# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4 PortSystem 1.0 PortGroup xcodeversion 1.0 name zlib version 1.3.1 revision 0 checksums rmd160 7511a449069f0b02f5c691b9ae63d1e996f45700 \ sha256 38ef96b8dfe510d42707d9c781877914792541133e1870841463bfa73f883e32 \ size 1305740 categories archivers maintainers {ryandesign @ryandesign} openmaintainer license zlib homepage https://www.zlib.net/ platforms darwin freebsd description zlib lossless data-compression library long_description zlib is designed to be a free, general-purpose, \ legally unencumbered, lossless data-compression \ library for use on virtually any computer hardware \ and operating system. master_sites ${homepage} if {${os.platform} eq "darwin" && ${os.major} < 11 && ${configure.cxx_stdlib} eq "libc++"} { # This port is used by clang-3.4 to bootstrap libcxx, which is # indirectly used by the normal xz port. depends_extract port:xz-bootstrap depends_skip_archcheck-append xz-bootstrap extract.suffix .tar.xz extract.cmd ${prefix}/libexec/xz-bootstrap/bin/xz # Doesn't actually use C++, and having the stdlib set to libc++ # on 10.6 causes a macports-clang compiler to be selected. configure.cxx_stdlib } else { use_xz yes } minimum_xcodeversions {8 2.4.1 9 3.1} configure.universal_args use_parallel_build yes test.run yes destroot.destdir prefix=${destroot}${prefix} if {${name} eq ${subport}} { revision 0 post-destroot { platform darwin { foreach {neededfile} "${prefix}/lib/libz.dylib" { if {![file exists ${destroot}${neededfile}]} { ui_error "${neededfile} is not in the destroot. Please clean ${name} and try again." return -code error "missing ${neededfile} in destroot" } } } set docdir ${prefix}/share/doc/${name} xinstall -d ${destroot}${docdir} xinstall -m 0644 -W ${worksrcpath} ChangeLog FAQ README zlib.3.pdf ${destroot}${docdir} set examplesdir ${prefix}/share/examples/${name} xinstall -d ${destroot}${examplesdir} xinstall -m 0644 {*}[glob ${worksrcpath}/example{.c,s/*}] ${destroot}${examplesdir} } livecheck.type regex livecheck.url ${homepage} livecheck.regex ${name}-(\[0-9.\]+)\\.tar } else { livecheck.type none } subport minizip { revision 0 description Minizip zip file manipulation library long_description ${description} worksrcdir ${worksrcdir}/contrib/minizip depends_lib-append port:zlib use_autoreconf yes autoreconf.args -fvi configure.args --enable-demos }