# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:filetype=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4 PortSystem 1.0 PortGroup legacysupport 1.1 PortGroup compiler_blacklist_versions 1.0 name ecl version 24.5.10 revision 0 categories lang license GPL-2+ maintainers {easieste @easye} {@catap korins.ky:kirill} openmaintainer description Embeddable Common Lisp long_description \ ECL (Embeddable Common Lisp) is an interpreter of the \ Common Lisp language as described in the X3J13 ANSI \ specification, featuring CLOS (Common Lisp Object \ System), conditions, loops, etc, plus a translator to \ C, which can produce standalone executables. platforms darwin homepage https://ecl.common-lisp.dev/ if {${name} eq ${subport}} { master_sites https://common-lisp.net/project/ecl/static/files/release/ extract.suffix .tgz } checksums rmd160 315b51c3749e74010c2baaea833d7faf19c3a8eb \ sha256 e4ea65bb1861e0e495386bfa8bc673bd014e96d3cf9d91e9038f91435cbe622b \ size 8130112 conflicts ecl-devel subport ecl-devel { PortGroup gitlab 1.0 gitlab.setup embeddable-common-lisp ecl 1be34217a8f4bb3c1cff845fc4cba065510d8c56 version 20231216 revision 0 conflicts ecl checksums rmd160 6eaa383ef4499d4fbd2fc7bc7dc405c0182c6444 \ sha256 735c91f1af4b1c22e08dfef14a3c5e1a782f5aa799804626e0c14987dac08732 \ size 6748247 gitlab.livecheck.branch develop patchfiles environ-legacy-darwin.patch \ handle-fork.patch } # requires clock_gettime() legacysupport.newest_darwin_requires_legacy 15 extract.rename yes configure.ccache no use_parallel_build no universal_variant no depends_lib-append port:boehmgc \ port:gmp \ port:libatomic_ops configure.args-append \ --enable-boehm=system \ --enable-gmp=system # match libatomic_ops restrictions compiler.blacklist-append *gcc-3.* *gcc-4.* # Clang on i386 can't bootstrap ECL after 16.1.3; blacklist it # See: # - https://gitlab.com/embeddable-common-lisp/ecl/-/issues/705 # - https://github.com/ivmai/bdwgc/issues/569 if {${build_arch} eq "i386"} { compiler.blacklist-append *clang* # I must ban libc++ because it will dismiss gcc configure.cxx_stdlib libstdc++ } # A C compiler is needed at run-time; it doesn't have to be the same version as # the C++ compiler used to compile ecl, but we'll use that one as the default, # and declare the dependency here if { [string match macports-clang-* ${configure.compiler}] } { depends_run-append \ port:[string map {"macports-" ""} ${configure.compiler}] } if { [string match macports-gcc-* ${configure.compiler}] } { depends_run-append \ port:[string map {"macports-gcc-" "gcc"} ${configure.compiler}] } patchfiles-append patch-macports-xdg-data-dir.diff post-patch { reinplace "s|@@PREFIX@@|${prefix}|g" ${worksrcpath}/contrib/asdf/asdf.lisp } if {${name} eq ${subport}} { livecheck.url ${homepage}rss.xml livecheck.regex /${name}-(\[0-9.\]+)${extract.suffix} }