# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4 PortSystem 1.0 PortGroup github 1.0 PortGroup legacysupport 1.1 github.setup rakudo rakudo 2024.05 revision 0 description Raku compiler long_description Rakudo is a compiler for the Raku language \ Rakudo is built using NQP (Not Quite Perl), \ which in turn is targeting the Moar virtual machine. \ See https://raku.org for more information. maintainers {@barracuda156 gmail.com:vital.had} openmaintainer categories lang perl license Artistic-2 homepage https://rakudo.org/ # master_sites https://rakudo.org/downloads/rakudo/ github.tarball_from releases checksums rmd160 06e01418f353a9f20c69fc9cf5a9a1040529878f \ sha256 26be283bee73c696bd5089e07cad5ec6d79c7f65f9b422fbc7aca75321ee1f16 \ size 6923643 depends_build-append \ port:perl5 depends_lib-append port:MoarVM \ port:nqp legacysupport.redirect_bins \ perl6 perl6-m perl6-debug perl6-debug-m \ rakudo rakudo-m rakudo-debug rakudo-debug-m configure.cmd ${prefix}/bin/perl Configure.pl configure.args --prefix=${prefix} \ --backends=moar \ --with-nqp=${prefix}/bin/nqp # https://github.com/MoarVM/MoarVM/issues/414 # it's also possible that i386 doesn't build at all universal_variant no # Unsupported by Configure.pl # configure.universal_args-delete --disable-dependency-tracking test.run yes # test.target test spectest # other targets: localtest stresstest ... # Replicate condition from legacysupport: if {${os.platform} eq "darwin" && ${configure.cxx_stdlib} ne "libc++"} { # After legacysupport has done its job: post-activate { # Problem: raku and raku-debug are not binaries but symlinks, and when they point to legacysupport wrappers, the latter invoke raku-orig, # which does not exist. Specify binary names explicitly. Then symlinks work as if no legacysupport were involved. reinplace "s|\${0}-orig|rakudo-orig|" ${prefix}/bin/rakudo reinplace "s|\${0}-orig|rakudo-debug-orig|" ${prefix}/bin/rakudo-debug } }