% $Id: test-structdest.tex 869 2021-11-04 21:46:36Z karl $ % Public domain. Originally by Marcel Kr\"uger, 2021. % Make some structured destinations with various syntax combinations. % Output is just checked by hand. \pdfcompresslevel=0 \pdfobjcompresslevel=0 \pdfoutput=1 \catcode`\{=1 \catcode`\}=2 \output={\global\advance\count0 by 1 \shipout\box255 } \def\eject{\par\penalty-10000 } \def\space{ } \pdfdest num 42 fit % Assuming that 12345 0 R is a valid reference to the non-existing % structure element at this location... \pdfdest struct 12345 num 42 fit Hello \hfill\eject \pdfdest name {earth} fit \pdfdest struct 1337 name {earth} fit World \vfill\eject \noindent \pdfstartlink goto struct num 42 num 42 First\pdfendlink \space \pdfstartlink goto struct name {earth} num 42 Combination 1\pdfendlink \space \pdfstartlink goto struct num 42 name {earth} Combination 1\pdfendlink \space \pdfstartlink goto struct name {earth} name {earth} Second\pdfendlink \space \pdfstartlink goto struct name {i_dont_exists} name {me neither} Third\pdfendlink \space \pdfstartlink goto file {f.pdf} struct {[(external_element_id) /Fit]} name {marcel} Forth\pdfendlink \end