PortSystem 1.0 PortGroup ruby 1.0 ruby.setup calendar 1.11.4r setup.rb {README.en} revision 0 checksums rmd160 bd372f756e64dc58fce94aef7bb51851c937ae2f \ sha256 fe61ade721299b9013b6ded54810824ae52d2342526b77b8e783968f2e7800ee \ size 135205 maintainers nomaintainer description A Ruby library for calendrical calculations long_description Ruby calendar includes a "Calendrical Calculations" \ module, and supports the following calendars: \ Gregorian (current civil), Calendar week (ISO), \ Julian (old civil), Islamic (Moslem), Hebrew \ (Jewish), Mayan, French Revolutionary, Old Hindu, \ Achelis', Coptic, Ethiopian, Jalaali (incomplete), \ Kyureki (Japanese traditional with CE). It also \ includes a "Getdate" module, which provides a method \ which creates a Time object reflecting the given \ representation of dates and times. Finally, it comes \ with an "Sdn" module, an interface to Scott E. \ Lee's SDN package. This module supports the \ following calendars: Gregorian, Julian, French \ Republican, and Jewish. categories-append devel license Permissive homepage https://web.archive.org/web/20131025153534/https://www.funaba.org/en/${ruby.module}.html master_sites freebsd:ruby patchfiles implicit.patch post-patch { ln -s install.rb ${worksrcpath}/setup.rb } livecheck.type none