# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4 PortSystem 1.0 PortGroup github 1.0 epoch 2 # TechSmith/mp4v2 4.1.4 introduced a breaking API change that totally # broke the ability for C code to use this library. Don't upgrade to a # newer version unless the API breakage has been reverted. So far, the # developers have not responded to this issue, which was filed 20201211. # https://github.com/TechSmith/mp4v2/issues/47 github.setup TechSmith mp4v2 4.1.3 Release-ThirdParty-MP4v2- revision 1 checksums rmd160 8727c9cb5d256073e3ed46fb6ab9502e1bec66e5 \ sha256 e3ad6c2dc451b0875dbe34bfe7f51f4fe278b391434c886083e6d3ecd5fa08c2 \ size 2682188 categories multimedia license MPL-1.1 BSD-old maintainers nomaintainer description Read, create, and modify mp4 files. long_description The mp4v2 library provides an API to create and modify mp4 \ files as defined by ISO-IEC:14496-1:2001 MPEG-4 Systems. \ mp4v2 used to be part of the mpeg4ip library. github.tarball_from archive depends_build port:help2man patchfiles configure-version.patch \ mp4tags-metadata.patch \ 20210111-8d6307ea1e70c0a44dd2a64c4fa1a8f42b803ebf.patch \ 20210318-aa06c07ec0b0e0e1b6dd82bf32821668059e8662.patch post-patch { reinplace "s|@@VERSION@@|${version}|g" \ ${worksrcpath}/configure.ac } # error: 'nullptr' was not declared in this scope compiler.cxx_standard 2011 configure.cxxflags-append -std=c++11 # Teach glibtool about -stdlib # Also we are patching configure.ac. use_autoreconf yes autoreconf.args -fvi # mp4subtitle.cpp: error: narrowing conversion of 'mp4v2::util::SubtitleUtility::LC_LIST' from 'unsigned int' to 'int' # The error is not specific to 32-bit and happens with gcc and clang both. if {[string match *clang* ${configure.compiler}]} { configure.cxxflags-append \ -Wno-error=c++11-narrowing } elseif {[string match *gcc* ${configure.compiler}]} { configure.cxxflags-append \ -Wno-narrowing } platform darwin { if {${os.major} < 10} { patchfiles-append mp4v2-1.9.1-libversion.patch } } variant universal { configure.args-append --disable-gch }