# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4 PortSystem 1.0 PortGroup select 1.0 PortGroup clang_dependency 1.0 name python27 epoch 2 # Remember to keep py27-tkinter and py27-gdbm's versions sync'd with this version 2.7.18 revision 10 set major [lindex [split $version .] 0] set branch [join [lrange [split ${version} .] 0 1] .] categories lang license PSF maintainers {jmr @jmroot} openmaintainer description An interpreted, object-oriented programming language long_description Python is an interpreted, interactive, object-oriented \ programming language. homepage https://www.python.org/ master_sites ${homepage}ftp/python/${version}/ distname Python-${version} if {$subport eq $name} { use_xz yes } checksums md5 fd6cc8ec0a78c44036f825e739f36e5a \ rmd160 40a514bb05c9e631454ea8466e28f5bb229428ad \ sha256 b62c0e7937551d0cc02b8fd5cb0f544f9405bafc9a54d3808ed4594812edef43 \ size 12854736 patchfiles patch-Makefile.pre.in.diff \ patch-setup.py.diff \ patch-Lib-cgi.py.diff \ patch-Lib-ctypes-macholib-dyld.py.diff \ patch-configure.diff \ patch-libedit.diff \ enable-loadable-sqlite-extensions.patch \ patch-_osx_support.py.diff \ darwin20.diff \ arm.patch \ implicit.patch \ openssl_ver.patch \ libedit-types.patch if {${os.platform} eq "darwin" && ${os.major} >= 21} { patchfiles-append patch-getpath.diff } if {${subport} eq ${name}} { PortGroup openssl 1.0 depends_build path:bin/pkg-config:pkgconfig depends_lib port:bzip2 \ port:db48 \ port:expat \ port:gettext-runtime \ port:libedit \ port:libffi \ port:ncurses \ port:sqlite3 \ port:zlib depends_run port:python_select \ port:python2_select openssl.branch 1.1 } # This port is used by clang-3.4 to bootstrap libcxx subport ${name}-bootstrap { depends_extract port:xz-bootstrap depends_skip_archcheck-append \ xz-bootstrap extract.suffix .tar.xz extract.cmd ${prefix}/libexec/xz-bootstrap/bin/xz prefix ${prefix}/libexec/${subport} set frameworks_dir ${prefix}/Library/Frameworks set applications_dir ${prefix}/Applications patchfiles-delete patch-libedit.diff # Avoid macports-clang dep (doesn't use C++ anyway) configure.cxx_stdlib compiler.whitelist clang llvm-gcc-4.2 gcc-4.2 apple-gcc-4.2 # sterilize MacPorts build environment; we want nothing picked up from MP prefix compiler.cpath compiler.library_path configure.distcc no # sterilize PATH configure.env-append PATH=/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin build.env-append PATH=/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin if {${os.platform} eq "darwin" && ${os.major} < 9} { notes-append "${name}-bootstrap on Tiger cannot build these modules, which can be\ built by the full ${name} port: gdbm, hashlib, locale, sqlite3, ssl" } } # Also needed by later clangs. if {${os.platform} eq "darwin" && ${os.major} < 11 && ${cxx_stdlib} eq "libc++"} { clang_dependency.extra_versions 3.7 } configure.args-append \ --enable-framework=${frameworks_dir} \ --enable-ipv6 if {${subport} eq ${name} || (${os.platform} eq "darwin" && ${os.major} >= 9)} { # Tiger has no system libexpat or libffi, so we can't use them for the bootstrap port configure.args-append \ --with-system-expat \ --with-system-ffi } if {${subport} eq ${name}} { configure.cppflags-append -I${prefix}/include/db48 configure.ldflags-append -L${prefix}/lib/db48 # pkg-config removes -I flags for paths in CPATH, which confuses python. configure.env-append PKG_CONFIG_ALLOW_SYSTEM_CFLAGS=1 } configure.ccache no post-patch { reinplace "s|@@PREFIX@@|${prefix}|g" \ ${worksrcpath}/Lib/cgi.py \ ${worksrcpath}/Lib/ctypes/macholib/dyld.py reinplace "s|@@APPLICATIONS_DIR@@|${applications_dir}|" \ ${worksrcpath}/configure } post-configure { set oldmtime [file mtime ${worksrcpath}/pyconfig.h] reinplace "s;/* #undef PY_FORMAT_LONG_LONG */;#define PY_FORMAT_LONG_LONG \"ll\";" ${worksrcpath}/pyconfig.h file mtime ${worksrcpath}/pyconfig.h $oldmtime } build.target all test.run yes test.target test destroot.target frameworkinstall maninstall if {$subport eq $name} { set pythonNoDot python[string map {. {}} $branch] select.entries [list python python-$pythonNoDot $pythonNoDot] \ [list python2 python2-$pythonNoDot $pythonNoDot] notes " To make this the default Python or Python 2 (i.e., the version run by\ the 'python' or 'python2' commands), run one or both of: sudo port select --set python $pythonNoDot sudo port select --set python2 $pythonNoDot " } platform darwin { set framewpath ${frameworks_dir}/Python.framework set framewdir ${framewpath}/Versions/${branch} post-patch { if {![file exists /usr/lib/libSystemStubs.a]} { reinplace s/-lSystemStubs//g ${worksrcpath}/configure } } post-configure { # poll() misbehaves on 10.8 and older # See https://trac.macports.org/ticket/18376 if {${os.major} <= 12} { set oldmtime [file mtime ${worksrcpath}/pyconfig.h] system -W ${worksrcpath} "ed - pyconfig.h < ${filespath}/pyconfig.ed" file mtime ${worksrcpath}/pyconfig.h $oldmtime } } post-destroot { foreach dir { Headers Resources Python Versions/Current } { file delete ${destroot}${framewpath}/${dir} } ln -s ${framewdir}/share/man/man1/python${branch}.1 ${destroot}${prefix}/share/man/man1/ ln -s ${framewdir}/Python ${destroot}${prefix}/lib/libpython${branch}.dylib ln -s ${framewdir}/lib/pkgconfig/python-${branch}.pc ${destroot}${prefix}/lib/pkgconfig/ set libdir ${destroot}${framewdir}/lib/python${branch} # change LINKFORSHARED to support dependents that incorrectly use it system -W ${libdir} "awk -F : \ \"/'LINKFORSHARED'/ {printf \\\"%s: '-L${framewdir}/lib/python${branch}/config\ -lpython${branch} -ldl -framework CoreFoundation',\\n\\\", \\\$1; next} {print}\"\ _sysconfigdata.py > _sysconfigdata.py.new" file rename -force ${libdir}/_sysconfigdata.py.new \ ${libdir}/_sysconfigdata.py # remove -arch flags from the config reinplace -E {s|-arch [a-z0-9_]+||g} \ ${libdir}/_sysconfigdata.py # recompile the modified file set python_for_build python.exe # executable differs depending on filesystem case sensitivity if {![file exists ${worksrcpath}/${python_for_build}]} { set python_for_build python } system -W ${worksrcpath} "env DYLD_FRAMEWORK_PATH=. ./${python_for_build} -E -m compileall -d [shellescape ${framewdir}/lib/python${branch}] [shellescape ${libdir}/_sysconfigdata.py]" system -W ${worksrcpath} "env DYLD_FRAMEWORK_PATH=. ./${python_for_build} -E -O -m compileall -d [shellescape ${framewdir}/lib/python${branch}] [shellescape ${libdir}/_sysconfigdata.py]" # Without this, LINKFORSHARED is set to # ... $(PYTHONFRAMEWORKDIR)/Versions/$(VERSION)/$(PYTHONFRAMEWORK) # (this becomes Python.framework/Versions/2.7/Python) which doesn't # quite work (see ticket #15099); instead we mirror the behavior of # `python-config --ldflags` here. reinplace {s|^\(LINKFORSHARED=\).*$|\1 -L$(LIBPL) -lpython$(VERSION) $(LIBS) $(SYSLIBS)|} \ ${libdir}/config/Makefile # remove -arch flags from the config reinplace -E {s|-arch [a-z0-9_]+||g} \ ${libdir}/config/Makefile } } post-destroot { foreach unversionedFile {2to3 2to3-2 idle idle2 pydoc pydoc2 python python2 python-config python2-config pythonw pythonw2 smtpd.py smtpd2.py} { delete ${destroot}${prefix}/bin/${unversionedFile} } } variant universal { patchfiles-append patch-configure-universal.diff post-patch { reinplace \ "s|__UNIVERSAL_ARCHFLAGS__|${configure.universal_cflags}|" \ ${worksrcpath}/configure } configure.args-append --enable-universalsdk=${configure.sysroot} } variant ucs4 description {Enable support for UCS4 (breaks ABI)} { configure.args-append --enable-unicode=ucs4 notes-append "The ucs4 variant changes Python's ABI, breaking binary\ compatibility with extension modules. It is strongly recommended to\ configure MacPorts to build all ports from source when using it. Adding\ or removing this variant on an existing installation will mean that all\ ports that install Python extension modules need to be reinstalled. This\ variant also breaks compatibility with native Mac frameworks used by\ modules such as PyObjC." } variant optimizations description {enable expensive, stable optimizations (including PGO)} { configure.args-append --enable-optimizations } variant lto requires optimizations description {enable Link-Time Optimization} { configure.args-append --with-lto } platform darwin { if {$subport ne "${name}-bootstrap"} { # Build failures on 10.9 and older if {${os.major} > 13} { default_variants +lto +optimizations } } } livecheck.type regex livecheck.url ${homepage}downloads/ livecheck.regex Python (${branch}(?:\\.\\d+)*)