# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4 PortSystem 1.0 PortGroup github 1.0 PortGroup xcode 1.0 github.setup acidanthera MaciASL 1.6.4 revision 1 categories devel aqua maintainers {i0ntempest @i0ntempest} openmaintainer license GPL-3 description A native AML compiler and IDE for macOS long_description ${description}, with syntax coloring, tree navigation, automated patching, \ online patch file repositories, and iASL binary updates. Written entirely \ in Cocoa, conforms to macOS guidelines. checksums rmd160 b642d3ac89c5b22c00318f0526798478eba71afa \ sha256 761d1376339e84e0cf3479b4ce3dbf10a67e40ced1618cf3d353c150993def0e \ size 5699066 depends_run-append port:acpica xcode.target MaciASL xcode.configuration Release if {${os.major} >= 22} { xcode.build.settings-append \ CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY=- } else { xcode.build.settings-append \ CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY= CODE_SIGNING_REQUIRED=NO } destroot { file copy ${worksrcpath}/build/${xcode.configuration}/MaciASL.app ${destroot}${applications_dir} ln -fs ${prefix}/bin/iasl ${destroot}${applications_dir}/MaciASL.app/Contents/MacOS/iasl-dev if {${os.major} >= 22} { # Manually fix signature after messing with iasl-dev binary system -W ${destroot}${applications_dir} "/usr/bin/codesign --sign - --deep --force MaciASL.app" } }