drawarrow nda1.c{right}..{curl0}ni.c cutafter bpath ni; drawarrow nda2.c{right}..{curl0}di.c cutafter bpath di; drawarrow ndc1.c{right}..{curl0}ni1.c cutafter bpath ni1; drawarrow ndc2.c{right}..{curl0}di1.c cutafter bpath di1; drawarrow ndb1.c{right}..nk.c cutafter bpath nk; drawarrow ndb2.c{right}..dk.c cutafter bpath dk; x.ptr=xpart aa.c; y.ptr=ypart ndc1.ne; drawarrow subpath (0,.7) of (z.ptr..{left}ndc3.c) dashed evenly; label.rt(btex \strut ndblock etex, z.ptr); endfig; \beginfig(50) interim circmargin := .07in; fill unitsquare xscaled 1.1in yscaled .7in withcolor .9white; circleit(currentpicture); dx = dy; clearit; drawboxed(); forsuffixes $=n,c: makelabel.top(str $, $); endfor makelabel.bot("s",s); makelabel.rt("e", e); makelabel.lft("w", w); pickup pencircle scaled .3bp; vardef larrow@#(expr a, da, s) = drawdblarrow a..a+da; label@#(s,a+.5da); enddef; larrow.rt(n, (0,-dy), "dy"); larrow.rt(s, (0,dy), "dy"); larrow.top(e, (-dx,0), "dx"); larrow.top(w, (dx,0), "dx"); endfig; vardef drawshadowed(text t) = fixsize(t); forsuffixes s=t: fill bpath.s shifted (1pt,-1pt); unfill bpath.s; drawboxed(s); endfor enddef; beginfig(51) circleit.a(btex Box 1 etex); circleit.b(btex Box 2 etex); b.n = a.s - (0,20pt); drawshadowed(a,b); drawarrow a.s -- b.n; endfig; vardef cuta(suffix a,b) expr p = drawarrow p cutbefore bpath.a cutafter bpath.b; point .5*length p of p enddef; vardef self@# expr p = cuta(@#,@#) @#.c{curl0}..@#.c+p..{curl0}@#.c enddef; beginfig(52); verbatimtex \def\stk#1#2{$\displaystyle{\matrix{#1\cr#2\cr}}$} etex circleit.aa(btex\strut Start etex); aa.dx=aa.dy; circleit.bb(btex \stk B{(a|b)^*a} etex); circleit.cc(btex \stk C{b^*} etex); circleit.dd(btex \stk D{(a|b)^*ab} etex); circleit.ee(btex\strut Stop etex); ee.dx=ee.dy; numeric hsep; bb.c-aa.c = dd.c-bb.c = ee.c-dd.c = (hsep,0); cc.c-bb.c = (0,.8hsep); xpart(ee.e - aa.w) = 3.8in; drawboxed(aa,bb,cc,dd,ee); label.ulft(btex$b$etex, cuta(aa,cc) aa.c{dir50}..cc.c); label.top(btex$b$etex, self.cc(0,30pt)); label.rt(btex$a$etex, cuta(cc,bb) cc.c..bb.c); label.top(btex$a$etex, cuta(aa,bb) aa.c..bb.c); label.llft(btex$a$etex, self.bb(-20pt,-35pt)); label.top(btex$b$etex, cuta(bb,dd) bb.c..dd.c); label.top(btex$b$etex, cuta(dd,ee) dd.c..ee.c); label.lrt(btex$a$etex, cuta(dd,bb) dd.c..{dir140}bb.c); label.bot(btex$a$etex, cuta(ee,bb) ee.c..tension1.3 ..{dir115}bb.c); label.urt(btex$b$etex, cuta(ee,cc) ee.c{(cc.c-ee.c)rotated-15}..cc.c); endfig; end