PortSystem 1.0 PortGroup perl5 1.0 name keep version 0.5.1 perl5.default_branch 5.34 perl5.setup ${name} ${version} categories sysutils license BSD platforms {darwin any} supported_archs noarch maintainers nomaintainer description tool that deletes everything in a directory but a selection long_description keep is a program which deletes everything in a \ directory except for the files that you tell it to \ keep. It is useful in the situation where the list of \ files in a directory that you want to keep is shorter \ than the list of files you want to delete. homepage http://keep.sourceforge.net/ master_sites sourceforge:project/keep/keep/${version}%20%5BBulldog%5D/ checksums md5 9e06c8b977138a9c9454976087dc99f5 dist_subdir ${name} perl5.link_binaries_suffix