PortSystem 1.0 PortGroup ruby 1.0 ruby.setup {memcache Ruby-MemCache} 0.0.4 basic_install.rb \ {README docs tests test.rb utils.rb} # CC BY 1.0 license Permissive maintainers nomaintainer description This is a client library for memcached long_description memcached is used to alleviate database load by caching \ oft-used values in network-accessible memory space, and \ is used behind several high-traffic dynamic web sites \ like LiveJournal, Slashdot, WikiPedia, and others. checksums md5 32ab2c32a7d35a67f56ed21c72fe4e6f \ rmd160 11d391aacf4f5a05dd665ccac361a48163c2512a \ sha1 e5866091bad54c3f5e924f176846677ca14991c0 platforms any supported_archs noarch homepage http://www.deveiate.org/projects/RMemCache master_sites http://www.deveiate.org/code/ depends_lib-append port:memcached