PortSystem 1.0 PortGroup ruby 1.0 ruby.setup rbot 0.9.14 gem revision 1 categories-append irc license {MIT GPL-2} maintainers nomaintainer description a ruby IRC bot long_description \ rbot is a ruby IRC bot. Think of him as a ruby bot framework with a \ highly modular design based around plugins. By default he behaves a lot \ like an infobot. platforms any supported_archs noarch homepage http://ruby-rbot.org/ master_sites ${homepage}download/ checksums md5 9ff6fc4afcc62f3a264d5ccf4df3c9ff \ sha1 c4dd6b83bbc67aa040bdcefe2f6422b74995cfe5 \ rmd160 b551796d6187bc6b97136e93b76e9b14200e9046 depends_run port:rb-bdb ruby.link_binaries_suffix livecheck.type regex livecheck.regex {(\d+(?:\.\d+)*)}