PortSystem 1.0 name webjob version 1.9.0 description Download and run applications over http/https. long_description WebJob downloads a program or script from a \ remote WebJob server and executes it in one \ unified operation. maintainers nomaintainer categories sysutils license BSD Apache-1 platforms darwin homepage http://${name}.sf.net master_sites sourceforge extract.suffix .tgz checksums rmd160 244f460eaa7eca6ad2fb0395123ff25733141af7 \ sha256 b06f166d7b9f4ce9c944ed5ccd0d3b48761f92721725b742fcc1a3168209b8d1 destroot.destdir PREFIX=${destroot}${prefix} post-destroot { file rename ${destroot}${prefix}/man/man1/webjob.1 ${destroot}${prefix}/share/man/man1/ }