# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4 PortSystem 1.0 PortGroup muniversal 1.1 PortGroup clang_dependency 1.0 name libiconv version 1.17 revision 0 checksums rmd160 5fd15d5f8ed7bd8e410b432495f5d892598ae965 \ sha256 8f74213b56238c85a50a5329f77e06198771e70dd9a739779f4c02f65d971313 \ size 5413283 categories textproc license {LGPL-2+ GPL-3+} maintainers {ryandesign @ryandesign} platforms darwin freebsd linux homepage https://www.gnu.org/software/libiconv/ master_sites gnu use_parallel_build yes description \ Character set conversion library long_description \ A character-set conversion library which implements the \ iconv() API for dealing with unicode and other types of \ conversion. depends_build port:gperf depends_skip_archcheck gperf patchfiles patch-src-Makefile.in-darwin.diff # Also needed by later clangs. if {${os.platform} eq "darwin" && ${os.major} < 11 && ${cxx_stdlib} eq "libc++"} { clang_dependency.extra_versions 3.7 } configure.checks.implicit_function_declaration.whitelist-append strchr configure.cmd-prepend mv Makefile.devel Makefile.devel.orig \ && sed -E {"s|^(CFLAGS *=).*|\1 $CFLAGS|"} < Makefile.devel.orig \ | sed -E {"/^CFLAGS *=/s| -arch +[^ ]+||"} > Makefile.devel && configure.cppflags configure.ldflags configure.args \ ac_cv_prog_AWK=/usr/bin/awk \ ac_cv_path_GREP=/usr/bin/grep \ ac_cv_path_SED=/usr/bin/sed \ --enable-static \ --docdir=${prefix}/share/doc/${name} \ --without-libiconv-prefix \ --without-libintl-prefix \ --disable-nls \ --enable-extra-encodings build.cmd ${build.cmd} CC=${configure.cc} -f Makefile.devel && ${build.cmd} test.run yes test.target check platform darwin { patchfiles-append patch-utf8mac.diff } platform freebsd { patchfiles-append patch-Makefile.devel } post-destroot { if {[file exists ${destroot}${prefix}/lib/charset.alias]} { delete ${destroot}${prefix}/lib/charset.alias } } if {${universal_possible} && [variant_isset universal]} { # When cross-compiling, can guess wrong endian value. configure.env.ppc-append cl_cv_sys_endian='big endian' configure.env.ppc64-append cl_cv_sys_endian='big endian' configure.env.i386-append cl_cv_sys_endian='little endian' configure.env.x86_64-append cl_cv_sys_endian='little endian' configure.env.arm64-append cl_cv_sys_endian='little endian' # See https://trac.macports.org/ticket/18440 configure.env-append ac_cv_func_malloc_0_nonnull='yes' \ gl_cv_func_malloc_0_nonnull='1' \ am_cv_func_iconv='yes' \ am_cv_proto_iconv_arg1='const' }