# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4 PortSystem 1.0 PortGroup github 1.0 PortGroup cmake 1.1 github.setup mamba-org mamba 2024.03.25 github.tarball_from archive name libmamba version 1.5.8 revision 1 categories devel license BSD maintainers {l2dy @l2dy} openmaintainer checksums rmd160 8229157ae93d198c2922a31e3aeadf15bb37348f \ sha256 6ddaf4b0758eb7ca1250f427bc40c2c3ede43257a60bac54e4320a4de66759a6 \ size 1005020 compiler.cxx_standard 2017 depends_build-append \ port:ghc-filesystem \ port:nlohmann-json \ port:termcolor \ port:tl-expected depends_lib-append port:libarchive \ port:libfmt9 cmake.module_path-append \ ${prefix}/lib/libfmt9/cmake if {${subport} eq ${name}} { description a reimplementation of the conda package manager in C++ long_description Mamba is {*}${description}. depends_build-append \ port:python312 \ port:zstdConfig.cmake depends_lib-append port:libsolv \ port:reproc \ port:spdlog \ port:yaml-cpp \ port:zstd configure.args -DBUILD_LIBMAMBA=ON \ -DBUILD_SHARED=ON } subport micromamba { description a tiny version of the mamba package manager long_description micromamba is a tiny version of the mamba package manager. \ It is a pure C++ package with a separate command line \ interface. It can be used to bootstrap environments (as an \ alternative to miniconda), but it's currently experimental. categories-append sysutils depends_build-append \ port:CLI11 \ port:zstdConfig.cmake depends_lib-append port:libmamba configure.args -DBUILD_MICROMAMBA=ON \ -DMICROMAMBA_LINKAGE=DYNAMIC } livecheck.url ${github.homepage}/releases/latest livecheck.regex {releases/expanded_assets/([^"]+)"}