# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4 PortSystem 1.0 name swig3 version 3.0.12 revision 5 checksums rmd160 41877e9de3ff598731ef36161f77fa66dec3c301 \ sha256 7cf9f447ae7ed1c51722efc45e7f14418d15d7a1e143ac9f09a668999f4fc94d \ size 8149820 categories devel maintainers {michaelld @michaelld} openmaintainer # The swig tool itself is GPL, but code incorporated into dependents has a # permissive license. license {GPL-3+ Permissive} description Tool to wrap C/C++ libraries in high-level languages. long_description \ SWIG is a software development tool that connects programs written in C \ and C++ with a variety of high-level programming languages. SWIG is \ primarily used with common scripting languages such as Perl, Python, \ Tcl/Tk, Ruby, Guile and MzScheme, however the list of supported languages \ also includes non-scripting languages such as Java and OCAML. SWIG is \ most commonly used to create high-level interpreted programming \ environments, user interfaces, and as a tool for testing and \ prototyping C/C++ software. SWIG may be freely used, distributed, and \ modified for commercial and noncommercial use. homepage http://www.swig.org/ master_sites sourceforge:project/swig/swig/swig-${version} dist_subdir swig distfiles swig-${version}${extract.suffix} worksrcdir swig-${version} depends_build port:bison \ port:gsed post-patch { # The configure script should use GNU sed reinplace "s/\[\[:<:\]\]sed\[\[:>:\]\]/gsed/g" ${worksrcpath}/configure } build.target test.run yes test.target check configure.args-append --without-php5 array set bindings { chicken {port:chicken chicken} clisp {port:clisp clisp} csharp {port:mono csharp} gcj {port:gcc47 "gcj=${prefix}/bin/gcj-mp-4.7 --with-gcjh=${prefix}/bin/gcjh-mp-4.7"} d {port:phobos d} go {port:go go} guile {port:guile-2.2 "guile=${prefix}/bin/guile-2.2 --with-guile-config=${prefix}/bin/guile-config-2.2"} java {{} java} lua {port:lua "lua=${prefix}/bin/lua"} ocaml {port:ocaml ocaml} octave {path:bin/octave:octave octave} perl {path:bin/perl:perl5 perl5=${prefix}/bin/perl} php {port:php72 "php=${prefix}/bin/php72"} pike {port:pike pike} python {port:python_select python} r {port:R r} ruby {port:ruby23 "ruby=${prefix}/bin/ruby2.3"} tcl {port:tcl tcl} } array set prettynames {chicken Chicken clisp CLISP csharp "C#" d D gcj GCJ go Go guile Guile java Java lua Lua ocaml "Objective Caml" octave Octave perl5 Perl php "PHP 5" pike Pike python Python r R ruby Ruby tcl Tcl} options swig.lang default swig.lang "" foreach lang [lsort [array names bindings]] { set arg [lindex $bindings($lang) 1] set arg_name [lindex [split ${arg} =] 0] subport swig3-${lang} " depends_lib-append [lindex $bindings($lang) 0] configure.args-append --with-${arg} destroot.args lib-languages=\"${arg_name}\" swig.lang $arg_name platforms any supported_archs noarch " if {${swig.lang} != $arg_name} { configure.args-append --without-${arg_name} } } subport swig3-d { # MacPorts has DMD at which supports macOS up to 12 # See: https://forum.dlang.org/thread/yrmpzhhpuwdgnfaldstz@forum.dlang.org platforms-append {darwin <= 21} } subport swig3-java { PortGroup java 1.0 java.version 1.4+ # Set fallback to an LTS Java version java.fallback openjdk8 } subport swig3-php { # patch to fix finding of "php-configXY" patchfiles-append patch-configure.diff variant php53 conflicts php54 php55 php56 php70 php71 php72 description {build using PHP 5.3} { depends_lib-delete port:php72 depends_lib-append port:php53 configure.args-delete --with-php=${prefix}/bin/php72 configure.args-delete --without-php5 configure.args-append --with-php5=${prefix}/bin/php53 --without-php } variant php54 conflicts php53 php55 php56 php70 php71 php72 description {build using PHP 5.4} { depends_lib-delete port:php72 depends_lib-append port:php54 configure.args-delete --with-php=${prefix}/bin/php72 configure.args-delete --without-php5 configure.args-append --with-php5=${prefix}/bin/php54 --without-php } variant php55 conflicts php53 php54 php56 php70 php71 php72 description {build using PHP 5.5} { depends_lib-delete port:php72 depends_lib-append port:php55 configure.args-delete --with-php=${prefix}/bin/php72 configure.args-delete --without-php5 configure.args-append --with-php5=${prefix}/bin/php55 --without-php } variant php56 conflicts php53 php54 php55 php70 php71 php72 description {build using PHP 5.6} { depends_lib-delete port:php72 depends_lib-append port:php56 configure.args-delete --with-php=${prefix}/bin/php72 configure.args-delete --without-php5 configure.args-append --with-php5=${prefix}/bin/php56 --without-php } variant php70 conflicts php53 php54 php55 php56 php71 php72 description {build using PHP 7.0} { depends_lib-delete port:php72 depends_lib-append port:php70 configure.args-delete --with-php=${prefix}/bin/php72 configure.args-append --with-php=${prefix}/bin/php70 } variant php71 conflicts php53 php54 php55 php56 php70 php72 description {build using PHP 7.1} { depends_lib-delete port:php72 depends_lib-append port:php71 configure.args-delete --with-php=${prefix}/bin/php72 configure.args-append --with-php=${prefix}/bin/php71 } variant php72 conflicts php53 php54 php55 php56 php70 php71 description {build using PHP 7.2} {} if {![variant_isset php53] && ![variant_isset php54] && ![variant_isset php55] && ![variant_isset php56] && ![variant_isset php70] && ![variant_isset php71] && ![variant_isset php72]} { default_variants +php72 } if {![variant_isset php53] && ![variant_isset php54] && ![variant_isset php55] && ![variant_isset php56] && ![variant_isset php70] && ![variant_isset php71] && ![variant_isset php72]} { ui_error "\n\nA +phpXY variant must be selected; the variant '-php72' cannot be used alone.\n" return -code error "Invalid variant selection" } } subport swig3-gcj { # gcc4x is supported up to 10.6 platforms-append {darwin <= 10} variant gcc43 conflicts gcc44 gcc45 gcc47 gcc48 description {build using GCJ 4.3} { depends_lib-delete port:gcc47 depends_lib-append port:gcc43 configure.args-delete --with-gcj=${prefix}/bin/gcj-mp-4.7 --with-gcjh=${prefix}/bin/gcjh-mp-4.7 configure.args-append --with-gcj=${prefix}/bin/gcj-mp-4.3 --with-gcjh=${prefix}/bin/gcjh-mp-4.3 } variant gcc44 conflicts gcc43 gcc45 gcc47 gcc48 description {build using GCJ 4.4} { depends_lib-delete port:gcc47 depends_lib-append port:gcc44 configure.args-delete --with-gcj=${prefix}/bin/gcj-mp-4.7 --with-gcjh=${prefix}/bin/gcjh-mp-4.7 configure.args-append --with-gcj=${prefix}/bin/gcj-mp-4.4 --with-gcjh=${prefix}/bin/gcjh-mp-4.4 } variant gcc45 conflicts gcc43 gcc44 gcc47 gcc48 description {build using GCJ 4.5} { depends_lib-delete port:gcc47 depends_lib-append port:gcc45 configure.args-delete --with-gcj=${prefix}/bin/gcj-mp-4.7 --with-gcjh=${prefix}/bin/gcjh-mp-4.7 configure.args-append --with-gcj=${prefix}/bin/gcj-mp-4.5 --with-gcjh=${prefix}/bin/gcjh-mp-4.5 } # No +gcc46 because the gcc46 port does not build GCJ. variant gcc48 conflicts gcc43 gcc44 gcc45 gcc47 description {build using GCJ 4.8} { depends_lib-delete port:gcc47 depends_lib-append port:gcc48 configure.args-delete --with-gcj=${prefix}/bin/gcj-mp-4.7 --with-gcjh=${prefix}/bin/gcjh-mp-4.7 configure.args-append --with-gcj=${prefix}/bin/gcj-mp-4.8 --with-gcjh=${prefix}/bin/gcjh-mp-4.8 } # Placeholder variant for the default. variant gcc47 conflicts gcc43 gcc44 gcc45 gcc48 description {build using GCJ 4.7} {} if {![variant_isset gcc43] && ![variant_isset gcc44] && ![variant_isset gcc45] && ![variant_isset gcc47] && ![variant_isset gcc48]} { default_variants +gcc47 } if {![variant_isset gcc43] && ![variant_isset gcc44] && ![variant_isset gcc45] && ![variant_isset gcc47] && ![variant_isset gcc48]} { ui_error "\n\nA +gcc4X variant must be selected; the variant '-gcc47' cannot be used alone.\n" return -code error "Invalid variant selection" } } subport swig3-pike { # See: # - https://trac.macports.org/ticket/31384 # - https://trac.macports.org/ticket/68011 known_fail yes } subport swig3-ruby { variant ruby186 conflicts ruby187 ruby19 ruby20 ruby21 ruby22 ruby23 ruby24 description {build using Ruby 1.8.6} { depends_lib-delete port:ruby23 depends_lib-append port:ruby186 configure.args-delete --with-ruby=${prefix}/bin/ruby2.3 configure.args-append --with-ruby=${prefix}/bin/ruby } variant ruby187 conflicts ruby186 ruby19 ruby20 ruby21 ruby22 ruby23 ruby24 description {build using Ruby 1.8.7} { depends_lib-delete port:ruby23 depends_lib-append port:ruby configure.args-delete --with-ruby=${prefix}/bin/ruby2.3 configure.args-append --with-ruby=${prefix}/bin/ruby1.8 } variant ruby19 conflicts ruby186 ruby187 ruby20 ruby21 ruby22 ruby23 ruby24 description {build using Ruby 1.9} { depends_lib-delete port:ruby23 depends_lib-append port:ruby19 configure.args-delete --with-ruby=${prefix}/bin/ruby2.3 configure.args-append --with-ruby=${prefix}/bin/ruby1.9 } variant ruby20 conflicts ruby186 ruby187 ruby19 ruby21 ruby22 ruby23 ruby24 description {build using Ruby 2.0} { depends_lib-delete port:ruby23 depends_lib-append port:ruby20 configure.args-delete --with-ruby=${prefix}/bin/ruby2.3 configure.args-append --with-ruby=${prefix}/bin/ruby2.0 } variant ruby21 conflicts ruby186 ruby187 ruby19 ruby20 ruby22 ruby23 ruby24 description {build using Ruby 2.1} { depends_lib-delete port:ruby23 depends_lib-append port:ruby21 configure.args-delete --with-ruby=${prefix}/bin/ruby2.3 configure.args-append --with-ruby=${prefix}/bin/ruby2.1 } variant ruby22 conflicts ruby186 ruby187 ruby19 ruby20 ruby21 ruby23 ruby24 description {build using Ruby 2.2} { depends_lib-delete port:ruby23 depends_lib-append port:ruby22 configure.args-delete --with-ruby=${prefix}/bin/ruby2.3 configure.args-append --with-ruby=${prefix}/bin/ruby2.2 } variant ruby23 conflicts ruby186 ruby187 ruby19 ruby20 ruby21 ruby22 ruby24 description {build using Ruby 2.3} { # depends_lib-delete port:ruby # depends_lib-append port:ruby23 # configure.args-delete --with-ruby=${prefix}/bin/ruby2.3 # configure.args-append --with-ruby=${prefix}/bin/ruby2.3 } variant ruby24 conflicts ruby186 ruby187 ruby19 ruby20 ruby21 ruby22 ruby23 description {build using Ruby 2.4} { depends_lib-delete port:ruby23 depends_lib-append port:ruby24 configure.args-delete --with-ruby=${prefix}/bin/ruby2.3 configure.args-append --with-ruby=${prefix}/bin/ruby2.4 } if {![variant_isset ruby186] && ![variant_isset ruby187] && ![variant_isset ruby19] && ![variant_isset ruby20] && ![variant_isset ruby21] && ![variant_isset ruby22] && ![variant_isset ruby23] && ![variant_isset ruby24]} { default_variants +ruby23 } if {![variant_isset ruby186] && ![variant_isset ruby187] && ![variant_isset ruby19] && ![variant_isset ruby20] && ![variant_isset ruby21] && ![variant_isset ruby22] && ![variant_isset ruby23] && ![variant_isset ruby24]} { ui_error "\n\nA +rubyXY variant must be selected; the variant '-ruby23' cannot be used alone.\n" return -code error "Invalid variant selection" } } if {${swig.lang} eq ""} { depends_lib port:pcre set docdir ${prefix}/share/doc/${name}-${version} destroot.args lib-languages="typemaps" post-destroot { xinstall -d ${destroot}${docdir} xinstall -m 0644 -W ${worksrcpath} ANNOUNCE CHANGES LICENSE README \ TODO ${destroot}${docdir} } variant doc description {Install extra documentation} { post-destroot { xinstall -d ${destroot}${docdir}/html xinstall -m 0644 {*}[glob ${worksrcpath}/Doc/Manual/*.{css,html,pdf,png}] \ ${destroot}${docdir}/html } } # rename the swig binary to avoid conflict post-destroot { move ${destroot}${prefix}/bin/swig ${destroot}${prefix}/bin/swig3 move ${destroot}${prefix}/bin/ccache-swig ${destroot}${prefix}/bin/ccache-swig3 } livecheck.type regex livecheck.url https://sourceforge.net/projects/swig/files/swig/ livecheck.regex >swig-(3(?:\\.\\d+)*)< } else { description $prettynames(${swig.lang}) binding for swig long_description \ SWIG is a software development tool that connects programs written in C \ and C++ with a variety of high-level programming languages. This is the \ $prettynames(${swig.lang}) binding. depends_lib-append port:swig3 livecheck.type none post-destroot { delete ${destroot}${prefix}/bin delete ${destroot}${prefix}/share/man foreach f [glob -directory ${destroot}${prefix}/share/swig/${version} *] { if {[file tail $f] != ${swig.lang}} { delete $f } } } }