# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4 PortSystem 1.0 # Please keep the minivmac and minivmac-devel ports as similar as possible. set my_name minivmac set my_suffix {} name ${my_name}${my_suffix} set my_subport [regsub -- {-devel$} ${subport} {}] conflicts [lsearch -all -inline -not -exact [list ${my_subport} ${my_subport}-devel] ${subport}] version 36.04 set my_version [strsed ${version} {g/^.*-20//}] categories emulators aqua maintainers {ryandesign @ryandesign} license GPL-2 homepage http://www.gryphel.org/c/minivmac/ platforms macosx dist_subdir ${my_name} description an emulator of the Macintosh Plus and other \ early Macintosh models long_description Mini vMac emulates early Macintosh computers \ that use Motorola's 680x0 processors, sold by \ Apple from 1984 to 1996. options my_variations default my_variations {} if {${my_subport} eq ${my_name}} { PortGroup stub 1.0 stub.subport_name ${my_subport} supported_archs noarch platforms any livecheck.type regex livecheck.url ${homepage}doc/download.html livecheck.regex ${my_name}-(\[0-9.\]+)\\.src long_description-append The best-tested variation emulates a Macintosh \ Plus, but it can also emulate a Macintosh \ 128K, 512K, 512Ke, SE, SE FDHD, Classic, or \ Macintosh II. revision 0 depends_run port:${my_name}-plus${my_suffix} notes " The ${subport} stub port is not meant to be installed. Instead,\ install one (or more) of the available subports corresponding to the\ Macintosh model(s) you wish to emulate. Use `port info --subports\ ${subport}\' to see the list of available subports. " } else { livecheck.type none revision 0 supported_archs i386 ppc x86_64 distname ${my_name}-${my_version} master_sites http://www.gryphel.org/d/minivmac/minivmac-${my_version}/:minivmacsource \ sourceforge:project/minivmac/minivmac-extras/extras6:minivmacextras6 set my_src ${distname}.src set my_src_distfile ${my_src}.tgz set my_icons icnsosx-1.0.0 set my_icons_distfile ${my_icons}.zip distfiles ${my_src_distfile}:minivmacsource \ ${my_icons_distfile}:minivmacextras6 extract.only ${my_src_distfile} checksums ${my_src_distfile} \ rmd160 613534f9aa4fd779d245f5511731617df4da3bb6 \ sha256 9b7343cec87723177a203e69ad3baf20f49b4e8f03619e366c4bf2705167dfa4 \ size 500742 \ ${my_icons_distfile} \ rmd160 cef6d7d7578464538d0042b0d98379ae7f18fab7 \ sha256 968a0bad51903c9cd3b08476ec5a6572856dc44eedf9ff9b174eb9c59b7b7117 \ size 60373 depends_extract-append bin:unzip:unzip depends_skip_archcheck unzip patchfiles configuration.patch set my_app_dir "${applications_dir}/Mini vMac" set mnvm_target(i386) imch set mnvm_target(ppc) mach set mnvm_target(x86_64) mc64 # Options that are the same for every variation. configure.pre_args -api cco \ -gse 1 \ -sony-sum 1 \ -sony-tag 1 # Options set by variations. configure.args # Options set by variants. configure.post_args worksrcdir ${my_name} build.dir ${workpath}/build post-extract { system -W ${workpath} "unzip -q [shellescape ${distpath}/${my_icons_distfile}]" } post-patch { # Tell the build system what the Xcode version is; theoretically # this lets it use flags better suited to that Xcode version. if {[info exists xcodeversion]} { set xcodeversion_split [concat [split ${xcodeversion} {.}] {0 0 0}] set ide_vers [lindex ${xcodeversion_split} 0][string range [join [lrange ${xcodeversion_split} 1 end] {}] 0 2] } else { set ide_vers 9410 } reinplace "s|@IDE_VERS@|${ide_vers}|g" ${worksrcpath}/setup/CONFIGUR.i # Use prettier icons. foreach icon {App Dsk Rom} { move -force ${workpath}/${my_icons}/icons/${icon}Icon.icns \ ${worksrcpath}/src/ICON[string toupper ${icon}]O.icns } delete ${workpath}/${my_icons} } configure { xinstall -W ${filespath} configure ${worksrcpath} set my_variation_dirs {} # Delete remnants from possible previous run. delete ${build.dir} # Configure all variations. foreach my_arch [get_canonical_archs] { foreach {my_machine my_variation_options} ${my_variations} { set my_variation ${my_version}_${revision}-[strsed [string tolower ${my_machine}] {g/[^a-z0-9_-]//}]-$mnvm_target(${my_arch}) ui_debug "Configuring ${my_variation}" set my_variation_dir ${my_arch}/${my_machine} file mkdir ${build.dir}/${my_variation_dir} configure.args -t $mnvm_target(${my_arch}) \ -n ${my_variation} \ @ \ {*}${my_variation_options} set all_configure_args [concat ${configure.pre_args} ${configure.args} ${configure.post_args}] # Run the configure script. system -W ${build.dir}/${my_variation_dir} "CC=[shellescape ${configure.cc}] CFLAGS=[shellescape ${configure.optflags}] [shellescape ${worksrcpath}/configure] ${all_configure_args}" lappend my_variation_dirs [strsed ${my_variation_dir} {g/ /\\\\ /}] # Use the right compiler. reinplace "s|gcc|${configure.cc}|g" ${build.dir}/${my_variation_dir}/Makefile # Use the right deployment target. reinplace -E {s|-mmacosx-version-min=[0-9.]+||g} ${build.dir}/${my_variation_dir}/Makefile # Use the right SDK. if {${configure.sdkroot} eq {}} { set sdkflags {} } else { set sdkflags "-isysroot${configure.sdkroot}" } reinplace -E "s|-isysroot *\[^ \]+|${sdkflags}|g" ${build.dir}/${my_variation_dir}/Makefile # Prevent merge error. if {[variant_exists universal] && [variant_isset universal]} { reinplace "s|$mnvm_target(${my_arch})|umch|" ${build.dir}/${my_variation_dir}/cfg/Info.plist } } } # Set up the global Makefile. xinstall ${filespath}/Makefile.in ${build.dir}/Makefile reinplace "s|@SUBDIRS@|[join ${my_variation_dirs}]|" ${build.dir}/Makefile } destroot { foreach my_arch [get_canonical_archs] { if {[variant_exists universal] && [variant_isset universal]} { set my_dest ${workpath}/pre-dest/${my_arch} } else { set my_dest ${destroot} } xinstall -d ${my_dest}${my_app_dir} foreach {my_machine unused} ${my_variations} { copy ${build.dir}/${my_arch}/${my_machine}/minivmac.app \ "${my_dest}${my_app_dir}/Mini vMac ${my_machine}.app" } } if {[variant_exists universal] && [variant_isset universal]} { merge ${workpath}/pre-dest } foreach {my_machine unused} ${my_variations} { set my_dest_mnvm_dat "${destroot}${my_app_dir}/Mini vMac ${my_machine}.app/Contents/mnvm_dat" destroot.keepdirs-append ${my_dest_mnvm_dat} } } } set default_screen_size 512x342 set default_speed 8x subport ${my_name}-128k${my_suffix} { my_variations {128K} {-m 128K} } subport ${my_name}-512k${my_suffix} { my_variations {512K} {-m 128K -mem 512K} } subport ${my_name}-512ke${my_suffix} { my_variations {512Ke} {-m 512Ke} } subport ${my_name}-plus${my_suffix} { my_variations {Plus} {-m Plus} default_variants +icon_master } subport ${my_name}-se${my_suffix} { my_variations {SE} {-m SE} } subport ${my_name}-sefdhd${my_suffix} { my_variations {SE FDHD} {-m SEFDHD} } subport ${my_name}-classic${my_suffix} { my_variations {Classic} {-m Classic} } subport ${my_name}-ii${my_suffix} { my_variations {II} {-m II} set default_color_depth 256 set default_screen_size 640x480 set default_speed 4x } subport ${my_name}-custom${my_suffix} { long_description-append This subport allows the user to compile custom \ variations of Mini vMac. archive_sites set custom_conf_name custom.conf set custom_conf ${prefix}/etc/${my_name}/${custom_conf_name} set local_custom_conf ${worksrcpath}/${custom_conf_name} if {![file exists ${custom_conf}]} { known_fail yes } pre-configure { if {[file exists ${custom_conf}]} { copy -force ${custom_conf} ${local_custom_conf} } else { delete ${local_custom_conf} } setup_custom_variations } pre-destroot { setup_custom_variations } proc custom_variation_error {err} { global name ui_error "For instructions, see" ui_error " https://github.com/macports/macports-ports/blob/master/emulators/${name}/files/README-custom.md" return -code error ${err} } proc add_custom_variation {variation_name variation_options} { if {${variation_options} ne {}} { my_variations-append ${variation_name} ${variation_options} } } proc setup_custom_variations {} { global custom_conf custom_conf_name local_custom_conf filespath if {![file exists ${local_custom_conf}]} { ui_error "This subport allows you to compile custom variations. Copy" ui_error " ${filespath}/${custom_conf_name}.sample" ui_error "to" ui_error " ${custom_conf}" ui_error "and then edit ${custom_conf_name}." custom_variation_error "missing ${custom_conf_name}" } my_variations set fp [open ${local_custom_conf} r] set custom_data [read ${fp}] close ${fp} set custom_lines [split ${custom_data} "\n"] set custom_name {Custom} set custom_options {} set custom_line_number 0 set custom_line_continue no foreach custom_line ${custom_lines} { incr custom_line_number if {[regexp -- {^\s*[;#]} ${custom_line}]} { continue } elseif {${custom_line_continue}} { set custom_line_continue [regsub -- {^(.*)\\$} ${custom_line} {\1} custom_line] append custom_${custom_key} " [string trim ${custom_line}]" } elseif {[regexp -- {^([^=]+)=(.*)$} ${custom_line} -> custom_key custom_value]} { set custom_line_continue [regsub -- {^(.*)\\$} ${custom_value} {\1} custom_value] set custom_key [string trim ${custom_key}] set custom_${custom_key} [string trim ${custom_value}] } elseif {[regexp -- {^\s*\[([^\]]+)\]\s*$} ${custom_line} -> new_custom_name]} { add_custom_variation ${custom_name} ${custom_options} set custom_name ${new_custom_name} set custom_options {} } elseif ![regexp -- {^\s*$} ${custom_line}] { ui_error "Syntax error on line ${custom_line_number} of ${custom_conf_name}: '${custom_line}'" custom_variation_error "syntax error in ${custom_conf_name}" } } add_custom_variation ${custom_name} ${custom_options} if {[option my_variations] eq {}} { ui_error "No custom variations defined in ${custom_conf_name}." custom_variation_error "no variations in ${custom_conf_name}" } } } if {${my_subport} ni [list "${my_name}" "${my_name}-custom"]} { description a Macintosh [lindex ${my_variations} 0] emulator long_description-append This subport emulates a Macintosh \ [lindex ${my_variations} 0]. if {[lindex ${my_variations} 0] eq "Plus"} { long_description-append This is the best-tested variation. } long_description-append There are other subports that emulate other Macintosh \ models. variant icon_master description {Take ownership of disk image files and ROM image files; at most one copy of Mini vMac should do this} { configure.post_args-append \ -im 1 } variant min_extensions description {Disable extensions not needed for most situations, including clipboard import/export and file/disk image creation} { configure.post_args-append \ -min-extn } if {${my_subport} eq "${my_name}-ii"} { set color_depths { 0 bw {Black and white only} 1 4 {4 colors or black and white} 2 16 {16 colors or black and white} 3 256 {256 colors or black and white} 4 thousands {Thousands of colors or black and white} 5 millions {Millions of colors or black and white} } foreach {color_depth color_depth_name color_depth_description} ${color_depths} { lappend color_depth_variants colors_${color_depth_name} } set set_default_color_depth_variant yes foreach {color_depth color_depth_name color_depth_description} ${color_depths} { set color_depth_variant colors_${color_depth_name} variant ${color_depth_variant} conflicts {*}[lsearch -all -inline -not -exact ${color_depth_variants} ${color_depth_variant}] description ${color_depth_description} " configure.post_args-append -depth ${color_depth} " if {[variant_isset ${color_depth_variant}]} { set set_default_color_depth_variant no } } if {${set_default_color_depth_variant}} { default_variants +colors_${default_color_depth} } } set screen_sizes {512x342 512x384} if {${my_subport} ne "${my_name}-128k"} { lappend screen_sizes 640x480 800x600 1024x768 } foreach screen_size ${screen_sizes} { lappend screen_size_variants screen_${screen_size} } set set_default_screen_size_variant yes foreach screen_size ${screen_sizes} { set screen_hres [lindex [split ${screen_size} {x}] 0] set screen_vres [lindex [split ${screen_size} {x}] 1] set screen_size_variant screen_${screen_size} variant ${screen_size_variant} conflicts {*}[lsearch -all -inline -not -exact ${screen_size_variants} ${screen_size_variant}] description "Screen size ${screen_size}" " configure.post_args-append -hres ${screen_hres} -vres ${screen_vres} " if {[variant_isset ${screen_size_variant}]} { set set_default_screen_size_variant no } } if {${set_default_screen_size_variant}} { default_variants +screen_${default_screen_size} } set speeds {z 1x 1 2x 2 4x 3 8x 4 16x 5 32x a unlimited} foreach {speed speed_name} ${speeds} { lappend speed_variants speed_${speed_name} } set set_default_speed_variant yes foreach {speed speed_name} ${speeds} { set speed_variant speed_${speed_name} variant ${speed_variant} conflicts {*}[lsearch -all -inline -not -exact ${speed_variants} ${speed_variant}] description "Default CPU speed ${speed_name}" " configure.post_args-append -speed ${speed} " if {[variant_isset ${speed_variant}]} { set set_default_speed_variant no } } if {${set_default_speed_variant}} { default_variants +speed_${default_speed} } }