PortSystem 1.0 name objc version 3.2.8 categories lang platforms darwin maintainers nomaintainer description The Portable Object Compiler is an Objective-C compiler long_description \ This is an independent implementation of Objective C - independent of \ Stepstone\'s, NeXT's, GNU\'s (Free Software Foundation) or SunSoft\'s \ Objective C implementation. Like the GNU compiler, the "objc" grammar \ is written in YACC. The lexical ananlyzer is written in LEX, and the \ compiler itself in the Bourne shell and in Objective C. (the optional \ Objective C link editor is written in AWK). homepage http://users.pandora.be/stes/compiler.html master_sites http://users.pandora.be/stes/ checksums sha1 b315a9d68e975a5751b28b48bd44468df26509a1 distfiles objc-${version}.tar.gz objc-bootstrap-${version}.tar.gz checksums objc-${version}.tar.gz sha1 b315a9d68e975a5751b28b48bd44468df26509a1 \ objc-bootstrap-${version}.tar.gz sha1 07558d72d314c14d66f3817297944db7512a1790 patchfiles patch-src-cakit-intmodp.m depends_lib port:byacc set cc /usr/bin/gcc platform darwin 8 { set cc /usr/bin/gcc-4.0 } pre-configure { # bootstrap file mkdir ${workpath}/bootstrap system "cd ${workpath}/objc-bootstrap-${version} && \ CC=${cc} ./configure --prefix=${workpath}/bootstrap && \ make && \ make install" } configure.env PATH=${workpath}/bootstrap/bin:$env(PATH) configure.args --build=i386-apple-freebsd build.env PATH=${workpath}/bootstrap/bin:$env(PATH) build.target destroot.destdir INSTALLDIR=${destroot}${prefix} post-destroot { file delete -force ${destroot}${prefix}/share/man file rename ${destroot}${prefix}/man ${destroot}${prefix}/share/man } livecheck.type regex livecheck.url ${homepage} livecheck.regex objc-(\[0-9.\]+)\\.tar\\.gz