# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4 PortSystem 1.0 PortGroup github 1.0 github.setup JetBrains JetBrainsRuntime 17.0.11-b1325.1 jbr-release- name openjdk17-jetbrains categories java devel maintainers {danchr @danchr} openmaintainer platforms {darwin} # This port uses prebuilt binaries; 'NoMirror' makes sure MacPorts doesn't mirror/distribute these third-party binaries license GPL-2 NoMirror # This port uses prebuilt binaries for a particular architecture; they are not universal binaries universal_variant no # https://github.com/JetBrains/JetBrainsRuntime/releases supported_archs x86_64 arm64 description JetBrains Runtime on OpenJDK 17 long_description JetBrains Runtime is a fork of OpenJDK available for \ Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux. It supports enhanced \ class redefinition (DCEVM), features optional JCEF, a \ framework for embedding Chromium-based browsers, \ includes a number of improvements in font rendering, \ keyboards support, windowing/focus subsystems, HiDPI, \ accessibility, and performance, provides better \ desktop integration and bugfixes not yet present in \ OpenJDK. master_sites https://cache-redirector.jetbrains.com/intellij-jbr use_bzip2 no if {${configure.build_arch} eq "x86_64"} { set jbr_arch x64 checksums rmd160 07f38b875058bbae5a19da17c2be10157c04c935 \ sha256 11fae12a36531a7e03e93c86c666a8f44acab63de38759a37980ecdfaeae3958 \ size 72484839 } else { set jbr_arch aarch64 checksums rmd160 1b088454f5f98a6633480061eaa6bb4720bf97a8 \ sha256 aac2f33eadb017f2dce58af394d654aa6e4dd3ea377f981aac6304e79e99a9a0 \ size 71439114 } distname jbr-[lindex [split ${version} -] 0]-osx-${jbr_arch}-[lindex [split ${version} -] 1] extract.rename yes use_configure no build {} variant BundledApp \ description { Advertise the JVM capability "BundledApp". This is required by some java-based app bundles to recognize and use the JVM.} {} variant JNI \ description { Advertise the JVM capability "JNI". This is required by some java-based app bundles to recognize and use the JVM.} {} patch { foreach var { BundledApp JNI } { if {[variant_isset ${var}]} { reinplace -E "s|^(\[\[:space:\]\]*)CommandLine()|\\1${var}\\2\\\n\\1CommandLine\\2|" ${worksrcpath}/Contents/Info.plist } } } test.run yes test.cmd Contents/Home/bin/java test.target test.args -version # macOS Java tools expect to find Java virtual machines under /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines, which is not under ${prefix}. destroot.violate_mtree yes set target /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/${name} set destroot_target ${destroot}${target} destroot { xinstall -m 755 -d ${destroot_target} copy ${worksrcpath}/Contents ${destroot_target} } livecheck.type regex livecheck.url ${github.homepage}/releases.atom livecheck.regex jb\([lindex [split ${version} .] 0]\.\[^<\]*\) notes " If you have more than one JDK installed you can make ${name} the default\ by adding the following line to your shell profile: export JAVA_HOME=${target}/Contents/Home "