# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4 PortSystem 1.0 PortGroup github 1.0 PortGroup cmake 1.1 PortGroup active_variants 1.1 PortGroup compiler_blacklist_versions 1.0 PortGroup boost 1.0 name openimageio categories graphics license BSD maintainers {mcalhoun @MarcusCalhoun-Lopez} openmaintainer description a library for reading and writing images long_description OpenImageIO is a library for reading and writing images, and a bunch of \ related classes, utilities, and applications. # Keep this condition the same in the opencolorio, openimageio, and osl ports. set port_latest [expr {${os.platform} ne "darwin" || ${os.major} >= 20}] if {${port_latest}} { github.setup AcademySoftwareFoundation OpenImageIO v revision 1 checksums rmd160 acca3794870850f6d39e41e62e9370bf6ff9565b \ sha256 8f6a547f6a5d510737ba436f867043db537def65f0fdb14ec30e5a185b619f93 \ size 52061055 } else { github.setup AcademySoftwareFoundation OpenImageIO v revision 15 checksums rmd160 7f241baddcc6e731a29fb37090e4582953560f38 \ sha256 0ad46bda55d6357a3c474b8c8ccbb41d9732313247cffaf4a65fc50e6aad9e78 \ size 29116032 livecheck.type none } github.tarball_from archive if {${port_latest}} { depends_lib-append port:imath \ port:openexr \ port:openvdb \ port:onetbb #configure.args-append -DUSE_TBB=OFF configure.args-append -DTBB_ROOT=${prefix}/libexec/onetbb set ffmpeg_ver 6 #configure.args-append -DUSE_FFMPEG=OFF depends_lib-append port:ffmpeg${ffmpeg_ver} configure.pkg_config_path-prepend \ ${prefix}/libexec/ffmpeg${ffmpeg_ver}/lib/pkgconfig } else { patchfiles-append patch-FindOpenJpeg.cmake.diff patchfiles-append patch-libraw-0.21.0.diff patchfiles-append patch-2.1.20-cmake-disable-wall-werror.diff depends_lib-append port:field3d \ port:openexr2 \ port:tbb configure.pkg_config_path-prepend \ ${prefix}/libexec/openexr2/lib/pkgconfig # https://trac.macports.org/ticket/69842 configure.args-append -DUSE_OPENVDB=OFF #configure.args-append -DUSE_TBB=OFF configure.args-append -DTBB_ROOT=${prefix}/libexec/tbb #configure.args-append -DUSE_FFMPEG=OFF depends_lib-append path:lib/libavcodec.dylib:ffmpeg } # error: multiple overloads of 'address' instantiate to the same signature 'const_pointer (const_reference) const noexcept' # http://lists.llvm.org/pipermail/llvm-bugs/2013-November/031552.html # Seen on OSX 10.9 and older. compiler.blacklist-append {clang < 700} # OpenVDB header files use C++17 features compiler.cxx_standard 2017 configure.args-append -DCMAKE_CXX_STANDARD=17 compiler.thread_local_storage yes configure.cxxflags-append \ -Wno-deprecated-declarations \ -Wno-unknown-warning-option if {[string match *clang* ${configure.compiler}]} { # This is a clang-specific flag: configure.cxxflags-append \ -Wno-error=unknown-warning-option } # NOTE: Ensure we prepend 'libfmt9', to include it before 'openexr2' set port_libfmt libfmt9 cmake.module_path-prepend \ ${prefix}/lib/${port_libfmt}/cmake configure.args-append -DFMT_INCLUDE_DIR=${prefix}/include/${port_libfmt} # Don't treat clang warnings as errors configure.args-append -DSTOP_ON_WARNINGS=OFF # avoid # ccache: error: Failed to create directory ${prefix}/var/macports/build/.ccache/tmp: Operation not permitted configure.args-append -DUSE_CCACHE=OFF # do not "Try to download and build any missing dependencies" configure.args-append -DBUILD_MISSING_DEPS=OFF \ -DBUILD_MISSING_FMT=OFF depends_lib-append port:robin-map \ port:zlib \ port:bzip2 \ port:libpng \ port:tiff \ port:squish \ port:${port_libfmt} # optional components if {${os.platform} eq "darwin" && ${os.major} < 11} { configure.args-append \ -DUSE_QT=OFF # configure.args-append -DUSE_OPENGL=OFF } else { PortGroup qt5 1.0 qt5.min_version 5.6 } if {[string match *gcc* ${configure.compiler}] \ && ${configure.build_arch} in [list i386 ppc]} { configure.ldflags-append \ -latomic } configure.args-append -DUSE_PYTHON=OFF set pythons_suffixes {38 39 310 311 312} set pythons_ports {} foreach s ${pythons_suffixes} { lappend pythons_ports python${s} } foreach s ${pythons_suffixes} { set p python${s} set v [string index ${s} 0].[string range ${s} 1 end] set i [lsearch -exact ${pythons_ports} ${p}] set c [lreplace ${pythons_ports} ${i} ${i}] variant ${p} description "Build the Python ${v} bindings" conflicts {*}${c} " depends_build-append port:pybind11 depends_lib-append port:${p} \ port:py${s}-numpy configure.args-delete -DUSE_PYTHON=OFF configure.args-append -DPYTHON_VERSION=${v} \ -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=${prefix}/bin/python${v} \ -DPYTHON_SITE_DIR=${frameworks_dir}/Python.framework/Versions/${v}/lib/python${v} " } set set_python_default yes foreach s ${pythons_suffixes} { if {[variant_isset python${s}]} { set set_python_default no } } # this default version should stay synchronized with python_get_default_version # in the python PortGroup if {${set_python_default}} { default_variants +python312 } #configure.args-append -DUSE_JPEGTURBO=OFF depends_lib-append path:include/turbojpeg.h:libjpeg-turbo \ #configure.args-append -DUSE_OPENJPEG=OFF depends_lib-append port:openjpeg configure.args-append -DOpenJpeg_ROOT=${prefix} #configure.args-append -DUSE_OCIO=OFF depends_lib-append port:opencolorio set opencv_ver 4 if {${os.platform} eq "darwin" && ${os.major} < 11} { # opencv4 does not build on 10.6 and earlier. configure.args-append -DUSE_OPENCV=OFF } else { depends_lib-append path:lib/opencv${opencv_ver}/libopencv_core.dylib:opencv${opencv_ver} configure.args-append -DOpenCV_INCLUDE_DIR=${prefix}/include/opencv${opencv_ver} \ -DOpenCV_ROOT=${prefix}/lib/opencv${opencv_ver} } #configure.args-append -DUSE_FREETYPE=OFF depends_lib-append port:freetype #configure.args-append -DUSE_GIF=OFF depends_lib-append port:giflib #configure.args-append -DUSE_HEIF=OFF depends_lib-append port:libheif #configure.args-append -DUSE_PTEX=OFF depends_lib-append port:ptex #configure.args-append -DUSE_LIBRAW=OFF depends_lib-append port:libraw # not in MacPorts configure.args-append -DUSE_NUKE=OFF #configure.args-append -DUSE_DICOM=OFF depends_lib-append port:dcmtk #configure.args-append -DUSE_WEBP=OFF depends_lib-append port:webp github.livecheck.regex {([0-9.]+)}