PortSystem 1.0 name tablix version 0.3.5 categories math license GPL-2 maintainers tablix.org:tomaz.solc description Kernel for solving general timetabling problems long_description \ Tablix is a powerful free software kernel for solving general \ timetabling problems. It uses a coarse-grained parallel genetic \ algorithm in combination with other techniques to construct \ sensible timetables from XML formatted problem descriptions. \ Tablix supports a very wide range of timetabling \ problems, from high school timetabling to barge scheduling. \ A number of timetable constraints are already implemented \ in the default installation and kernel's modular \ design makes it is easy to add new ones. platforms darwin homepage http://www.tablix.org/ checksums md5 87f727ea5daa410c9bf293ab945e9bd7 master_sites ${homepage}releases/stable/ distname ${name}2-${version} depends_lib port:libxml2 port:pvm depends_run port:gnuplot set pvm_root ${prefix}/lib/pvm set pvm_droot ${destroot}${pvm_root} set pvm_arch DARWIN patchfiles patch-po-Makefile.in.in.diff post-destroot { xinstall -m 755 -d ${pvm_droot}/bin/${pvm_arch}/ system "cd ${pvm_droot}/bin/${pvm_arch}/ \ && ln -s ../../../../bin/tablix2_kernel" }