# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4 PortSystem 1.0 PortGroup github 1.0 PortGroup cmake 1.1 github.setup Haivision srt 1.5.2 v github.tarball_from archive revision 0 categories net multimedia comms license MPL-2 maintainers @jasonliu-- openmaintainer description transport protocol for ultra-low latency live \ video and audio streaming long_description Secure Reliable Transport (SRT) is a \ ${description}, as well as for generic bulk data \ transfer. SRT provides reliable transmission \ similar to TCP\; however, it does so at the \ application layer, and uses UDP as the underlying \ transport layer. This package contains the \ open-source reference implementation of the SRT \ library, and was written by Haivision, the \ original developers of the SRT protocol. checksums rmd160 89f3ee7d48f9b22c6e6aa5a582959e1f6e03b22e \ sha256 463970a3f575446b3f55abb6f323d5476c963c77b3c975cd902e9c87cdd9a92c \ size 1699747 compiler.cxx_standard 2011 configure.args-append -DENABLE_APPS=OFF \ -DENABLE_LOGGING=OFF \ -DENABLE_ENCRYPTION=OFF \ -DENABLE_SHOW_PROJECT_CONFIG=ON pre-test { if {![variant_isset tests]} { ui_error "'tests' variant must be activated to enable test support" error "Please enable the 'tests' variant and try again" } } variant utils description {Build command-line tools} { configure.args-delete -DENABLE_APPS=OFF } variant logging description {Enable logging} { configure.args-delete -DENABLE_LOGGING=OFF } variant heavy_logging requires logging \ description {Enable heavy logging} \ { configure.args-append -DENABLE_HEAVY_LOGGING=ON } variant tests description {Build unit tests} { # Googletest requires C++14 or newer compiler.cxx_standard 2014 depends_lib-append port:gtest post-patch { reinplace "/target_include_directories.test-srt/a\\ \\ set_property(TARGET test-srt PROPERTY CXX_STANDARD 14)\\ " \ ${worksrcpath}/CMakeLists.txt } configure.args-append -DENABLE_UNITTESTS=ON test.run yes } variant openssl conflicts mbedtls \ description {Enable encryption in SRT using OpenSSL} \ { depends_lib-append port:openssl configure.args-delete -DENABLE_ENCRYPTION=OFF configure.args-append -DUSE_ENCLIB=openssl } variant mbedtls conflicts openssl \ description {Enable encryption in SRT using Mbed TLS} \ { depends_lib-append port:mbedtls configure.args-delete -DENABLE_ENCRYPTION=OFF configure.args-append -DUSE_ENCLIB=mbedtls } default_variants +utils +logging +openssl # Exclude beta/rc releases from livecheck github.livecheck.regex {([0-9\.]+)}