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Please press any key to reboot. rebooting... REBOOT FAILED!!! ffuartbtuartstuartglasscpu not recognized!initarm: out of memoryinitarm: Failed to align the kernel page directorydos partition I/O errormbr partition exceeds disk sizeCD001BEA01NSR0disk label read faileddisk label corrupteddisk label write failediso partitionbad sector table I/O errorbad sector table corrupted: I2C controller unable to attach PXA I2C controller i2cbuspxaiic: PCMCIA/GPIO controller %s: invalid CF slot %d%s: failed to map memory %x for scoopscoop_pcic_read: bogus registerscoop_pcic_set_power: bogus power statescoop_pcic_write: bogus registerpxapcic_scoop: GPIO controller unable to acquire bus. error=%d output write failed. error=%d ioexp%s: not configured. can't map bus space couldn't establish power handler zssp%s: not configured zssp: zssp_ic_send: invalid IC %d Sharp Zaurus frame bufferSharp Zaurus LCDzlcdstdw100lcd: ATI Imageon100 LCD controller failed to map config (errorno=%d) failed to map register (errorno=%d) failed to vram register (errorno=%d) unable to create new screen (errno=%d)lcdctlcouldn't register event handler zkbd: pseudo power management module apmdevifzapm: USB Mode detection couldn't map memory space zusbunable to establish nSD_DETECT interrupt unable to attach MMC controller %s: zmci_set_power(): unsupported OCR (%#x) zmcivfp fpscr trapscnopen: no console devicecnopen: cn_tab->cn_dev == devcnopen: unable to get vnode reference   base 0x%x-0x%x irq %d drq 0x%08x core %dmainbus_bs_alloc(): Help!mainbus_bs_free(): Help!cpu_mainbuslr, rrx, %s r%d, %s #%dthumb insn %s%s , #%d#%d ; #0x%x[r%d][r%d#0x%03x#%s0x%02x%sr%d{r%d-r%d}^f%d.%c%d, #0x%04xspsrcpsrp%df%d, c%d, c%d, c%d, c%dr%d, c%d, c%d, %d%d, r%d, r%d, c%d[%c - unknown]und%s %08x oshstoshnshstnshishstishcpsC!csetend lesetend beclrexdsb!ldmbisbsrsXnW!mrfeXnWblxmcrr#&mrrcstc2L#vstcldc2ldccdp2#ycdpmcr2#zmcrmrc2mrcsbfxdmirbfcdijbfidmijubfxstrtdaWldrtstrbtldrbtldrstrbldrbpopstmYnWlldmXnWlimbimbrangeswistrhtldrhtldrsbtldrshtstrhldrhldrdldrsbstrdldrshnopyieldwfewfisevdbg!dmrsmsrpFmpF2bxclzbkptmovwdZmovtswpdmoswpbldrexldrexdldrexbldrexhstrexdmastrexdstrexbstrexhSdn2adcsbcrscDn2teqcmnmovSd2mvnSnmsmlaSnmsdumullSdnmssmullumlalsmlaladfPRfghmufsufrsfdvfrdfpowrpwrmffmlfdvfrdpolfpbopmvfPRfhmnfabsrndsqtlgnsincostanasnacsatnfpuopstfQLvldfPRgdfixPRdhwfswfcrfccmfPRghcmfecnfevandvbicvorrvornveorvbslvbitvbifvshlSINuqwvqshlvrshlvqrshlvaddvtstvsubNo support for this CPU type (%08x) in kernelcpu.branchpredictcpu.cachecpu.nocachexscale.branchpredictxscale.cachexscale.icachexscale.dcacheundefined instruction %#x in kernel at %#lxbooted_devicebooted_kernelconsole_devicecpu_archpowersavecpu_idfpu_presenthwdiv_presentneon_presentid_isarid_mmfrid_pfrid_mvfrsimd_presentsimdex_presentsynchprim_presentprintfataltrapsunaligned_sigbusmachine_archWarning IRQ's disabled during boot() total memory = %s avail memory = %s single-skdb-k-aquiet-q-v-x%s: curaddr %#lx not in range_bus_dmamap_sync: mix PRE and POST_bus_dmamap_sync: _BUS_DMA_BUFTYPE_RAW_bus_dmamap_sync: _BUS_DMA_BUFTYPE_INVALID_bus_dmamap_sync: map %p: unknown buffer type %d _bus_dmamem_map: size botch%dKB/%dB %d-way %s L%u %cI%cT Unified cache %dKB/%dB %d-way L%u %cI%cT Instruction cache %dKB/%dB %d-way %s L%u %cI%cT Data cache sctlr: %#x actlr: %#x revidr: %#x isar: [0]=%#x [1]=%#x [2]=%#x [3]=%#x, [4]=%#x, [5]=%#x mmfr: [0]=%#x [1]=%#x [2]=%#x [3]=%#x pfr: [0]=%#x [1]=%#x Processor failed probe - no CPU ID %s%s%s (%s V%s core)unknown CPU (ID = 0x%x): %s %s %s: IDC disabled IDC enabled DC disabled DC enabled IC disabled IC enabled WB disabled WB enabled LABT EABT branch prediction enabled%s does not fully support this CPU. This kernel does not fully support this CPU. Recompile with "options %s" to correct this. arm700swibugvector abortterminal abortexternal linefetch abort (S)external linefetch abort (P)external non-linefetch abort (S)external non-linefetch abort (P)external translation abort (L1)external translation abort (L2)alignment abort (0)alignment abort (1)translation abort (S)translation abort (P)domain abort (S)domain abort (P)permission abort (S)permission abort (P)undefined insn trapsundefined cp15 insn traps: disabled : disabled (uniprocessor kernel) write-throughwrite-back**unknown 3****unknown 4**write-back-lockingwrite-back-locking-Awrite-back-locking-B**unknown 8****unknown 9****unknown 10****unknown 11**write-back-locking-linewrite-back-locking-Cwrite-back-locking-DCPU_ARM2ARM2asCPU_ARM250CPU_ARM3CPU_ARM6CPU_ARM7CPU_ARM7TDMICPU_ARM8ARM9TDMIARM9E-SCPU_ARM9EARM9EJ-SARM10ECPU_ARM10ARM10EJSA-1CPU_SA110XScaleCPU_XSCALE_...ARM11JCPU_ARM11ARMv4CPU_ARMV4CortexCPU_CORTEXMarvellCPU_PJ4BARM600ARM610ARM620ARM700ARM710ARM7500ARM710aARM7500FEARM810SA-110SA-1100SA-1110FA526IXP1200ARM710TARM720TARM740T (8 KB cache)ARM740T (4 KB cache)ARM920TARM922TARM940TTI ARM925TARM946E-SARM966E-SSheeva 88SV131Sheeva 88FR571-vdi80200i80321 400MHzi80321 600MHzi80219 400MHzi80219 600MHzPXA27xPXA250PXA210PXA255/26xIXP425 533MHzIXP425 400MHzIXP425 266MHzARM1020EARM1022E-SARM1026EJ-SARM926EJ-SARM1136J-S r0ARM1136J-S r1ARM1176JZ-S r0ARM11 MPCoreCortex-A5 r0Cortex-A7 r0Cortex-A8 r1Cortex-A8 r2Cortex-A8 r3Cortex-A9 r1Cortex-A9 r2Cortex-A9 r3Cortex-A9 r4Cortex-A15 r2Cortex-A15 r3Cortex-A17 r1Cortex-A53 r0Cortex-A57 r0Cortex-A57 r1Cortex-A72 r0Sheeva 88SV581xSheeva 88SV584xstep 0rev 1rev 2rev 3rev 4rev 5rev 6rev 7rev 8rev 9rev 10rev 11rev 12rev 13rev 14rev 15step A-0step A-1step B-0step B-1step C-0rev 0step B-2step D-0(IXP1200 step A)(IXP1200 step B)(IXP1200 step C)(IXP1200 step D)(IXP1240/1250 step A)(IXP1240 step B)(IXP1250 step B)step B-3step B-4step B-5step Bstep Cstep Dstep Erev 10step Gstep Jstep Kstep Sstep T*p0*p1*p2*p3*p4*p5*p6*p7*p8*p9*p10*p11*p12*p13*p14*p15Fatal %s mode data abort: '%s' trapframe: %p FSR=%08x, FAR=Invalid, Fatal %s mode prefetch abort at 0x%08x trapframe: %p, spsr=%08x r0 =%08x, r1 =%08x, r2 =%08x, r3 =%08x r4 =%08x, r5 =%08x, r6 =%08x, r7 =%08x r8 =%08x, r9 =%08x, r10=%08x, r11=%08x r12=%08x, usp=%08x, ulr=%08xssp=%08x, slr=%08x, pc =%08x Fatal abort Kernel mode double abort! %d.%d(%s): trap: signo=%d code=%d addr=%p trap=%#x r0=%08x r1=%08x r2=%08x r3=%08x r4=%08x r5=%08x r6=%08x r7=%08x r8=%08x r9=%08x rA=%08x rB=%08x ip=%08x sp=%08x lr=%08x pc=%08x spsr=%08x Non-emulated page fault with intr_depth > 0 uvm_fault(%p, %lx, %x) -> %x UVM: pid %d (%s), uid %d killed: out of swap %s: Misaligned Kernel-mode Program Counter %s: invalid size (%zu)Vector ExceptionAlignment Fault 1Terminal ExceptionAlignment Fault 3External Linefetch Abort (S)Translation Fault (S)External Linefetch Abort (P)Translation Fault (P)External Non-Linefetch Abort (S)Domain Fault (S)External Non-Linefetch Abort (P)Domain Fault (P)External Translation Abort (L1)Permission Fault (S)External Translation Abort (L2)Permission Fault (P)kmpagespmap_bootstrap: No PTP for va %#lx pmap_enter: failed to allocate L2 bucketpmap_enter: no pv entriespmap_init_l1: can't get PA of L1 at %ppmap_pv_protect: page not pv-tracked: 0x%lxfixup: pm %p, va 0x%lx, ftype %d - nothing to do! fixup: l2 %p, l2b %p, ptep %p, pte %#x fixup: pdep %p, pde %#x, fsr %#x pmap_bootstrap: No L2 for va 0x%x, pa 0x%lxpmap_bootstrap: out of static L2spmap_bootstrap: WARNING! wrong cache mode for L2 pte @ %p pmap_bootstrap: WARNING! wrong cache mode for primary L1 @ 0x%lx pmap_alloc_specials: no l2b for 0x%lxpmapplpvepll2dtblpll2ptpplCannot allocate L1 KVMCannot allocate L1 physical pagespmap_map_entry: no L2 table for VA 0x%08lxpmap_map_entry: can't find L2 table for VA 0x%08lxpmap_map_chunk: no L1 table provided%s: no L2 table for VA %#lx%s: can't find L2 table for VA %#lxxscale_setup_minidata: can't find L2 table for VA 0x%08lx dump to dev %u,%u not possible dumping to dev %u,%u offset %ld dump area unavailable device bad device not ready area improper i/o error aborted from console succeeded vmapbufvunmapbufpmap_pv_untrack: pv-tracking at 0x%lx: 0x%lx bytes, not 0x%lx bytespmap_pv_untrack: pages not pv-tracked at 0x%lx (0x%lx bytes)scsiverboseperiphtapeprinterprocessorwormcdromopticalchangercommunicationgraphic arts pre-pressstorage arrayenclosure servicessimplified directoptical card r/wobject-based storagescsipi_dtype: impossible device typescxsplWARNING: not enough memory for scsipi_xfer_pool unable to create completion thread for channel %d scsipi_channel_initURGENT unable to allocate %sscsipi_xfer %02x DEFERRED ERROR, key = 0x%x , requested size: %d (decimal), retrying, cmd 0x%x, info 0x%x, info = %d (decimal), data =Sense Error Code 0x%x at block no. %d (decimal)request sense for a request sense ? we read %d bytes of sense anyway: request sense failed with error %d adapter resource shortage QUEUE FULL resulted in 0 openings xsbusygeneric HBA error invalid return code from adapter: %d polling command but no adapter resourcesWARNING: tag %d greater than available openings %d invalid tag mask 0x%08x scsipi_execute_xsnot polling, but enqueue failed with %d should have flushed queue? polling command not done scsizzzsoft error (corrected)not readymedium errornon-media hardware failureillegal requestunit attentionreadonly deviceno data foundvendor uniquecopy abortedsearch returned equalverify miscompareunknown error keyscsistrategy: No matching ioctl request found in queue physio split the request.. cannot proceed cmdlen too big passthrough: adapter inconsistency unknown error category %d from adapter %s(%s:%d:%d:%d): killed sync (%d.%02dns offset %d), 32-bit, 16-bit, 8-bit (%d.%03dMB/s) (%dKB/s) transfers, tagged queueingtagged queueing ATA illegal length indicationATA volume overflowATA command abortedunknown error code %d %s(%s:%d:%d): wdc_atapi_done %s:%d:%d: flags 0x%x wdc_atapi_done: scsipi_done atastart from wdc_atapi_done, flags 0x%x %s:%d:%d: reset failed wdc_atapi_phase_complete(%s:%d:%d) polldsc %d wdc_atapi_phase_complete: cold%s:%d:%d: wait_for_dsc failed wdc_atapi_intr: bcount value is %d after io wdc_atapi_phase_complete: wdc_atapi_done(), error 0x%x sense 0x%x wdc_atapi_intr %s:%d:%d %s:%d:%d: bad state %d in wdc_atapi_intr wdc_atapi_intr: bad state%s:%d:%d: device timeout, c_bcount=%d, c_skip=%d wdc_atapi_intr: c_bcount %d len %d st 0x%x err 0x%x ire 0x%x :PHASE_CMDOUT PHASE_DATAOUT wdc_atapi_intr: warning: write only %d of %d requested bytes PHASE_DATAIN wdc_atapi_intr: warning: reading only %d of %d bytes PHASE_COMPLETED wdc_atapi_intr: unknown phase 0x%x wdc_atapi_intr: wdc_atapi_done() (end), error 0x%x sense 0x%x unbusypiomodewdc_atapi_start %s:%d:%d, scsi flags 0x%x %s:%d:%d: PIO mode %d rejected, falling back to PIO mode 3 wdc_atapi_start: not ready, st = %02x %s:%d:%d: %s timed out %s:%d:%d: %s error (0x%x) wdc_ata_bio_kill_xfer: unknown reason %d wdc_ata_bio_kill_xferwdc_atapi_probe_device: drive %d not present wdc_atapi_get_params: ATAPI_SOFT_RESET failed for drive %s:%d:%d: driver failed wdc_atapi_get_paramswdc_atapi_get_params: ATAPI_SOFT_RESET failed for drive %s:%d:%d: error 0x%x wdc_atapi_get_params: ATAPI_IDENTIFY_DEVICE failed for drive %s:%d:%d: error 0x%x unable to allocate periph for drive %d wdc_atapi_scsipi_request %s:%d:%d atapiscsinitq: SCSI bus : %d target%s, %d lun%s per target scshutsccompxscmdfailed to init channel %s-dunable to create discovery thread for channel %d removablefixed target %d lun %d: <%s, %s, %s> %s %sscsibus at %s channel %dscsibuswaiting %d seconds for devices to settle... scsidlyApple iPod CHINON CD-ROM CDS-431 CD-ROM CDS-435 Chinon CD-ROM CDS-525 CD-ROM CDS-535 DEC RRD42 (C) DEC DENON DRD-25X GENERIC CRD-BP2 HP C4324/C4325 IMS CDD521/10 2.06MATSHITACD-ROM CR-5XX 1.0bMEDAVIS RENO CD-ROMX2A MEDIAVISCDR-H93MV 1.3NEC CD-ROM DRIVE:502CD-ROM DRIVE:55 CD-ROM DRIVE:83 CD-ROM DRIVE:84 CD-ROM DRIVE:841OLYMPUS CDS620E 1.1dPIONEER CD-ROM DR-124X 1.01PLEXTOR CD-ROM PX-4XCS SONY CD-ROM CDU-541 CD-ROM CDU-55S CD-ROM CDU-561 CD-ROM CDU-76SCD-ROM CDU-8003ACD-ROM CDU-8012 TEAC CD-ROM 1.06CD-ROM CD-56S 1.0BTEXEL CD-ROM DM-XX24 K1.091.10TOSHIBA XM-4101TASUNSLCDIBM CDRM00201 !F0724ShinaKenCD-ROM DM-3x1S1.04JVC R2626YAMAHACRW8424SCD-ROM DRIVE:222MICROP 1588-15MBSUN06692217-15MQ1091501EPSON OMD-5010 3.08ADAPTEC AEC-4412BD1.2AACB-4000RZ55 (C) DECEMULEX MD21/S2 ESDIA00MICROP1548-15MZ1077801HZ2PC372IBMRAID 0662S0663HIBM0664DXHS36DDXHS18YH3171-S2KZ-CDFRSS2FInitio MPL MC-DISK- MAXTOR XT-3280 XT-4380S MXT-1240S XT-4170S XT-8760SLXT-213S LXT-213S SUN0207LXT-200S MEGADRV EV10001991-27MZMST SnapLink D3847 0307QUANTUM ELS85S LPS525S P105S 910-10-94xPD1225S PD210S SUN0207ATLAS IV 9 WLS0A0ARODIME RO3000S SEAGATE ST125N ST157N ST296 ST296N ST318404LC ST39236LC ST15150N ST19171ST32430NST34501FC SX910800NMK538FB 60271924FUJITSU M2266M2624S-512 SX336704LCSX173404LCIOMEGAZIP 100J.03INSITEI325VM MT-02 QIC CALIPER CP150 EXABYTE EXB-8200 GY-10C SDT-2000 2.09SDT-5000 3.SDT-5200 TANDBERG TDC 3600 ARCHIVE VIPER 150 21247VIPER 1500 212472.2GPython 28454-XXXWANGTEK 5099ES SCSI5150ES SCSISCSI-36WangDAT Model 1300 02.4Model 2600 01.7Model 3200 02.2MT-2ST/N50 RICOH IS60 1R08UMAX Astra 1200S V2.9Astra 1220S UMAX S-6E V2.0UMAX S-12 V2.1ULTIMA A6000C ESG-SHVSCA HSBP M15SYMBIOSLITRONICPCMCIA CDL1100 SUN SENA drive %d: <%s, %s, %s> %s %s: %d targets atapibus at %satapibusALPS ELECTRIC CO.,LTD. DC544CSW03DCR-2801TE1.07CREATIVECD3630EAC101FX320Sq01GCD-R580B1.00HITACHI CDR-77300008aMATSHITA CR-5741.02Memorex CRW-26421.0gNEC CD-ROM DRIVE:2734.21SANYO CRD-256PSANYO CRD-254PSANYO CRD-S54P1.08CD-ROM CDR-S11.70CD-ROM CDR-N161.25read_cd_capacity: extra large block size %u found - limiting to 2kByte optical mediaMMC close/finalise passed wrong device type! (%d) mmc_do_op: unhandled operation %d cd_setblksize: trying to change bsize, but no blk_desc cd_setblksize: trying to change bsize, but blk_desc is correct NEC CD-ROM DRIVE:260cache synchronization failed no door lock %s: waiting for pack to spin up... %s: pack is stopped, restarting... unable to restart pack preposterousunsupported%s sector size: 0x%x. Defaulting to %d bytes. RBC size: mode sense=%llu, get cap=%llu %s: fabricating a geometry %s, %ld cyl, %ld head, %ld sec, %ld bytes/sect x %llu sectorsdrive offlineunformatted mediastandby immediate command didn't complete wd_standby: status=%s wdstart1: bad return code from ata_bio()ST506fictitious%s: (error not notifieddevice faultdevice timeoutchannel resetsoft error (corrected) wddump: try againwddump: polled command has been queuedwddump: unknown atacmd code %dwddump: device timed outwddump: drive faultwddump: DMA errorwddump: wddump: unknown error type %dwd_get_params: bad return code from ata_get_paramsIDENTIFY failed SPLIT_MOD15_WRITEFORCE_LBA48quirks %s drive corrupts write transfers with certain controllers, consider replacing drive supports %d-sector PIO transfers, LBA48 addressing LBA addressing chs addressing %s, %d cyl, %d head, %d sec, %d bytes/sect x %llu sectors WARNING: block size %u might not actually work wd_setcache command not complete wd_setcache: status=%s flush cache command didn't complete wd_flushcache: status=%s trim command didn't complete wd_trim: status=%s wdioctlstrategy: No matching ioctl request found in queue physio split wd ioctl request... cannot proceed address mark not foundtrack 0 not foundaborted commandmedia change requestedid not foundmedia changeduncorrectable data errorbad block detectedobsolete (address mark not found)no media/write protectedinterface CRC errorST3120023ASST380023ASST360015AS%s:%d:%d: bad state %d in wdc_ata_bio_intr wdc_ata_bio_intr: bad state%s:%d:%d: device timeout, c_bcount=%d, c_skip%d %s:%d:%d: read intr before drq atacmd_to48: illegal 32-bit command: %d%s:%d:%d: timeout waiting for DRQ, st=0x%02x, err=0x%02x %s:%d:%d: not ready, st=0x%02x, err=0x%02x recalsetmultidrive fault error (%x) atabus at %swd at %s drive %d%s: unknown child %patasplatainitqatadowncan't alloc drive array qidlataactatdrnunable to create kernel thread: error %d %scnfunable to create config thread: error %d atathata_thread: queue_freeze%s(%s:%d:%d): using PIO mode %d32-bit data port drive supports PIO mode %d%s DMA mode %d%s Ultra-DMA mode %d (Ultra/33) (Ultra/66) (Ultra/100) (Ultra/133)SATA port multiplier not supported ata_hlatabuscouldn't create dma map. (error=%d) mmctaskqxfer 512xfer 1024xfer 2048xfer 4096xfer 8192xfer 16384xfer 32768xfer 65536xfer unalignedxfer errorcouldn't create task thread "%s(manufacturer 0x%x%sproduct 0x%x%sstandard function interface code 0x%x%sat %s function %dcouldn't alloc memory (sdmmc function) sdmmc_set_relative_addr: SMC_CAPS_SPI_MODE setsdmmc_select_card: SMC_CAPS_SPI_MODE setcouldn't supply bus power couldn't supply clock couldn't enable card: %d couldn't identify card no functions i/o init failed mem init failed bad CIS ptr %#x CIS parse error at %d, tuple code %#x, length %d CISTPL_FUNCE(common) found in function CISTPL_FUNCE(common) too short CISTPL_FUNCE(function) found in common CISTPL_FUNCE(function) too short (v1.00) CISTPL_FUNCE(function) too short bad CISTPL_FUNCID length bad CISTPL_MANFID length CISTPL_VERS_1 too short unknown tuple code %#x, length %d %s: CIS version %u.%u %s: CIS info: %s: Manufacturer code 0x%x, product 0x%x %s: function %d: couldn't supply voltage requested by card couldn't send I/O OCR couldn't set I/O RCA couldn't select I/O RCA %d couldn't read CIS can't change bus clock switch error error waiting for high speed switch: %d can't read EXT_CSD (error=%d) unrecognised future version (%d) unknown CARD_TYPE: 0x%x can't change high speed %d, error %d can't re-read EXT_CSD HS_TIMING set failed can't switch signaling voltage DDR52HS200can't execute MMC tuning can't enable cache: %d unknown SD CSD structure version 0x%x unknown MMC CSD structure version 0x%x unknown MMC version %d couldn't set mem RCA mid=0x%02x oid=0x%04x pnm="%s" rev=0x%02x psn=0x%08x mdt=%03x %s: %s failed with error %d SD_SEND_SCR send failed. can't change bus width (%d bit) switch func mode 0 failed failed to recover UHS card switch func mode 1 failed: group 1 function %d(0x%2x) can't get SD status: %d %d-bit, C%d, U%d, V%d, A%dcan't execute SD tuning SD card status: unknown bus widthwrite-protected Default/SDR12High-Speed/SDR25SDR50SDR104DDR50: <0x%02x:0x%04x:%s:0x%02x:0x%08x:0x%03x> sdmmc discard countsdmmc discard errorssdmmc discard busy%sattachcouldn't create thread (disabled)%d-bit width, %s, %s cache%s, %u.%03u MHz %u KHz blkno 0x%llu exceeds capacity %d , retrying ld_sdmmcconfig_hook: invalid hook typeconfig_hook: incompatible mode on type=%d/id=%ld != %dconfig_hook: type=%d/id=%ld is replacedconfig_hook: type=%d/id=%ld is already hooked(%p)config_hook: malloc failedconfig_connect: malloc failedconfig_connect: can't connect with shared hook, type=%d id=%ldUNKNOWNCASIOCompaqHPHP Jornada addr 0x%lx-0x%lx intr %dPXA270: Onchip Peripheral Bus pxaip_attach: failed to map CLKMANpxaip_attach: failed to map MEMCTLpxaip_measure_cpuclock: can't map RTC%s: CPU clock = %d.%03d MHz %s: kernel is configured for PXA250 and PXA270, cpu type is %s pxaintcpxaip_attach_critical: failed to attach INTC!pxagpiopxaip_attach_critical: failed to attach GPIO!pxaippxa2x0_memctl_read: not bootstrappedpxa2x0_memctl_write: not bootstrappedpxa2x0_clkman_config: not bootstrappedpxa2x0_io_bs_alloc(): not implemented pxa2x0_io_bs_free(): not implemented stray interrupt %d : Interrupt Controller intr_establish: bogus irq number %dintr_disestablish: bogus irq number %dpxagpio_reg_read: not bootstrappedpxagpio_reg_write: not bootstrapped: GPIO Controller Can't map registers! failed to hook main GPIO interrupt unhandled GPIO interrupt. GPIO#%d pxa2x0_gpio_intr_disestablish: can't unhook GPIO#0pxa2x0_gpio_intr_disestablish: can't unhook GPIO#1pxa2x0_gpio_intr_establish: bad pin number: %dpxa2x0_gpio_intr_establish: Pin %d not GPIO_INpxa2x0_gpio_intr_establish: bad level: %dpxa2x0_gpio_intr_establish: illegal shared interruptpxa2x0_gpio_set_intr_level: bad level: %d: can't map registers pxauart%s: Cannot map registersSA-11x0 OS Timer clock: hz=%d stathz=%d saost_countsaostNot supported depth (%d) Unknown depth (%d) : PXA2x0 LCD controller failed to map registers (errno=%d) unable to establish interrupt at irq %d lcd_free on active screen Stray DMAC interrupt for unallocated channel %d : DMA Controller dmac_pxaip_attach: bus_dmamem_alloc faileddmac_pxaip_attach: bus_dmamem_map faileddmac_pxaip_attach: bus_dmamap_create faileddmac_pxaip_attach: bus_dmamap_load failedpxa2x0_dmac_abort_xfer: channel %d failed to abortpxadmacunable to establish interrupt init failed, error=%d pxaohcipxapcic_mem_map: bogus kindpcic_attach_card: already attached%s,%dunable to create event thread for %d pxapcicevpxapcicss: %d slot%s can't attach failed to map MEMCTL pcmciabusunable to map register %s: Bus Error Detected Interrupt not handled 0x%x : Real-time Clock %s: couldn't map registers %s: using wristwatch register pxartcpxamci_dmac_ointr: non-zero completion status %d pxamci_dmac_iintr: non-zero completion status %d mmclkclock stop timeout couldn't start dma xfer. (error=%d) data not a multiple of %u bytes too much data mmcmdunsupported bus frequency of %d KHz : MMC/SD Controller couldn't establish MMC interrupt using DMA transfer couldn't alloc rx dma xfer couldn't alloc tx dma xfer couldn't attach bus apmsuspendpower management disabledreal mode interface already connectedinterface not connected16-bit interface already connected16-bit interface not supported32-bit interface already connected32-bit interface not supportedunrecognized device IDparameter out of rangeinterface not engagedunable to enter requested stateno pending eventsno APM presentunknown error codeAPM reservedAPM: %s event code %x get eventapmstandbyapmevioctl get power statusapm at %sPower Management spec V%d.%dunable to create thread, kernel APM support disabled reserved systemreserved deviceOEM definedapmdevpcmcia_childdetached: %s not found %s: error %d detaching %s (function %d) (manufacturer 0x%04x, product 0x%04x) function %d: %s pcmcia_function_init: function is enabled%s: card appears to have bogus CIS pcmcia_function_enable: function not initialized%s: couldn't map the CCR pcmcia_io_map: function is enabled! pcmcia_io_unmap: function is enabled! pcmcia_intr_establish: function is enabled! pcmcia_intr_establish: already done interrupt establish failed pcmcia_intr_disestablish: function is enabled! pcmcia_intr_distestablish: already done Drats! I need a skew! Cannot allocate cfe entry CIS checksum failed %s: CIS version PCMCIA 1.0 PCMCIA 2.0 or 2.1 PC Card Standard %d.%d unknown (major=%d, minor=%d) unspecifiedmulti-functionserial portparallel portfixed disk(ata)video adapternetwork adapterauto incrementing mass storageSCSI bridgeSecurity servicesInstrumentunknown (%d), ccr addr %lx mask %lx %s: function %d, config table entry %d: memory cardI/O cardcard type unknown; irq mask %x; iomask %lx, iospace %lx-%lx; memspace@%lx; maxtwins %d mwait_required rdybsy_active wp_active bvd_active io8 io16 irqshare irqpulse irqlevel powerdown readonly audio%s: %d errors found while parsing CIS %s: using CIS quirks for pcmcia_check_cis_quirks: malloc pfpcmcia_check_cis_quirks: malloc cfeSVECFD605 PCMCIA EtherNet CardNDCPCMCIA MBH10302can't alloc mem for enet addr can't map mem for enet addr configure failed, error=%d can't get subregion for asic can't match ethernet vendor code cannot set power mgmt handler unable to establish power handler PCMCIAAmbiCom IncAMB8002TAmbiCom,Inc.Fast Ethernet PC Card(AMB8110)PMX PE-200UE2212D-LinkDE-660DE-660+RPTI LTD.EP400RPTIEP401 Ethernet NE2000 CompatibleACCTONEN2212EN2216-PCMCIA-ETHERNETSeiko Epson Corp.P/N: EEN10B Rev. 00TAMARACKCNetCN40BC EthernetPCMCIA-ETHERNET-CARDUE2216ASIXAX88190DFE-670TXDMELCOLPC2-TXLINKSYSE-CARDDE-650I-O DATAPCLAcorega K.K.corega Ether CF-TD LAN Cardcorega Ether PCC-Tcorega Ether PCC-TDcorega Ether PCC-TLcorega EtherII PCC-Tcorega EtherII PCC-TDcorega FastEther PCC-TXcoregaFEther PCC-TXFcorega FEther PCC-TXDcorega FEtherII PCC-TXD(CG-LAPCCTXD)(HardwareFirmwareVer.)SMC8041TX-10/100-PC-Card-V2LNT-10TNCF10Base-EthernetDYNALINKL10Cne_pcmciacouldn't establish interrupt MEGAHERTZMODEM XJ2288com_pcmciacan't subregion I/O space memory mapped mode i/o mapped mode wdcattachDigital Mobile Media CD-ROMPCMCIA Portable CD-ROM DriveNinjaATA-EXP PnPIDEF1SHUTTLE TECHNOLOGY LTD.PCCARD-IDE/ATAPI AdapterFREECOMPCCARD-IDEIO DATACBIDE2 LOOKMEETIDE CARDwdc_pcmciawiinitcouldn't load firmware failed to attach controller SMC2632WNANOSPEEDHFA384x/IEEENECWireless Card CMZ-RT-WPNTT-ME11Mbps Wireless LAN PC CardWireless LAN PCC-11Wireless LAN PCCA-11corega_K.K.Wireless_LAN_PCCB-11WL PCCL-11WLCFL-11INTERSILIntersilPRISM 2_5 PCMCIA ADAPTERPLANEXGW-NS11H Wireless LAN PC CardD-Link CorporationD-Link DWL-650H 11Mbps WLAN Adapterwi_pcmciausbevt: USB revision %s, not supported %s: can't register softintr usb_doattach%s: root device is not a hub %s: unable to create event thread for usb_create_event_thread%s: root hub problem, error=%s usbreausbtskunable to create task thread: %s usb_create_event_thread taskusb at %susbtask-hcusbtask-drpre not doneusbxferWARNING: pipe closed with active xfers on addr %d usb_desc_iter_next: bad descriptor usb_desc_iter_next: descriptor length = 0 usb_desc_iter_next: descriptor length too large usb_detach_wait: %s didn't detach usbdetusb_detach_waitold: %s didn't detach usbverbosevendor %4.4xproduct %4.4x port %d configuration %d interface %dusbdevifserialnumberusbifif%x.%02x%s (%#04x) %s (%#04x), class %d/%d, rev , addr %dusbdlyout of data0 lengthiface descusbd_fill_iface_data: bad descriptor(s): %s usbd_set_config_index: illegal index %s: device addr %d (config %d) exceeds power budget, %d mA > %d mA usbroothubif%s: port %d, set config at addr %d failed usbd_new_device: cannot find HS port%s: No free USB addresses, new device ignored. %s: at %s (addr %d) disconnected NORMAL_COMPLETIONIN_PROGRESSPENDING_REQUESTSNOT_STARTEDINVALNOMEMCANCELLEDBAD_ADDRESSIN_USENO_ADDRSET_ADDR_FAILEDNO_POWERTOO_DEEPIOERRORNOT_CONFIGUREDTIMEOUTSHORT_XFERSTALLEDINTERRUPTEDillegal enable change, port %d port error, restarting port %d port error, giving up port %d port %d reset failed strange, connected port %d has no power device problem, disabling port %d hub not fully initialised, but child deleted?multiple%s transaction translator%s hub depth (%d) exceeded, hub ignored %d port%s with %d removable, %s powered no ports, hub ignored setting hub depth %u can't set depth no interface handle can't enable multiple TTs no endpoint descriptor bad interrupt endpoint cannot open interrupt pipe port %d power on failed, %s uroothubuhubuhid at %s reportid %d%s, iclass %d/%d could not read endpoint descriptor endpoint %d: ignored no input interrupt endpoint no report descriptor %d report ids uhidbusuhidev_intr: bad repid %d uhidev: input=%d, output=%d, feature=%d uhidreauhiddetuhid%s: was console keyboard bad modifier sizetoo many Variable keyskey code size != 8key codes not on byte boundarymultiple key code arraysattach failed, %s This port is broken, it does not call cnpollc() before calling cngetc(). This should be fixed, but it will work anyway (for now). ukbd%s: BBB bulk-%s stall clear failed, %s %s: Invalid CSW: sig 0x%08x should be 0x%08x %s: Invalid CSW: tag %d should be %d %s: Invalid CSW: status %d > %d %s: Phase Error, residue = %d %s: transferred %s %d bytes instead of %d bytes%s: BBB reset failed, %s %s: BBB bulk-in clear stall failed, %s %s: BBB bulk-out clear stall failed, %s %s: Unknown state %d%s: CBI bulk-%s stall clear failed, %s %s: CBI intr-in stall clear failed, %s %s: CBI reset failed, %s %s: CBI bulk-in stall clear failed, %s %s: CBI bulk-out stall clear failed, %s %s: Get Max Lun failed: %s umassdetusing %s over %s quirk init failed endpoint not found %u/%u/%u unable to get Max Lun: %s cannot open %u-out pipe (bulk) could not open %u-in pipe (bulk) couldn't open %u-in (intr) failed to create xfers command protocol=0x%x not supported bus attach failed ATAPIUFIRBCISD-ATABulk-OnlyCBICBI with CCIumassuisdata_exec_command: large datalen %d uisdata_exec_command: bad command 0x%02x uisdataex%s: ATA_POLL not supported %s: multiple uisdata_bio uisdatablumass_cmd: large datalen, %d %s: Unknown status %d in umass_scsipi_cbcan't allocate link for drive %d %s: reset failed %s: abort rx pipe failed: %s %s: close rx pipe failed: %s %s: abort tx pipe failed: %s %s: abort intr pipe failed: %s %s: close tx pipe failed: %s %s: close intr pipe failed: %s %s: MII read timed out %u usb errors on intr: %s aue_send error=%s open intr pipe failed: %s failed to set configuration, err=%s getting interface handle failed auemcauemccl%s-mccreating multicast configuration thread couldn't get endpoint descriptor %d missing endpoint Ethernet address %s %s: EEPROM read timed out aue%s: watchdog timeout %s: no memory for rx list -- packet dropped! %s: usb error on rx: %s %s: open rx pipe failed: %s %s: open tx pipe failed: %s %s: tx list init failed %s: rx list init failed %s: usb error on tx: %s no union descriptor no data interface setting alternate interface failed unexpected endpoint could not find data bulk in could not find data bulk out faking address cdce%s: cue_send error=%s %s: %u usb errors on rx: %s couldn't get ep %d %s: read MAC address failed cue%s: kue_send error=%s %s: warm boot, no firmware download %s: cold boot, downloading firmware %s: failed to load code segment: %s %s: failed to load fixup segment: %s %s: failed to load trigger segment: %s loading firmware failed could not read Ethernet descriptor kue%s: %s: bad register %04x %s: url_send error=%s failed to get interface, err=%s couldn't get endpoint %d urlwrite PHY failed read PHY failed media change failed can't read rxmodefailed to read phyaddrs failed to read eeprom failed to read ethernet address failed to read ipg if_axebpf%s: udav_send error=%s udavunable to flush cache lddrain%s: not drained dk_subrLucent/Prism/Symbol 802.11 controls%s: sysctl_createv failed (rc = %d) timeout in wi_seek to %x/%x %s: failed in wi_seek to %x/%x command timed out, cmd=0x%x, arg=0x%x command failed, cmd=0x%x, arg=0x%x detect auto increment bug, try again wi_cmd: busy bit won't clear. xmit failed %s: %d tx cmds pending!!! record read mismatch, rid=%x, got=%x record buffer is too small, rid=%x, size=%d, len=%d %s: invalid channel %d %s: cleaning outstanding rssadapt descriptor for %s %s: tx rate %d -> %d (%d) %s write fid %x failed %s read fid %x failed %s: null node%s bad idx %02x %s null node, rssdesc %02x %s txpending[%i] wraparoundtx failed, retry limit exceeded, max transmit lifetime exceeded, port disconnected, invalid format (data len %u src %s), status=0x%xwi_scan_result: unknown firmware type %u failed to allocate %d bytes on NIC timeout in alloc tx buffer allocation failed %s: interface not running %s: device timeout LucentSymbol could not establish softint could not get mac address, attach failed 802.11 address %s %s: using Unknown PRISM2 chipUnknown Lucent chip %s: %s Firmware: Primary (%u.%u.%u), Station (%u.%u.%u) using default channel list no available channel no supported rate list if_initialize failed(%d) Lucent Technologies, WaveLAN/IEEESony WaveLAN/IEEELucent Embedded WaveLAN/IEEERF:PRISM2 MAC:HFA3841RF:PRISM2 MAC:HFA3841 CARD:HWB3763 rev.BRF:PRISM2 MAC:HFA3841 CARD:HWB3163 rev.ARF:PRISM2 MAC:HFA3841 CARD:HWB3163 rev.BRF:PRISM2 MAC:HFA3842 CARD:HFA3842 EVALRF:PRISM1 MAC:HFA3841 CARD:HWB1153RF:PRISM2 MAC:HFA3841 CARD:HWB3163-SST-flashRF:PRISM2.5 MAC:ISL3873B(PCMCIA)RF:PRISM2.5 MAC:ISL3874A(Mini-PCI)RF:PRISM2.5 MAC:ISL3874A(PCI-bridge)RF:PRISM3 MAC:ISL3871(PCMCIA)RF:PRISM3 MAC:ISL3871(Mini-PCI): failed to clear NIC buffer at offset %x - check configuration dp8390_start: no header mbuf%s: NIC memory corrupt - invalid packet length %d device enable failed ne2000_write_mbuf: negative len%s: remote transmit DMA failed to complete where did the card go? setup failed %s: %d silo overflow%s, %d ibuf flood%s 'ns16550, broken fifons8250 or ns16450, no fifons16550a, working fifoAu1X00 UART, working fifons16650, no ERS, working fifoOMAP UART, working fifoIngenic UART, working fifoTegra UART, working fifois_consolecan't re-init serial console @%lx txfifo disabled unable to allocate ring buffer 10base2, 10baseT, 10baseT-FDX, auto, default [0x%02x 0x%02x] auto 10base2 10baseT-FDX 10baseT atarst%s:%d: %s %s:%d:%d: %s %s channel %d: reset failed for drive 0 drive 1__wdccommand_kill_xfer: unknown reason %d __wdccommand_kill_xferlost interrupt type: %s tc_bcount: %d tc_skip: %d missing untimeoutatapollatadrdyatacnfwdccmdatardlNetBSDRoot hubOHCI root hub%s: %u scheduling overruns %s: resume detect %s: unrecoverable error, controller halted ohci_device_isoc_abort: early return WARNING: addr 0x%08lx not found ohci_setintr: 0 interval , legacy supportohcixferOHCI version %d.%d%s unsupported OHCI revision SMM does not respond, resetting reset timeout BAD LENGTH %d Main bTag=%d Global bTag=%d Local bTag=%d default bType=%d crypto_core_constant32[0] == le32dec(&sigma[0])crypto self-test failed: %scrypto_core_constant32[1] == le32dec(&sigma[4])crypto_core_constant32[2] == le32dec(&sigma[8])crypto_core_constant32[3] == le32dec(&sigma[12])block[i] == le32dec(&out[i*4])expand 32-byte kinvalid vap id %dvap id %d not allocatedinvalid channel freq %u flags %x invalid channel (NULL) %s: mode %u not supported (caps 0x%x) Unexpected mode %u%s: no channels found for mode %u Bad IBSS channel %ubad channel ignored; freq %u flags %x number %u vap table full.5%s: %s rates: %s%d%sMbps%s: no 802.11 instance! 11a11b11gFHturboAturboGAMRR increasing rate %d (txcnt=%d retrycnt=%d) AMRR decreasing rate %d (txcnt=%d retrycnt=%d) No cipher!%s: %s keyix %u flags 0x%x rsc %ju tsc %ju len %u %s: driver did not delete key index %u %s: cipher %s has an invalid cipher index %u %s: cipher %s registered with a different template %s: invalid cipher %u %s: unregistered cipher %u, load module %s %s: unable to load cipher %u, module %s %s: no h/w support for cipher %s, falling back to s/w %s: no h/w support for TKIP MIC, falling back to s/w %s: unable to attach cipher %s %s: no h/w resources for cipher %s, falling back to s/w %s: unable to setup cipher %s %s: %s keyix %u flags 0x%x mac %s rsc %ju tsc %ju len %u %s: cipher %s rejected key index %u len %u flags 0x%x %s: no key index; should not happen! [%s] no default transmit key (%s) deftxkey %u %s: WEP data frame too short, len %u [%s] unable to pullup %s header wlan_wepwlan_tkipwlan_aes_ocbwlan_ccmpwlan_ckip%s: Invalid key length %u, expecting %u %s: control frame[%s] Missing ExtIV for AES-CCM cipher not enough data in following buffer, m_len %u need %u [%s] AES-CCM decrypt failed; MIC mismatch AES-CCM[%s] key id %u is not set (decap) [%s] key id %u is not set (encap) NONEout of buffers with data_len %zu [%s] missing ExtIV for TKIP cipher [%s] discard frame due to countermeasures (%s) [%s] TKIP ICV mismatch on decrypt [%s] Discard frame due to countermeasures (%s) TKIP[%s] out of data for WEP (data_len %zu) [%s] WEP ICV mismatch on decrypt WEP[%s:%s] discard %s frame, %s information element, too short, len %uWME[%s] discard %s frame, ssid mismatch: too short (1): len %uwrong version %xnode %s, %snot to bssnot to cur sta: lladdr=%6D, addr1=%6Dtoo short (2): len %ubss %s, broadcast %s, %sseqno <%u,%u> fragno <%u,%u> tid %uduplicatedata too short: expecting %uunknown dir 0x%xmulticast echounknown srcunassoc src[%s] power save mode on, %u sta's in ps mode [%s] power save mode off, %u sta's in ps mode [%s] flush ps queue, %u packets queued multicast fragm?demic errordecap errorunauthorized port: ether type 0x%x len %utoo short: len %umgtreceived %s from %s rssi %d WEP set but not permittedWEP set but PRIVACY offps-pollunassociated stationaid mismatch: sta aid 0x%x poll aid 0x%x[%s] recv ps-poll, but queue empty [%s] recv ps-poll, send packet, %u still queued [%s] recv ps-poll, send packet, queue empty bad frame type 0x%x[%s] extended rate set too large; only using %u of %u rates [%s] shared key challenge alloc failed reassocWPARSN, protection, QoSie too shortbad len %uERPid %u, len %uunhandledno scan.ratesbad scan.rates len %dno scan.ssidbad scan.ssid len %dinvalid channel %ufor off-channel %ubogus beacon interval[%s] erp change: was 0x%x, now 0x%x [%s] capabilities change: before 0x%x, now 0x%x no ratesbad rates len %dno ssidbad ssid len %dno ssid with ssid suppression enabled[%s] recv probe req recv'd rate set invalid[%s] recv auth frame with algorithm %d seq %d disallowed by ACLTKIP countermeasures enabledshared key auth PRIVACY is disabledbad sta auth mode %uie %d/%d too longno challengebad challenge len %dbad operating mode %ubad state %u[%s] shared key %sauth request shared key responseunknown stationno challenge recordedchallenge mismatch[%s] station authenticated (shared key) bad seq %d[%s] shared key auth failed (reason %d) open auth[%s] station authenticated (open) [%s] open auth failed (reason %d) unsupported alg %dwrong bssid[%s] deny %s request, sta not authenticated [%s] no WPA/RSN IE in association request not WPA, flags 0x%xbad version %umcast cipher mismatch; got %u, expected %uucast cipher data too short; len %u, n %uucast cipher set emptykey mgmt alg data too short; len %u, n %uno acceptable key mgmt algnot RSN, flags 0x%x[%s] %s ie: mc %u/%u uc %u/%u key %u caps 0x%x [%s] deny %s request, capability mismatch 0x%x [%s] deny %s request, rate set mismatch [%s] %sassoc failed (reason %d) [%s] %sassoc failed (rate set mismatch) [%s] %sassoc success: %s preamble, %s slot time%s%s [%s] recv deauthenticate (reason %d) [%s] recv disassociate (reason %d) subtype 0x%x not handled[%s] %s link-layer statistics and controlsIEEE 802.11 WLAN statistics and controlsieee80211%s: sysctl_createv failed, rc = %d client/peer stationsvap%uinact_runinact_probeinact_authinact_initdriver_capsbmiss_max%s: 802.11 mgt frame too large: %ubad beacon boundarybss %snode %s join %snode %s leave notify scan done [%s] %s replay detected [%s] michael MIC verification failed %s: load the %s module by hand for now. bogus aid %u, max %u%s %p<%s> in %s table 0x%p: mac %s refcnt %d scangen %u authmode %u flags 0x%x associd 0x%x txpower %u vlan %u txseq %u rxseq %u fragno %u rxfragstamp %u rstamp %u rssi %u intval %u capinfo 0x%x bssid %s essid "%.*s" channel %u:0x%x fails %u inact %u txrate %u %s: IEEE80211_LOCK not held%s: remove %p<%s> from %s table, refcnt %d %s: %p<%s> clear key map entry [%s] scan candidate purged from cache (refcnt %u) %s: free all nodes in %s table %s %s table %s: %s[%u] still active ????ibss %c %s %s%c %3d%c %+4d %2dM%c %4s%c %3s%c %s: scan set:%s%u start chan %u passive%s: end %s scan ni != NULLrefcnt(ni) == %dic != NULL%s: fixed rate %d (%d.%d Mb/s) not in rate set%s %p<%s> %s: add key map entry %p<%s> refcnt %d [%s] no node, discard frame (%s) %s %p<%s> refcnt %d %s: %p<%s> clear key map entryneighbor%s: creating ibss %s: merge failed, capabilities mismatch %s: new bssid %s: %s preamble, %s slot time%s %s: no scan candidate macaddr bssid chan rssi rate flag wep essid %s %s: chan %d->%d begin %s scan in %s mode, scangen %u new [%s] %s%s on chan %u (bss chan %u) [%s] caps 0x%x bintval %u erp 0x%x country infokey map out of sync, ni %p nikey %p%s: delete key map entry %p<%s> refcnt %d %s: scan aborted %u [%s] station with aid %d leaves unexpected operating mode %ubogus long slot station count %d[%s] long slot time station leaves, count now %d %s: re-enable use of short slot time bogus non-ERP station count %d[%s] non-ERP station leaves, count now %d %s: disable use of protection %s: re-enable use of short preamble %s: %s scangen %u [%s] discard frame, age %u [%s] discard %u frames for age probe station due to inactivitystation timed out due to inactivity (refcnt %u)[%s] station needs long slot time, count %d [%s] station is !ERP, %d non-ERP stations associated %s: enable use of protection [%s] station needs long preamble [%s] station %sassociated at aid %d: %s preamble, %s slot time%s%s unable to setup inital BSS node%s: no memory for AID bitmap! %s: no memory for TIM bitmap! %s %s table, inact %u Cannot allocate key index map with %u entries scanena[%s] send null data frame on channel %u, pwr mgt %s no ethernet header!%s: cannot expand storage not enough room, need %u got %zu [%s] enmic failed, discard frame mbuf already chained?pktlen %u mtu %ufragment size %u too big!%s: npkt %d firstlen %d lastlen0 %d lastlen %d fraglen %d overlen %d len %d rate %d icflags %08x no WPA/RSN!RSN IE too big, %u > %zuWPA IE too big, %u > %zuieee80211_ref_node (%s:%u) %p<%s> refcnt %d [%s] send probe req on channel %u [%s] request encrypt frame (%s) [%s] send station deauthenticate (reason %d) [%s] send station disassociate (reason %d) [%s] invalid mgmt frame type %u [%s] encrypting frame (%s) [%s] send %s on channel %u %s: cannot get buf; size %u no space for 802.11 header?%s: traffic %u, disable aggressive mode %s: traffic %u, enable aggressive mode tim bitmap empty!%s: TIM updated, pending %u, off %u, len %u [%s] pwr save q overflow, drops %d (size %d) [%s] save frame with age %d, %u now queued wlan: %s acl policy registered wlan: %s acl policy unregistered wlan_acl0x%s: %s -> %s no recent beacons from %s; rescanning %s: invalid transition %s: bogus xmit rate %u setup associated synchronized with %s ssid channel %d start %uMb NODS %s->%sTODS %sFRDS %sDSDS %s->%s) type#%d WEP [IV %.02x KID %u] %dM +%d%s: %s [acm %u aifsn %u log2(cwmin) %u log2(cwmax) %u txpoLimit %u] %s: %s log2(cwmin) %u %s: WME params updated, cap_info 0x%x %s: %s chan [acm %u aifsn %u log2(cwmin) %u log2(cwmax) %u txpoLimit %u] %s: %s bss [acm %u aifsn %u log2(cwmin) %u log2(cwmax) %u txpoLimit %u] beacon misswlan_internalwlan_xauthWME_AC_BEWME_AC_BKWME_AC_VIWME_AC_VOWME_UPSDINITSCANAUTHASSOCRUNreserved#0reserved#1reserved#2reserved#3reserved#5reserved#6reserved#7reserved#8reserved#9ps_pollrtscf_endcf_end_ackreassoc_reqreassoc_respprobe_reqprobe_respbeaconatimdisassocdeauthreserved#13reserved#14reserved#15rssadaptexpavgctl%s: dst %s threshold[%d, %d.%d] %d < %d %s: src %s rssi %d avg %d -> %d ieee80211_rssadapt_lower_rate: %s rate #%d > #%d out of bounds %s: dst %s rssi %d threshold[%d, %d.%d] %d -> %d %s: threshold[%d, %d.%d] decay %d %s: dst %s thresholds %d-byte, T[%d.%d] = %dexternal%hu.%hhu%s:%hhuigmpplinetigmplla_lookup: new lle malloc failed inmltplmulticastsubnetsarelocalhostzerobroadcastinvalid argument to in_lifaddr_ioctlin_controlinpcbpl%d.%d.%d.%d%s:%huinterneticmpmaskreplreturndatabyteserrppslimitrediracceptredirtimeoutbmcastechoICMP: redirect failed to register timeout for route to %s, code %d icmp_erroricmp lenforwardingredirectttlforwsrcrtdirected-broadcastallowsrcrtmtudiscanonportminanonportmaxmtudisctimeoutlowportminlowportmaxcheckinterfacerandom_iddo_loopback_cksumdad_countanonportalgoavailableselectedreserve%s: refusing to send from invalid address %s (pid %d) maxfragpacketsipfrenplrip_abortrip_acceptpcblist(unknown)TCP: invalid wscale %d from %s, assuming %d tcpipqepltcp_pulloutofbandsynplm_pulldown malfunctionConnection attempt to TCP %s:%d from %s:%d (unknown v6)Connection attempt to TCP [%s]:%d from [%s]:%d tcp_output REXMTtp->t_lastm == NULLtcp_outputsackholepltcp_inittcpcbpltcp_new_issrfc1323sendspacerecvspacemssdfltminmssmslsyn_cache_limitsyn_bucket_limitinit_winmss_ifmtusackcongctlwin_scaletimestampscompat_42cwmcwm_burstsizeack_on_pushkeepidlekeepintvlkeepcntslowhzlog_refusedrstppslimitdelack_ticksinit_win_localkeepinitrecvbuf_autorecvbuf_increcvbuf_maxsendbuf_autosendbuf_incsendbuf_maxecnenablemaxretriesglobalmaxholesglobalholeslocal_by_rttdropiss_hashabcaggressivemsltremoteremote_thresholdvtw%s: af %dtcp6inet6newrenocubic%s: could not allocate %zu bytes for hash anchors%s: could not allocate %zu bytes for fatp_t array%s: could not allocate %zu bytes for vtw_t arrayudp_abortudp_acceptudpchecksumrandom_startrandom_pickdoublehashrandinc(src=%s dst=%s tgt=%s)icmp6nd6_prunend6_delaynd6_umaxtriesnd6_mmaxtriesnd6_useloopbacknodeinfond6_maxnudhintmtudisc_hiwatmtudisc_lowatnd6_debugnd6_drlistnd6_prlistmaxqueuelen%s: sanity fail: off=%lx, sizeof(ip6)=%lx in %s:%d /usr/src/sys/netinet6/icmp6.c%s: source can't be determined: dst=%s, error=%d %s: ENOBUFS in icmp6_error %d %s: ICMP6 redirect sent from %s rejected; must be from linklocal %s: ICMP6 redirect sent from %s rejected; hlim=%d (must be 255) %s: ICMP6 redirect rejected; no route with inet6 gateway found for redirect dst: %s %s: ICMP6 redirect rejected; not equal to gw-for-src=%s (must be same): %s %s: ICMP6 redirect rejected; no route found for redirect dst: %s %s: ICMP6 redirect rejected; redirect dst must be unicast: %s %s: ICMP6 redirect rejected; neither router case nor onlink case: %s %s: invalid ND option, rejected: %s %s: lladdrlen mismatch for %s (if %d, icmp6 packet %d): %s %s: ICMP6 checksum error(%d|%x) %s %s: unknown type %d(src=%s, dst=%s, ifid=%d) %s: in6_setscope failed IPv6 address: "%s" is not on the network %s: a destination can be specified for a p2p or a loopback IF only %s: prefixlen should be 128 when dstaddr is specified %s: valid lifetime is 0 for %s %s: the prefix length of an existing (%s) autoconf address should not be changed %s: addmulti failed for %s on %s (errno=%d) in6_are_prefix_equal: invalid prefix length(%d) in6_prefixlen2mask: invalid prefix length(%d) invalid argument to in6_lifaddr_ioctlprefix ioctls are now invalidated. please use ifconfig. %s: %s marked tentative %s: %s marked detached in6_if2idlen: unknown link type (%d) in6_cksum: offset too short for IPv6 headerin6_cksum: mbuf too short for IPv6 header%s: never found a good ID %s: %s has too small MTU, IPv6 not enabled %s: %s is not multicast capable, IPv6 not enabled %s: failed to configure the loopback address on %s (errno=%d) %s: %s: got interface identifier from itself %s: %s: got interface identifier from %s %s: %s: borrow interface identifier from %s %s: %s: interface identifier generated by random number %s: %s: ifid: %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x %s: failed to configure a link-local address on %s (errno=%d) %s: cannot assign link-local address in6pcbpl::ffff:%s[%s]:%huinternet6Cannot forward from %s@%s to %s@%s nxt %d (%s) mcast/dstbcast/mcastunspec/srcsrc[%s] inzone %d outzone %ddst[%s] inzone %d outzone %dip6accept_rtadvrtadv_maxroutesrtadv_numrouteskeepfaithlog_intervalhdrnestlimitauto_flowlabeldefmcasthlimNetBSD-currentkame_versionuse_deprecatedrr_prunev6onlyauto_linklocaladdctlpolicyuse_tempaddrprefer_tempaddrtemppltimetempvltimemaxfragsuse_defaultzonemcast_pmtuneighborgcthreshmaxifprefixesmaxifdefroutersmaxdynroutesip6_init%s: off < sizeof(struct ip6_hdr)ip6_nexthdr: m == NULL%s: packet to an unready address %s->%s pim6register_mifmultiple kernel entriesadd_m6fc: %s o %s g %s p %x dbx %p cannot forward from %s to %s nxt %d received on %s ip6_mforward: ip6_mrouter socket queue full assumption failed: hdr not splitmulticast_kludgeregen_tmpaddr: failed to create a new tmp addr, errno=%d nd6_setmtu0: new link MTU on %s (%lu) is too small for IPv6 which needs %lu scope error in prefix list (%s) scope error in router list (%s) nd6_timer%s: workqueue_create failed (%d) %s: duplicated ND6 option found (type=%d) %s: nd6_options: unsupported option %d - option ignored %s: too many loop in nd opt Cannot enable an interface with a link-local address marked duplicate. %s: can't allocate llinfo for %s (ln=%p, rt=%p) %s: failed to set scope %s (errno=%d) %s.%d: sockaddr_dl_init(, %zu, ) failed on %s %s: rt_setgate failed on %s nd6_rtrequest: bad gateway value: %s %s: %s: failed to join %s (errno=%d) %s: DAD detected duplicate IPv6 address %s: NS in/out=%d/%d, NA in=%d %s: DAD complete for %s - duplicate found %s: manual intervention required %s: possible hardware address duplication detected, disable IPv6 %s: invalid hlim (%d) from %s to %s on %s %s: invalid target address %s %s: a solicited adv is multicasted %s: invalid ND option, ignored %s: lladdrlen mismatch for %s (if %d, NA packet %d) nd6_na_input: duplicate IP6 address %s %s: ND packet from non-neighbor %s on %s nd6_dad_timer: called with duplicate address %s(%s) nd6_dad_timer: called with non-tentative address %s(%s) %s: %s: could not run DAD, driver problem? %s: %s: DAD complete for %s - no duplicates found %s: bad DAD packet (wrong ip6 dst) %s: NS packet from non-neighbor %s on %s %s: bad NS target (multicast) %s: bad DAD packet (link-layer address option) %s: lladdrlen mismatch for %s (if %d, NS packet %d) %s: duplicate IP6 address %s %s: src=%s %s: dst=%s %s: tgt=%s nd6_dad_start: called with non-tentative address %s(%s) nd6_dad_start: memory allocation failed for %s(%s) %s: %s: starting DAD for %s %s: preferred lifetime(%d) is greater than valid lifetime(%d) %s: %s/%d is already on-link %s: failed to find any ifaddr to add route for a prefix(%s/%d) on %s %s: failed to add route for a prefix (%s/%d) on %s, gw=%s, mask=%s, flags=%lx errno = %d rtpref: impossible RA flag %x %s: %s/%d is already off-link %s: failed to recover a prefix %s/%d from %s to %s (errno = %d) %s: failed to delete route: %s/%d on %s (errno = %d) %s: lladdrlen mismatch for %s (if %d, RS packet %d) %s: called unexpectedly (forwarding=%d, accept_rtadv=%d) nd6_defrouter_select: more than one router is installed %s: failed to make %s/%d offlink on %s, errno=%d %s: failed to make %s/%d offlink, errno=%d %s: failed to make %s/%d onlink, errno=%d nd6_prelist_remove: negative count on %s %s: failed to find a good random IFID %s: failed to find a unique random IFID %s: ifa update succeeded, but we got no ifaddr nd6_defrtrlist_del: negative count on %s %s: src %s is not link-local nd_ra_input: lower CurHopLimit sent from %s on %s (current=%d, received=%d), ignored %s: invalid option len %d for prefix information option, ignored %s: invalid prefix len %d for prefix information option, ignored %s: invalid prefix %s, ignored %s: failed to make the prefix %s/%d on-link on %s (errno=%d) %s: nd6_prelist_add failed for %s/%d on %s errno=%d, returnpr=%p %s: IFID undefined (%s) %s: invalid prefixlen %d for %s, ignored %s: wrong prefixlen for %s (prefix=%d ifid=%d) in6_ifadd: %s is already configured %s: failed to make ifaddr %s on %s (errno=%d) %s: failed to create a temporary address, errno=%d %s: bogus mtu option mtu=%lu sent from %s, ignoring %s: bogus mtu mtu=%lu sent from %s; exceeds maxmtu %lu, ignoring %s: lladdrlen mismatch for %s (if %d, RA packet %d) raw6sa6_recoverscope: assumption failure (non 0 ID): %s%%%d siteorganizationglobaludp6_output: IPV6_V6ONLY option was set for a connected socket udp6 addr 0x%xiicintr: I2C bus unable to create intr thread i2c-indirect-configi2c-child-devicescookiecompatibleWARNING: ignoring bad device address @ 0x%02x %s at %s addr 0x%02xWARNING: intr handler list not empty WARNING: proc handler list not empty i2cexec,i2c_bitbangi2cexeciic at %smii_attach: phyloc and offloc specifiedmiimii_detach: phyloc and offloc specifiedOUI 0x%06x model 0x%04x rev %d at %s phy %dmiiverbosemiiautmii_phy_setmedia: MASTER on wrong mediaHomePNA110baseT10baseT-FDX100baseTX100baseTX-FDX100baseT41000baseSX1000baseSX-FDX1000baseT1000baseT-FDXcouldn't establish power handler: Media interface : %s, rev. %d bgebnxphyflagsfailed to get phyflags chipidfailed to get chipid shared_hwcfgfailed to get shared_hwcfg port_hwcfgfailed to get port_hwcfg 2500baseSX-FDX, BCM5400 1000BASE-T media interfaceBCM5401 1000BASE-T media interfaceBCM5411 1000BASE-T media interfaceBCM5421 1000BASE-T media interfaceBCM5462 1000BASE-T media interfaceBCM5461 1000BASE-T media interfaceBCM54K2 1000BASE-T media interfaceBCM5464 1000BASE-T media interfaceBCM5701 1000BASE-T media interfaceBCM5703 1000BASE-T media interfaceBCM5704 1000BASE-T media interfaceBCM5705 1000BASE-T media interfaceBCM5706 1000BASE-T/SX media interfaceBCM5714 1000BASE-T/X media interfaceBCM5750 1000BASE-T media interfaceBCM5752 1000BASE-T media interfaceBCM5780 1000BASE-T/X media interfaceBCM5708C 1000BASE-T media interfaceBCM5481 1000BASE-T media interfaceBCM5482 1000BASE-T media interfaceBCM5708S 1000/2500baseSX PHYBCM5709 10/100/1000baseT PHYBCM5709S 1000/2500baseSX PHYBCM5709CAX 10/100/1000baseT PHYBCM5722 1000BASE-T media interfaceBCM5754/5787 1000BASE-T media interfaceBCM5755 1000BASE-T media interfaceBCM5756 1000BASE-T media interface XXXBCM5761 10/100/1000baseT PHYBCM5784 10/100/1000baseT PHYBCM5785 1000BASE-T media interfaceBCM5717C 1000BASE-T media interfaceBCM5719C 1000BASE-T media interfaceBCM5720C 1000BASE-T media interfaceBCM57765 1000BASE-T media interfaceBCM57780 1000BASE-T media interfaceBCM5725C 1000BASE-T media interfaceBCM5906 10/100baseTX media interfacebrgphyno media presentDP83840 10/100 media interfacensphyDP83843 10/100 media interfaceDP83847 10/100 media interfaceDP83849 10/100 media interfaceDP83815/DP83846A 10/100 media interfacensphyterQS6612 10/100 media interfaceqsphyi82555 10/100 media interfacei82562EH HomePNA interfacei82562EM 10/100 media interfacei82562ET 10/100 media interfacei82562G 10/100 media interfaceinphyi82553 10/100 media interfaceiophy: 3Com internal media interface ignoring this PHY, non-zero instance no media present exphy_service: can't isolate 3Com PHYexphy100baseFX, 100baseFX-FDX, LXT970 10/100 media interfaceLXT971/2 10/100 media interfacelxtphyICS1889 10/100 media interfaceICS1890 10/100 media interfaceICS1892 10/100 media interfaceICS1893 10/100 media interfaceicsphyusing Seeq 84220 isolate/reset hack Seeq 80220 10/100 media interfaceSeeq 80225 10/100 media interfaceSeeq 84220 10/100 media interfacesqphyDM9101 (AMD Am79C873) 10/100 media interfaceDM9102 10/100 media interfacedmphyAm79C901 HomePNA 1.0 interfacepnaphy: %s (OUI 0x%06x, model 0x%04x), rev. %d : OUI 0x%06x, model 0x%04x, rev. %d ukphydmover_backend_unregisterdmoverdmreqdmsesdmover_session_destroy%s: emergency X server detach added (%s, %s emulationwsdisplay_switch1: not switching wsdisplay_switch1: invalid screen %dwsdisplay_switch1: screen %d disappeared wsdisplay_switch3: not switching wsdisplay_switch3: invalid screen %dwsdisplay_switch3: screen %d disappeared wsdisplay_switch3: giving up wsdisplay_switch2: not switching wsdisplay_switch2: invalid screen %dwsdisplay_switch2: screen %d disappeared wsdisplay_switch2: giving up wsdisplaytty() on status devicewsdisplaytty() on ctl devicewsdisplay_common_attach: no memory kbdmux %d: console (%s, %s emulation), using %swsswscreen %d deleted wsdisplay at %swsdisplay: event queue overflow wswaitwsdisplay_noemulwsdisplay_emulEDIDdumbwsemul_vt100_output_c0c1: ESC in kernel output ignored vt100[>24;20;0cP2$u%s%dP0!u%5\[?62;6c[8;%d;%dt[%d;%dR[?13n[?21n[?27;1nwsemul_vt100_handle_dcs: bad type %dOIOMOjOkOlOmOnOo[28~[29~[1~[2~[3~[4~[5~[6~[7~[8~OAOBODOCOpOqOrOsOtOuOvOwOxOyOPOQOROS[11~[12~[13~[14~[15~[17~[18~[19~[20~[21~[23~[24~[25~[26~[31~[32~[33~[34~%s: unknown version %dwsevent_read mux %dcannot load keymap: console keyboardattach error=%d couldn't register as input device connecting to %s wskdetwskbd_detach: %s didn't detach wskbd at %s%s: event queue overflow wskbdwskbd_get_mapentry: %d(%d): bad entrywskbd_load_keymap: %d: recursion too deepwskbd_load_keymap: %d(%d): bad entrywsmux_getmux: no memory for mux %d wsmuxwsmux: attach out of memory %s: disconnecting from %s rasops_init: fontwidth assumptions botched!rasops_init: font table is empty rasops_init: couldn't lock font fontwidth not 8/12/16 or RASOPS_SMALL - fixme!ccwwsfont: font '%s' bito %d byteo %d copied to bito %d byteo %d wsfont_unlock: font not lockedBoldfacecd9660noplRRIP with incorrect NM flags? RRIP without PX field? RRIP with incorrect flags?IEEE_1282IEEE_P1282RRIP_1991ASPfhtovp: lbn exceed volume space %d fhtovp: crosses block boundary %d fhtovp: bread error %d fhtovp: directory crosses block boundary %d[off=%d/len=%d] cd9660utf8_joliet%/@%/C%/Eroot_devicecd9660_strategy: spectag VT_ISOFS, isofs vnode msdosnoplmsdosfhplloadvnode(): pcbmap returned %d deextend: file too largedetrunc(): can't truncate root directory, clust %ld, offset %ld %s: copy FAT %d (error=%d) %s: write FAT (error=%d) . .. doscheckpath(): .. not a directory? msdosfs_sync: rofs modmsdosfsRRaArrAamsdosmsdosfs_write(): bad file typerename: lost dir entrymsdosfs_rename: updating .. in root directory?msdosfs_strategy: spectag VT_MSDOSFS, startcluster %ld, dircluster %ld, diroffset %ld dev %llu, %llu bind failed nfsvinvalnfs_doio: type %x unexpected nfsbioread: type %x unexpected ifupdown: socreate, error=%d ifupdown: GIFFLAGS, error=%d ifupdown: SIFFLAGS, error=%d nfsbifsetaddress: socreate, error=%d setaddress, error=%d nfsbtdnfs_boot: '%s' not found setmtu: socreate, error=%d setmtu: GIFMTU, error=%d setmtu: SIFMTU, error=%d deladdress: socreate, error=%d deladdress, error=%d nfs_boot: timeout... nfs_boot: sosend: %d nfs sndunlockshort receive (%lu/%lu) from nfs server %s impossible packet length%s (%d) from nfs server %s short receive (%lu/%d) from nfs server %s Egad!! receive error %d from nfs server %s nfsreply nilis alive againnfstrylatermtimectime%s: inaccurate wcc data (%s) detected, disabling wcc (ctime %u.%09u %u.%09u, mtime %u.%09u %u.%09u) %s: re-enabling wcc nfsiodnfsionfsiormnfsauth1nfsauth2nfskqpwnfskqpollnfskqdet%s: vp=%p error=%d nfsnodeplnfsvaplnfssillynfs_node_initnfs send error %d for %s nfsd send error %d timer starttimer stopnfscon sotypenfscn2nfs rcvunlockBad kerb verifier Not fullname kerb verifier Kerb nickname short Kerb nick verifier bad nfs server %s: %s not respondingnfsrvdescplbuild > MLENnfsumntnfsstatsiothreadsnfs_vfsops: nfs_statvfs would lose buffers nfs_args: retrying connect nfscn3nfsrcvnfssndnfsaionfsdisnfs%unfs_mountroot: mget soname for %snfs_mountroot: mount %s failed: %d root on %s nfs_mountroot: getattr for rootnfs_readdir: lost in spacenfs physio/asynctag VT_NFS, fileid %lld fsid 0x%llxwriterpc readonly vp %pnfsmblknfs: sillyrename dir.nfsAxxxx4.4nfs_remove: bad v_usecount%s: map corrupted: start=%d, len=%d, fs = %s, offset=%d/%ld, cg %d%s: block not in map: bno=%d, fs=%s%s: map corrupted: cg=%d, irotor=%d, fs=%s%s: block not in map: fs=%s%s: freeing free block: dev = 0x%llx, block = %lld, fs = %s%s: freeing free frag: dev = 0x%llx, block = %lld, fs = %suid %d, pid %d, command %s, on %s: %s %s: bad size: dev = 0x%llx, bno = %lld bsize = %d, size = %ld, fs = %s%s: bad block %lld, ino %llu bad blockifree: dev = 0x%llx, ino = %llu, fs = %s %s: freeing free inodefile system full %s: write failed, file system is full out of inodes %s: create/symlink failed, no inodes free trimwqtrimwqcvffs_discarddata drain timeout %s: bad bprev: dev = 0x%llx, bsize = %d, bprev = %lld, fs = %s%s: bad blockno %#llx != %#llx%s: optimization changed from SPACE to TIME %s: optimization changed from TIME to SPACE %s: bad optim: dev = 0x%llx, optim = %d, fs = %s%s: range: dev = 0x%llx, ino = %llu, fs = %sffs_balloc: blk too bigCould not unwind indirect block, error %dffs_indirtrunc: bad buffer sizeitrunc: newspacesnapblkfree: inconsistent block typeffs_snapshot_mount: vget failed %d ffs_snapshot_mount: non-snapshot inode %d ffs_snapshot_mount: read_1 failed %d ffs_snapshot_mount: read_2 failed %d ffs_snapshot_mount: %llu already on listffs_isblock: unknown fs_fragshift %dffs_isfreeblock: unknown fs_fragshift %dffs_clrblock: unknown fs_fragshift %dffs_setblock: unknown fs_fragshift %d%s: dup alloc ino=%lld on %s: mode %x/%x gen %x/%x size %llx blocks %llx%s: ino=%lld on %s: gen %x/%x has non zero blocks %llx or size %llx %s: dirty filesystem?ffsdoclusterreaddoclusterwritedoreallocblkslog_changeoptorg.netbsd.kauth.systemffs_modcmd: can't listen on system scope. appleufsffsinoffsdino1ffsdino2, not mounting%s: dirty1%s: unknown ufs flags: 0x%08x%s %s: dirty2%s: options QUOTA2 not enabled%s %s: file system not clean (fs_clean=%#x); please fsck(8) %s: lost blocks %lld files %d %s: `-o softdep' is no longer supported, consider `-o log' %s: rofs mod, fs=%smfsidlmfsmfs_rootmfs_ioctl not VBLKtag VT_MFS, pid %d, base %p, size %ld mfs_inactive: not inactive (mfs_buflist %p)mfs_strategy: bad devwarning: mfs read during shutdown mfs_closemfs_initminiroot() called more than once%s: unlinked ino %lld on "%s" has non zero size %llx or blocks %llx with allerror %d %s: bad dir ino %ju at offset %d: %s missing NUL in namenot roundednull entryi_size too small%s: too big%s: nospace%s: newblkhard-linked directoryufsdirufs_whiteout: unknown opufs_strategy: spectag VT_UFS, ino %llu, on dev %llu, %llu flags 0x%x, nlink %d mode 0%o, owner %d, group %d, size %qdinvalid uio rw: %damapplcownowcownowpageanonpllivelockuao_getpageuao_getuao_create: hashinit swhash faileduao_create: swslots allocation faileduaoeltpluao_flush: strange, got an out of range flush (fixed) uao_put%s: impossibleuao_detubc_faultubc_init: failed to allocate ubc_mapubc_init: failed to map ubc_objectubc_alloc%s: error=%d udv_detachudv_faultudv_attachflt_noram5flt_pmfail1flt_pmfail2anonget1anonget2flt_noram1fltamapcopyfltagain1flt_noram2pgo_faultfltagain2flt_noram4uvm_fault_unwire_locked: address not in mapuareauvmuvm_init: page size not setuvm_km_bootstrap: could not reserve space for kerneluvm_km_bootstrap: could not reserve kernel kmem%s: unable to allocate space in parent mapuvm_km_suballoc: submap allocation failedkm_pgrmkm_getwait2plpgloanagainloanzeroloanuopguser_va0_disablevmmpeplvmspplvm_map%s: kernel object %p %p %s: process wants to map virtual address 0; see vm.user_va0_disable in sysctl(7). vmmeterloadavguvmexpuvmexp2maxslpuspaceidlezerominaddressmaxaddressthread_guard_sizeuobjwirepguvm_setpagesize: page size %u (%#x) not a power of twouvm_page_physget: called _after_ bootstrapuvm_pageboot_alloc: out of virtual spaceuvm_pageboot_alloc: pmap_growkernel() faileduvm_pageboot_alloc: out of memoryuvm_page_bootstrap: no memory pre-allocateduvm_pagealloc_strat: bad strat %demergvapager_mappagedaemon: deadlock detected! fork pooldrainpgdaemonanonminfileminexecminanonmaxfilemaxexecmaxinactivepctpdpolicyreactanonreactfilereactexecpglallocTried to add RAM after uvm_page_inituvm_page_physget: out of memory!uvm_page_physload: page size not set!uvm_page_physload: unable to load physical memory segment %d segments allocated, ignoring 0x%llx -> 0x%llx increase VM_PHYSSEG_MAX Boot time slabHotplug slab%s: unload attempted after uvm_page_init() uvm_page_physload: bad free list %duvm_page_physload: start >= enduvm_physseg_plug() failed at boot.%s: Tried to unplug from unknown offset %s: Tried to unplug oversized span %s: can't unplug() from the middle of a segment without UVM_HOTPLUG %s: Tried to unplug unknown range ractx%s: swapdev not in list%s: vnode type 0x%x%s: swap to sparse file%s: can't get vnode for swap device%s: can't lock swap device%s: can't open swap deviceswapmap%s: vmem_create failedswp vnxswp vndswapctl: miniroot copy failedswapctl: copystrswap_on: miniroot larger than swap?swap_on: unable to preserve minirootPreserved %d pages of miniroot leaving %d pages of swap swapdrum_addswapiod%s: workqueue_create failedturning of swap...stopping swap on %s failed with error %d uvn_fp1uvn_fp2copy-cred-on-forkbufq_disksortbufq_fcfsNetBSD-CORE%s@%dELFexec_elf32#!exec_scriptvmcmdkillsextendscalls/dev/consolewarning: no /dev/console warning: lookup /dev/console: error %d init: couldn't allocate argument spaceinit path (default %s)haltrebootuse absolute path, "halt", or "reboot" /sbin/initinit: trying %s exec %s: error %d copyout %dDetecting hardware...fork initcannot mount root, error = %d fork pagedaemonioflushfork syncerfork aiodoned%s %s (%s)/sbin/oinit/sbin/init.bak/rescue/initmaxvnodesmaxprocmaxfilesargmaxhostidprofilingposix1versionngroupsjob_controlsaved_idsboothowtoboottimemaxpartitionstimexrtc_offsetipcsysvmsgsysvsemsysvshmsynchronized_ioiov_maxmapped_filesmemlockmemlock_rangememory_protectionlogin_name_maxdefcorenamelogsigexitfscaleccpucp_timemaxphysmonotonic_clocklabelsectorlabeloffsetlabelusesmbrforkfsleepposix_threadsposix_semaphoresposix_barriersposix_timersposix_spin_locksposix_reader_writer_locksdump_on_panicroot_partitiondriverscp_idcoredumpsetidownergroupno_sa_supportconfignamebuildinfomessagesusermemcnmagicusermem64ostypeosreleaseosrevisionhostnamedomainnamerawpartitionmodelmachinencpubyteorderphysmempagesizealignbytesphysmem64ncpuonlinekernvfshwddbvendorsecurityAccounting resumed Accounting suspended Accounting started Accounting terminated actwatacctwatchAccounting: write failed %d kcredplorg.netbsd.kauth.credorg.netbsd.kauth.genericorg.netbsd.kauth.processorg.netbsd.kauth.networkorg.netbsd.kauth.machdeporg.netbsd.kauth.deviceorg.netbsd.kauth.vnodehardscheddivclockratehardclock_ticksclockinterruptCondition variable%.*spid %d (%s): %s write of %zu@%p at %lld failed: %d cpu%dfdcloseincrease kern.maxfiles or MAXFILESfdfilefiledescfile2dup2EVFILT_READEVFILT_WRITEEVFILT_AIOEVFILT_VNODEEVFILT_PROCEVFILT_SIGNALEVFILT_TIMERexecargsshould not happenpspawnlwpwaitkernel mapping failed %d netbsdinit died (signal %d, exit %d)orphaned traced processincrease kern.maxproc or NPROCforkmxforkulimidle/%ucreate_idle_lwp: error %d%s: WARNING: powerhook_establish is deprecated dopowerhooks %s: %s (%p) dopowerhooks: %s done softresumesoftsuspendsoftstandbykthrwaitunnamedWARNING: kthread `%s' (%d) exits with status %d kthread_exitcurcpu holds : %18d wanted by: %#018lx softintpserialize%s: %s caller=%pKernel locklwpplmaxlwpsigwaitvfork(zombie)swapperWARNING: module error: %s: can't find builtin dependency `%s'%s: too many required modules %d >= %dbuiltin module `%s' failed to init, error %dlink_set_modules`link_set_modules' section not present, error %d`link_set_modules' section wrong size %zu != %zuDEBUG: module: TRUEFALSEunload requested for '%s' (%s)module `%s' not foundmodule `%s' busy (%d refs)cannot unload built-in secmodel module `%s'cannot unload module `%s' error=%dunloaded module `%s'module `%s' declined to be auto-unloaded error=%d%s: builtin module "%s" init failed: %dmod_unld/stand/%s/%d.%d/modulesbuiltin %s failed: %d moduleautotimemodunload%s: %d%s: gonemodule `%s' pushed by boot loader already existsduplicate bootlist entry for module `%s'unable to load `%s' pushed by boot loader, error %dunable to fetch_info for `%s' pushed by boot loader, error %ddependentrecursion too deep for `%s' %d > %duse -f to reinstate builtin module `%s'%s module `%s' already loadedout of memory for `%s'cannot fetch info for `%s', error %dmodule `%s' built for `%d', system `%d'forced load, system may be unstableincompatible module class for `%s' (%d != %d)dependency name mismatch (`%s' != `%s')module with name `%s' already loadedcircular dependency detected for `%s'required module name `%s' longer than %dself-dependency detected for `%s'recursive load failed for `%s' (`%s' required), error %dunable to affix module `%s', error %dmodule properties failed for %smodcmd function failed for `%s', error %drecursive load causes duplicate module `%s'module `%s' loaded successfullyLoading module from %s%s/%s/%s.kmodCannot %sload kernel object `%s' error=%d.plistLoading plist from %splist load returned error %d for `%s'noautoloadautoloading is disallowed for %skern.module.path=%s owner field : %#018lx wait/spin: %16d/%d locking against myselfmutex_init: impossible typeMutexmutexphysiodphysioDevices without power management support:%s: %s is suspended by %s (delegator %s) %s: %s-suspended by %s (delegator %s) already %s: %s assumes %s-suspension by %s (delegator %s) %s: newly %s-suspended by %s (delegator %s) %s: %s suspension %s (delegator %s) removed by %s classresume failed Powering devices:(failed)Shutting down devices: shutting down %s, skipped.failed.success.%s-self%s: class suspend %s: driver suspend %s: bus suspend %s: suspend enter %s: suspend exit Flushing disk caches: Suspending devices:%s: bus resume %s: driver resume %s: class resume %s: resume enter %s: resume exit Resuming devices:%s: PMF event %d dropped (no memory) %s: PMF event %d injected Input idle handler called pewplpmfeventcouldn't create pmfevent workqueuepmfsuspendcouldn't create pmfsuspend workqueueprocplproc2proc_args%s (pid %d) changing logname from %.*s to %s rasplimitplpstatsplcurprocpaxflagsrlimitcputimefilesizedatasizestacksizecoredumpsizememorylockeddescriptorssbsizevmemoryusestopforkstopexecstopexitrnd: source "%s" failed continuous-output test. rnd: source "%s" failed statistical test.rnd: disabling source "%s". rndsrcrndsamplernd: seeded with %d bits printfautoconfrnd: bad seed length %d rnd: bad seed checksum requesting entropy from dead rndsink: %prndsink %p in unknown state: %drndsinkdestroying dead rndsink: %pcacheht_timebalance_periodaverage_weightmin_catchtimesoftintskpreempt_priupreempt_prirunqueue pullrunqueue pushrunqueue stayrunqueue localizeowner/count : %#018lx flags : %#018x Reader / writer lockrwlocksigactsksiginfosorry, pid %d was killed: %s sigexit 1sigexit 2sendsig: bad version %d WARNING: softint_establish: table full, increase softint_bytes softdissoft%s/%usoftint_init_isr: error %d%s block/%usoftint_init_cpu: cannot allocate memorybiosoftint_picklwpwedge:NAME=parsediskuse one of: %s[a-%c] none halt reboot md0 (default %sdump device (default %sb)file system (default %s): use one of: genericunknown device major 0x%llx %s%lludevice %s (0x%llx) not configured root on %scan't determine root device swap dumps on %sCannot open "md0" (root)sched_unsleeplboltkpreemptdefer: critical sectiondefer: kernel_lockimmediatesetrunnable: lwp %p state was %dWARNING: negative runtime; monotonic clock has gone backwards exceeded RLIMIT_CPUpid %d is killed: %s pid %d, command %s, is killed: %s /usr/src/sys/kern/kern_sysctl.cp->sysctl_child == NULLkernel %sassertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d sysctl_create: rnode %p wrong version sysctl_create: attempt to add node to aliased node %p sysctl_destroy: rnode %p wrong version %s: rnode %p wrong version sysctl_query: rnode %p wrong version sysctl_locate: pnode %p wrong version sysctl_dispatch: rnode %p wrong version sysctl_mmap: rnode %p wrong version sysctl_createv: rnode NULL sysctl_createv: sysctl_locate(%s) returned %d sysctl: log %p root mismatch (%p) sysctl_createv: sysctl_create(%s) returned %d sysctl_create succeeded but node not found?! sysctl_free: rnode %p wrong version root %p left %d size %d content len %d: end !!SYSCTL_NEEDFUNC!! timecounterchoicehardwaretimestepwarnings%s%s(q=%d, f=%lld Hz)timecounter: Timecounter "%s" frequency %ju Hz -- Insufficient hz, needs at least %u timecounter: Timecounter "%s" frequency %ju Hz quality %d tcdetachTime stepped from %lld.%09ld to %lld.%09ld timecounter: Timecounters tick every %d.%03u msec dummyptimerplptimersplnanoslppid %d attempted to set the (obsolete) kernel time zone callout_init_cpu (2)late/%ucalloutwait/%utstilepltstileturnstile_unsleeptodr_attach: TOD already configured WARNING: preposterous time in file system WARNING: preposterous TOD clock time WARNING: no TOD clock present WARNING: clock lost %lld days WARNING: clock gained %lld days WARNING: using default initial time WARNING: using filesystem time WARNING: CHECK AND RESET THE DATE! Cannot set TOD clock time uidinfoproccntlwpcntlockcnt%08x-%04x-%04x-%02x%02x-%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02xrttsconfigure: `%s' driver %s failed: %dconfigure: attachment `%s' of `%s' driver %s failed: %d%s with registered handlers%s.%d, %s dvl_nlock %d dvl_nwait %d dv_flags %x device-attachdevice-detachcfgmiscdetachallconfigintrconfigroot%s: thread %x joined with error %d config_devalloc: device name too longpmfsuspdevice-driverdevice-unitdevice-parentattribute-nameloc-namelocatorsinterface-attributesconfig_detach: forced detach of %s failed (%d)config_defer: can't defer config of a root deviceconfig_attach: allocation of device softc failedFound %s (root)%s at %sWARNING: power management not supported root device %s not configured done. WARNING: %d error%s while detecting hardware; check system log. detaching %s, unable to detach instance init rollbackfiniconfig_cfdata fini rollback failedfini rollback unsupported blist_meta_alloc: allocation too largeblst_radix_free: freeing free blockblst_meta_free: freeing already free blocks (%llu) %llu/%llublst_meta_free: freeing unexpected rangeblist_meta_fill: allocation too largeblst_meta_fill: filling unexpected rangebufqstrategiesbufq_alloc: sort out of rangebufq_bufq_alloc: no strategycallbackcprng %s: reseeding with partial entropy cprng %s: NIST Hash_DRBG reseed failedNIST Hash_DRBG failed self-testurandomarandomcprng %s: NIST Hash_DRBG instantiation failedcprng %s: creating with partial entropy sysctlcprng %s: NIST Hash_DRBG failedureadc: non-positive residureadc: non-positive iovcnt%s: block majors exhausted%s: character majors exhaustedwrit%s%d%c: %s %sing fsbn %lld of %lld-%lld (%s%d bn %lld; cn %lld tn %lld sn %lld)no raw partition and partition table is fullno raw partition and disk reports bad geometrysectors-per-unitsector-sizesectors-per-tracktracks-per-cylindercylinders-per-unitdisk-info%s: can't alloc vnode for %s%s: can't open dev %s (%d) %s%d%cevcnt/dev/nullset{u,g}id pid %d (%s) was invoked by uid %d ppid %d (%s) with fd %s closed extent_print: NULL extentextent `%s' (0x%lx - 0x%lx), flags = 0x%x 0x%lx - 0x%lx extent_free: start 0x%lx, end 0x%lx extent_free: region not foundhashdone: invalid table type KMGTPE kMGTPE%qu%s%c%snointrdisknamesiostatnamesiostatsiostat_free: iostat_count == 0ipiWARNING: ipi_register: table full, increase IPI_MAXREG kcpusetkcpuset(9): all early-use entries exhausted; increase KC_SAVE_NITEMS kmem-2048kmem-4096kmem-8192kmem-16384kmem-8kmem-16kmem-24kmem-32kmem-40kmem-48kmem-56kmem-64kmem-80kmem-96kmem-112kmem-128kmem-160kmem-192kmem-224kmem-256kmem-320kmem-384kmem-448kmem-512kmem-768kmem-1024not modular%s error: %s,%zu: %s lock address : %#018lx current cpu : %18d current lwp : %#018lx lock error: %s: %s,%zu: %s: lock %p cpu %d lwp %pklogmsgbufsizemsgbufrunoncepercpupool(%p:%s): page inconsistency: page %p; at page head addr %p (p %p) pool(%p:%s): page inconsistency: page %p; item ordinal %d; addr %p (p %p) page %p, nmissing %d, time %u %s: [%s] too large itemsperpage(%d) for PR_NOTOUCHpoolbusyphpool-%dpcgnormalpcglargepcachepcachecpu%s: [%s] page empty%s: [%s] page header missingMust specify a pool to print. POOL CACHEPOOL %s: size %u, align %u, ioff %u, roflags 0x%08x alloc %p minitems %u, minpages %u, maxpages %u, npages %u itemsperpage %u, nitems %u, nout %u, hardlimit %u nget %lu, nfail %lu, nput %lu npagealloc %lu, npagefree %lu, hiwat %u, nidle %lu empty page list: full page list: partial-page list: no current page curpage %p cpu layer hits %llu misses %llu cache layer hits %llu misses %llu cache layer entry uncontended %llu contended %llu cache layer empty groups %u full groups %u full cache groups: group %p: avail %d %p, 0x%llx %p empty cache groups: (null)Skipping crash dump on recursive panic panic: %s: table is full - %s %s: table is full exclusive accesspsrlzspecificdata_domain_delete: not implementedspecificdata_setspecificbtallocvmem%s-%zuvmem-vavmem-metavmembtvmem_sizevmem_rehash%s: workqueue_create %d static_bt_inusestatic_bt_countInvalid IPL: %dxclocvxchicvcrosscallunicastxcallxcall/%uaio_process: invalid operation code aioworkaiodoneaio_jobs_poolaio_lio_poolposix_aioaio_listio_maxaio_maxsys_ioctl: _IO%s%s('%c', %lu, %lu) returned -1: pid=%d comm=%s mqmsgplposix_msgmqueuemq_open_maxmq_prio_maxmq_max_msgsizemq_def_maxmsgmq_max_maxmsgmqsendcvmqrecvcvparkedpsetpsets_max%d:1,%d:2direct_selectcompatposix_schedpri_minpri_maxttyrub: would panic c = %d, val = %d not a controlling terminal no foreground process group empty foreground process group load: %d.%02d cmd: %s %d [%#lx/%d%ld.%02ldu %ld.%02lds %d%% %ldkttypausettyrawttyrawfttycanttycanfttyoutttyoutftkstatninnoutcanccrawccqsizettyldisc_init: termios_discttyldisc_init: ntty_disctermiosnttytabletslippppstriphdlcincrease kern.maxptysputc: required clalloc b_to_q: required clalloc accfaccf_streamseqpacketdgram%s: source too long, %d < %d bytesunix: inet: inet6: link: atalk: (unknown socket family %d)bad family %hhumsizemclbytesnmbclustersmblowatmcllowatmbplmclplm_copydata: off %d, len %dm_copydata(%p,%d,%d,%p): m=NULL, off=%d (%d)m_copydata(%p,%d,%d,%p): m=NULL, off=%d (%d), len=%d (%d)m_copym: off %d, len %dm_copym: m == 0, off %dm_copym: m == 0, len %d [!COPYALL]m == NULL in m_pulldown()unixpsemposixsemmaxsemcntksemsomaxkvasbmaxsokvasopendfrbad initial sb_max value: %lusopendfreesoinit1 %dsocketnetiosbappendaddrsbappendaddrchainsbappendcontrolsemi-panic: sbcompress sbdrop(%p,%d): cc=%lu%s: message too large %d mbsonamemsgcontrolmsghdrmbfreembdatambheadermbsoptsmbftablembcontrolmboobdataunp_threadunp_connect1unp_disconnect1uipc 1uipc 2unp_attachunpgcuipc_init %duipc_usrrequipc 4buf mem pool index %dforcing bufcache %d -> 5forcing bufcache %d -> 95needbufbufinit: cannot allocate submapbioplbuf%ukbuf%ubbufcachebufmembufmem_lowaterbufmem_hiwaterbufinit2: can't establish soft interruptbflushbiolockbiowaitbiodone2 alreadyallocbuf: buffer larger than MAXBSIZE requestedcachegcncachenchinit %dnamecacheentries scannedentries collectedover scan targetunder scan targetforced reclaimsnamecache_statscwdidirhpldirhepldirhashmemusedmaxmemdirhash_remove couldn't find entry in hash table vfs_op_descsoperation %s not listed in %s. vfs_opv_init: bad operationvfs_opv_init: operation vector without default routine.fstypesmagiclinkspnbufpllf_findoverlap: defaultlockfchrooted pid %d uid %d (%s) detected outside of its chroot namei_simple_convert_flags: bogus sflags /../earmzauruskernel_identruidrgidInvalid nameiop relookup: null namerelookup: lookup on dot-dot%s: failed to start extattr: error = %d syncing disks... vfs_mountroot: root device unknownvfs_mountroot: rootdev set for DV_IFNET (0x%llx -> %llu,%llu)vfs_mountroot: rootdev not set for DV_DISKvfs_mountroot: can't get vnode for rootdevvfs_mountroot: can't open root device %s: inappropriate for root file system root file system type: %s WARNING: No file system modules have been loaded. Supported file systems:no file system for %s (dev 0x%llx)cannot find root vnode, error=%dmount: lost mountUnmounting fresh file system failedunmount: dangling vnodeforcefully %sunmounted %s on %s type %s unmount of %s failed with error %d unmounting done WARNING: some file systems would not unmount unmounting file systems... ILLEGALvnode %p flags %s %stag %s(%d) type %s(%d) mount %p typedata %p %susecount %d writecount %d holdcount %d %ssize %llx writesize %llx numoutput %d %sdata %p lock %p %sstate %s key(%p %zd)%slrulisthd %p ROOTSYSTEMISTTYMAPPEDMPSAFELOCKSWORK TEXT EXECMAP WRMAP WRMAPDIRTYONWORKLSTDIROPfiledelaydirdelaymetadelayvflushbuf: not dirty, bp %pvflushbuf: dirtyACTIVEMARKERLOADINGLOADEDBLOCKEDRECLAIMINGRECLAIMEDVNONVREGVDIRVCHRVLNKVSOCKVFIFOVBADVT_UFSVT_NFSVT_MFSVT_MSDOSFSVT_LFSVT_LOFSVT_FDESCVT_PORTALVT_NULLVT_UMAPVT_KERNFSVT_PROCFSVT_AFSVT_ISOFSVT_UNIONVT_ADOSFSVT_EXT2FSVT_CODAVT_FILECOREVT_NTFSVT_VFSVT_OVERLAYVT_SMBFSVT_PTYFSVT_TMPFSVT_UDFVT_SYSVBFSVT_PUFFSVT_HFSVT_EFSVT_ZFSVT_RUMPVT_NILFSVT_V7FSVT_CHFSsymlink-target%s: failed to start extattr, error = %d%s: failed to stop extattr, error = %dfdesckernfsafsfstchgfstcnt%s: cannot reclaim%s: bad ref countdead but not cleanvcacheplvcachevdrainvdrainwt%s: holdcnt vp %p%s: cannot lock%s: neg numoutput, vp %pxattr-namexattr-valxattr-listsystem.user.security.trusted.vop_setextattrvop_deleteextattrvop_openextattrvop_listextattrvop_getextattrvop_closeextattrvop_putpagesvop_getpagesvop_whiteoutvop_advlockvop_pathconfvop_islockedvop_printvop_strategyvop_bmapvop_unlockvop_lockvop_reclaimvop_inactivevop_abortopvop_readlinkvop_readdirvop_symlinkvop_rmdirvop_mkdirvop_renamevop_linkvop_removevop_seekvop_fsyncvop_mmapvop_revokevop_kqfiltervop_pollvop_fcntlvop_ioctlvop_fdiscardvop_fallocatevop_writevop_readvop_setattrvop_getattrvop_accessvop_closevop_openvop_mknodvop_createvop_lookupvop_bwritedead fs operation useddeadtag VT_NON, dead vnode fifordfifowrtag VT_NON, fifo with %d readers and %d writers/usr/src/sys/miscfs/genfs/genfs_io.cgenput%s: bogus command %dgenfs: bad oplayerfs tag VT_LAYERFS, vp=%p, lowervp=%p spec_ioctlspec_read typespec_write typespec_fdiscard: not a device spec_close: spurious pgrp refspec_close: not specialdev %llu, %llu spec_node_destroy: corrupt hashdefault labelWARNING: %s: total sector size in disklabel (%ju) != the size of %s (%ju) %s: %ju trailing sectors not covered by disklabel WARNING: %s: end of partition `%c' exceeds the size of %s (%ju) raidframe%s: blkno (%llu) + size / DEV_BSIZE (%zu) > sc->sc_size (%llu) %s at %s (%s) deleted dkdrn%s%u: unable to attach pseudo-device %s at %s: "%s", %llu blocks at %lld, type: %s WARNING: double match for wedge name %s (%s, %s) wedge:%sdkwedge: unable to attach cfdriverdkwedge: unable to attach cfattachdk-method-%s: method "%s" already exists at priority %d %s: unable to compute pdev, error = %d %s: unable to find vnode for pdev, error = %d %s: unable to lock vnode for pdev, error = %d %s: unable to open device, error = %d %s: unable to close device, error = %d WARNING: double match for boot wedge (%s, %s) APPLE_UNIX_SVR2APPLE_HFS%s: wedge named '%s' already exists, manual intervention required %s: error %d adding partition %s type %s APPLEsysvhfs%s: GPT GUID: %s %s: bogus GPT entry size: %u %s: WARNING: clamping number of GPT entries to 512 (was %u) %s: GPT block numbers out of range %s: unable to read GPT partition array, error = %d %s: bad GPT partition array CRC %s: wedge named '%s' already existed, using '%s' %s: error %d adding entry %u (%s), type %s GPTccdcgdmdidle%s: cfattach_attach failed %d %llu %uurandom%urndtemprndctxrndpseudoopen hardopen softbpf_mcpybpf_change_type%s: softint_establish() failed%s: no bpf_if found for %smaxbufsizepeersbpfattach%s: bpf_setdlt: ifpromisc failed (%d) bpf_filterbpfops%.*s/%hhu#%slink#%huif_ifqmaxlendropsifnetifasdl%s: could not attach sysctl nodes sndqrcvqif_detach: WARNING: AF %d not purged UPDOWN%s: lost link state change %s too many interfaces%s: recursively called too many times(%d) %s: m_tag_get() failed, recursion calls are not prevented. invalid argument to %s%s: discarding oversize frame (len=%d) %s: can't handle af%d ether%s: invalid ifp (sdl_index %d) llentrypllooutput: no header mbufif_loopifmedia_add: can't malloc entryifmedia_set: no match for 0x%x/0x%x ifmedia_set failedpfilpktqsyncpktqrenqMask for route not entered rn_addmask: mask impossibly already in tree Non-unique normal route, mask not entered rn_delete: inconsistent annotation rn_delete: Orphaned Mask %p at %p rn_delete: couldn't find our annotation rn_delete: couldn't find us radix already initializedrn_init: radix functions require max_keylen be set rn_initrn_init 2delayed rn_inithead failedraw_usrreqrt_timer_timer: rtq_count reached 0 rtentryrt_freert_updatertentplrttmrplrt_timerrt_timer_queue_remove_all: rtq_count reached 0 rt_timer_add: rtq_count reached 0 rt_timer_remove_all: rtq_count reached 0 %s: unable to delete rtentry @ %p, error = %d rtfree 2route_purgeifroute_abortroute_acceptroutertable%s: message too long%s: queue full, dropped message %s: unknown command %dkeeplog_movementslog_permanent_modifylog_wrong_ifacelog_unknown_network%s: %s not ready arp from %s: addr len: new %d, i/f %d (ignored) %s: arp: link address is broadcast for IP address %s! %s: DAD duplicate address %s from %s %s: DAD defended address %s from %s %s: DAD ignoring duplicate address %s from %s %s: DAD defence failed for %s from %s %s tried to overwrite permanent arp info for %s %s on %s tried to overwrite arp info for %s on %s arp info overwritten for %s by %s %s: called with non-tentative address %s(%s) %s: memory allocation failed for %s(%s) %s: called with duplicate address %s(%s) %s: %s: ARP announcement complete for %s %s: arp_setgate failed %s: bad gateway value %s: failed to %s llentry for %s on %s %s: ouch, empty static llinfo for %s arpintrrevarp%s: mbuf %d too short for IP header %zu%s: offset %d too short for IP header %zuencapelemip_encap cv%s_wqinput%s: could not create a sysctl node for %s inputqis-rootmodelsTraditional NetBSD: Superuserorg.netbsd.secmodel.susersuser_modcmd::init: secmodel_register returned %d suser_modcmd::fini: secmodel_deregister returned %d is-securelevel-aboveTraditional NetBSD: Securelevelorg.netbsd.secmodel.securelevelsecurelevel_modcmd::init: secmodel_register returned %d securelevel_modcmd::fini: secmodel_deregister returned %d Traditional NetBSD: Extensionsorg.netbsd.secmodel.extensionsextensions_modcmd::init: secmodel_register returned %d curtainusermountuser_set_cpu_affinityextensions_modcmd::fini: secmodel_deregister returned %d Traditional NetBSD: 4.4BSDorg.netbsd.secmodel.bsd44secmodel_bsd44_modcmd::init: secmodel_register returned %d secmodel_bsd44_modcmd::fini: secmodel_deregister returned %d secmodel_bsd44suser,securelevel,extensionscryptofssppsptmdrvctltapveriexecfwucycomutoppybthubamrlockstatputtersrtdrmaltmemtwacpuctlpadzfstprofisvvideohdaudiouhsorumpblknpfdtvfilemoniscsitpmmfiseepromdtracespiflashluaspkrhdmicecnvmecttyphysconptcqmsofconsfdtunvidcconsoleopmsiplofromscrfcomjoymidisequencervcodawsdisplaywsmouseulptraidugenucomuriouscanneropenfirmbiconsdevisdnisdnctlisdnrchanisdntrcisdntelsacommlywsfontagppciiopaltqmlxplcomclockctlirframecirradiokttcpixpcomsysmondmoveriosscomksymsisdnbchanepcomtslcdtwensmbwdcpxapcicpxamciziicsdmmcbuswskbddevusbuswsemuldisplaydevreportiddriveconfigurationproductchannellunkbdmuxcontrollerindexdackirqintrbase%s: dir offset too large on fs %s (mounted from %s) %s: dir offset too large for emulated program /usr/libexec/ld.elf_so%s-%sKernel RNG "%s" monobit test FAILURE: %d ones Kernel RNG "%s" poker test failure: parameter X = %lld.%lld Kernel RNG "%s" long run test FAILURE: Run of %d %ds found Kernel RNG "%s" runs test FAILURE: too few runs of %d %ds (%d <= %d) Kernel RNG "%s" runs test FAILURE: too many runs of %d %ds (%d >= %d) %s: invalid base %ddivide by 0/usr/src/sys/external/bsd/compiler_rt/dist/lib/builtins/subvsi3.c/usr/src/sys/external/bsd/compiler_rt/dist/lib/builtins/subvdi3.c/usr/src/sys/external/bsd/compiler_rt/dist/lib/builtins/negvsi2.c/usr/src/sys/external/bsd/compiler_rt/dist/lib/builtins/negvdi2.c/usr/src/sys/external/bsd/compiler_rt/dist/lib/builtins/mulvsi3.c/usr/src/sys/external/bsd/compiler_rt/dist/lib/builtins/mulvdi3.c/usr/src/sys/external/bsd/compiler_rt/dist/lib/builtins/addvsi3.c/usr/src/sys/external/bsd/compiler_rt/dist/lib/builtins/addvdi3.c/usr/src/sys/external/bsd/compiler_rt/dist/lib/builtins/absvsi2.c/usr/src/sys/external/bsd/compiler_rt/dist/lib/builtins/absvdi2.c/usr/src/sys/lib/libkern/../../../common/lib/libppath/ppath.cp->p_refcnt != 0unusedv6v7v71kv8otherhpfsadosfilecoreext2fsntfsjfs2vinumudfsysvbfsefsnilfsminixfs30%llo%s:%d: abort in %sstringpropstng<>&plist version="1.0"?xml !DOCTYPE plist %s%s SIOCDIFPHYADDRdeletetunnelbad hexadecimal digitshexadecimal digits too longstrings too long"%.*s"%s: getifaddrsaddress:%s: ioctl %s %s SIOCGIFADDRPREF preference %d [ vlan n vlanif i ] [ -vlanif i ] valid only with vlan(4) interfacesvlantagSIOCSETVLAN vlan: %d parent: %s %s: getvlan-vlanifVLAN tagfatal signal: %scannot get kernel security level: %mcan't open %s: %mcan't get %s for controlling terminal: %mcannot change kernel security level from %d to %d: %m/dev/constty/dev/console/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/pkg/bin:/usr/pkg/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbincan't exec `%s' for single user: %mcan't fork single-user shell: %m, trying againwait for single-user shell failed: %m; restartingshell stopped, restartingsingle user shell terminated (%x), restarting./MAKEDEV/etc/MAKEDEVinitial setsid() failedsetlogin() failed/dev-MMMAKEDEV exit status %dUnable to run MAKEDEVinvalid major numberinvalid minor numbertoo many fields for formatusage: %s [-rR] [-F format] [-m mode] [-u user] [-g group] [ name [b | c] [major | driver] minor | name [b | c] major unit subunit | name [b | c] number | name p ] %s -l [driver] ... kern.driversinvalid format: %s%s: invalid group name%s: invalid user namelrRF:g:m:u: character major %d block major %dformat is meaningless for fifosnode type must be 'b', 'c' or 'p'.unknown driver: %sinvalid number: %s%s: uid/gid not changedinvalid unit numberinvalid subunit number386bsd4bsdbsdosfreebsdhpuxlinuxosf1solarissunossvr3svr4ultrix@-2-&---@d-8-A- S-- :+[-n-{-----/N -@--..@<.ffsK>U.Z.c.h.l.t.x.%s,%sUsage: %s [-Aadfruvw] [-t type] %s [-dfruvw] special | node %s [-dfruvw] [-o options] [-t type] special node %s on %s type %.*s%sunknown flag%s %#x%smounted by %sfsid: 0x%x/0x%xreads: sync %llu async %llu, writes: sync %llu async %llugetargs, [%s: %s]realpath `%s'unionpuffs|%s on %s type %.*s: %s already mountedforcemount_puffsrumprump_%sexec:Cannot create pipeCannot open fd to mount programexec %s for %s: %sstatvfs %sOnly one -t option may be specified.Aadfo:rwt:uvfrom_mountUnknown file system %sUnknown special file or file system `%s'Unknown file system type for `%s':@WARNING: autoselecting nfs based on : or @ in the device name is deprecated! WARNING: This behaviour will be removed in a future release asynchronousextattrhiddennocoredumprelatimesoft dependenciessympermexported read-onlyNFS exportedexported to the worldanon uid mappingkerberos uid mappingnon-reserved portsWebNFS exportswith quotasroot file systembeing updatedreload filesystem dataforce unmount or readonly changeretrieve mount argumentsadosfilecorentfsudfsysvbfsefsnilfsstrdup00ku/-A20:+ &-S- ++@00000000 bnorripbgensbextattbnojolietbnocasetransbrrcaseinsusage: %s [-o options] special node getmntoptsegijo:r%s on %suserquotagroupquotardonlyextattgensmaplcasecasetransnrrrripjolietrrcaseinsWarning: realpath %s"%s" is a non-resolved or relative path.using "%s" instead.00ku/-A20:+ &-S- +@X;-@o+Z3+@-2o:mount table fullincorrect super blockspecified device does not match mounted device%s on %s: %ssoftdep00ku/-A20:+ &-S- +@+@bshortnameblongnamebnowin95bgemdosfsbmntversionedbutf8bronlybwaitonfatbfatmirrorusage: %s [-9GlsU] [-g gid] [-M mask] [-m mask] [-o options] [-t gmtoff] [-u uid] special mountpath Gsl9Uu:g:m:M:o:t:stat %suid=%d, gid=%d, mask=0%o, dirmask=0%o, gmtoff=%d, flags=%s unknown %s id: %sinvalid file mode: %s00ku/-A20:+ &-S- +o++@~<< < <@ <'</<5<:<>< 8@[:a:D<j:t:~: :@bsoftbwsizebrsizebtimeobretransbmaxgrpsbintrbnoconnbnqnfsb nfsv3b kerbb dumbtimrb leasetermb readaheadbdeadthreshbresvportbrdirplusbreaddirsizebxlatecookiebnoac[-23bCcdilPpqsTUX] [-a maxreadahead] [-D deadthresh]usage: %s %s %s %s %s %s rhost:path node [-w writesize] [-x retrans] [-o options] [-R retrycnt] [-r readsize] [-t timeout] [-g maxgroups] [-I readdirsize] [-L leaseterm]conflicting version optionsillegal -a value -- %sillegal -D value -- %sillegal -I value -- %swsizerdirsizeleasetermreadaheaddeadthreshtimeoretransillegal -R value -- %sillegal -r value -- %sillegal -t value -- %sillegal -w value -- %sillegal -x value -- %s23a:bcCdD:g:I:iKL:lm:o:PpqR:r:sTt:w:x:UXgetnameinfo: %ssotype=%d, proto=%d, fhsize=%d, flags=%s, wsize=%d, rsize=%d, readdirsize=%d, timeo=%d, retrans=%d, maxgrouplist=%d, readahead=%d, leaseterm=%d, deadthresh=%d addr=%s, port=%s, addrlen=%d, conndumbtimernfsv3rdirplusmntudpresportnqnfssofttcpnfsv2maxgrpsUnsupported socket family %drecvrpc: reject, astat=%d, errno=%d getport: %scallrpc: error = %d sendrecv: short write! (%zd < %zu)no : or @ speccan't get net id for host "%s": %sDE 4.3BSD, 1 => FFSv1, 2 => FFSv2-S secsize sector size-T disktype disk type-V verbose output verbosity: 0 ==> none, 4 ==> max-Z pre-zero the image file-a maxcontig maximum contiguous blocks-b bsize block size-d maxbsize maximum extent size-e maxbpg maximum blocks per file in a cylinder group-f fsize frag size-g avgfilesize average file size-g groupname group name of mount point-h avgfpdir average files per directory-i density number of bytes per inode-m minfree minimum free space %-n inodes number of inodes (overrides -i density)-o optim optimization preference (`space' or `time')-q (user|group) enable specified quota-p perm permissions (in octal)-s fssize file system size (sectors)-u username user name of mount point-v volname Apple UFS volume namerdfs: read error for sector %lld: %s setblock bad fs_fragshift %d wtfs: write error for sector %lld: %s cg 0: bad magic numberfsinit: inode value out of range (%llu). isblock bad fs_fragshift %d internal error: can't find block in cyl 0clrblock bad fs_fragshift %d first cylinder group ran out of spaceillegal expected average file size %d illegal expected number of files per directory %d block size must be a power of 2, not %d fragment size must be a power of 2, not %d fragment size %d is too small, minimum is %d block size %d is too small, minimum is %d block size %d is too large, maximum is %d block size (%d) cannot be smaller than fragment size (%d) Maxcontig raised to %d fragment size %d is too small, minimum with block size %d is %d ilog2: %d is not a power of 2Too many fragments (0x%llx) for a FFSv1 filesystem Filesystem size %lld < minimum size of %d CGSIZE miscalculated %d > %d %s: %.1fMB (%lld sectors) block size %d, fragment size %d using %d cylinder groups of %.2fMB, %d blks, %d inodes. Cannot allocate I/O bufferpreposterous size %lld super-block backups (for fsck_ffs -b #) at: Too many cylinder groups to fit summary information into first cylinder groupPanic: cylinder group too big%s%*llu,Error making filesystemNo space for superblockusage: %s [-aCDdfLnoPQqRrv] [-c count] [-g gateway] [-h host] [-I addr] [-i interval] [-l preload] [-p pattern] [-s size] [-T ttl] [-t tos] [-w maxwait] host Cannot resolve "%s" (%s)%s only supported with IP Vr HL TOS Len ID Flg off TTL Pro cks Src Dst %1x %1x %02x %04x %04x %1x %04x %02x %02x %04x %15s TCP: from port %u, to port %u UDP: from port %u, to port %u ID=%u icmp_seq=%u for icmp_seq=%ublocksignals: sigprocmask0.0.0.0 ----%s PING Statistics---- %d packets transmitted, %d packets received, +%d duplicates, -- somebody's duplicating packets!%.1f%% packet lossround-trip min/avg/max/stddev = %.*f/%.*f/%.*f/%.*f ms %.1f packets/sec sent, %.1f packets/sec received Can't turn off special IP headerfailed to clear cached routeCan't set special IP headersendtowrote %s %d chars, ret=%d%d bytes from %s: %d bytes from %s: icmp_seq=%u DUP! ttl=%d time=%.*f msCannot create socketCannot shutdown for readsetuidBad/invalid number of packets: %sBad/invalid interval: %sTiming interval %g too largeBad/invalid preload value: %sOnly one of -P and -p allowedBad/invalid packet size: %spacket size is too largebad tos value: %sttl out of range: %s-gBad/invalid maxwait time: %sac:CdDfg:h:i:I:l:Lnop:PqQrRs:t:T:vw:Must be superuser to use -fMust be superuser to use < 1 sec ping intervalMust be superuser to use -lPacket interval must be at least 1 nsSorry, no audible output for flood pingsCan't allocate %d bytes"-p %s": patterns must be specified with 1-32 hex digits %2x%2x%2x%2x%2x%2x%2x%2x%2x%2x%2x%2x%2x%2x%2x%2xPATTERN: 0xCan't turn on socket debuggingSO_DONTROUTECan't disable multicast loopbackCan't set multicast time-to-liveCan't set multicast source interfaceCan't set source interface/addressPING %s (%s): %d data bytes Cannot set the receive buffer sizeenablesignals: sigprocmaskpollrecvfrompacket too short (%d bytes) from %s remote host does not support record route remote host does not support source route wrong total length %d instead of %d[*** sequence gap of %u packets from %u ... %u ***] wrong data byte #%d should have been %#x but was %#xDestination Net UnreachableDestination Host UnreachableDestination Protocol UnreachableDestination Port Unreachablefrag needed and DF set. Next MTU=%dSource Route FailedUnreachable unknown netUnreachable unknown hostUnreachable host isolatedNet prohibited accessHost prohibited accessBad TOS for netBad TOS for hostCommunication prohibitedHost precedence violationPrecedence cutoffBad Destination Unreachable Code: %dSource QuenchRedirect NetworkRedirect HostRedirect Type of Service and NetworkRedirect Type of Service and HostRedirect--Bad Code: %d New router addr: %sEcho Request: ID=%d seq=%dRouter Discovery AdvertRouter Discovery SolicitTime To Live exceededFrag reassembly time exceededTime exceeded, Bad Code: %dParameter problem: pointer = 0x%02xTimestampTimestamp ReplyInformation RequestAddress Mask RequestAddress Mask ReplyBad ICMP type: %d LSRR: (same route) RR: NOP unknown option 0x%xusage: %s [-dln%sqvxz] [-- ] (can't restart init): poweroffdlnpqvxzhalted by %spowered off by %srebooted by %s: %srebooted by %sSIGTSTP initSIGTERM all processesSIGKILL all processesWARNING: some process(es) wouldn't diereboot()/x3x8xusage: %s -i [-cdhmvyN] [-b bsize] [-D algorithm] [-f file] [-M mtreefile] [-s fileno] %s -R [-cdvyN] [-b bsize] [-D algorithm] [-f file] [-M mtreefile] [-s fileno] %s -r [-cdvyN] [-b bsize] [-D algorithm] [-f file] [-M mtreefile] [-s fileno] %s -t [-cdhvy] [-b bsize] [-D algorithm] [-f file] [-s fileno] [file ...] %s -x [-cdhmvyN] [-b bsize] [-D algorithm] [-f file] [-M mtreefile] [-s fileno] [file ...] option requires an argument -- %cillegal blocksize -- %sblock size must be greater than 0unknown digest algorithm: %s%c and %c options are mutually exclusivecan't open %sillegal dump number -- %sdump number must be greater than 0b:cD:df:himM:NRrs:tuvxynone of i, R, r, t or x options specifiedBegin incremental restore ./restoresymtableCalculate node updates. Begin level 0 restore Calculate extraction list. Verify the directory structure command lines cannot be continued missing %c Warning: undefined file type %d %s > %s: %s: no filename match. glob() aborted. unknown error! %s: not a directory %s: not on extraction list ls [arg] - list directory Available commands are: %s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s directory is used If no `arg' is supplied, the current Debug - turn on debugging help or `?' - print this list (useful with ``ls'') verbose - toggle verbose flag what - list dump header information quit or xit - immediately exit program setmodes - set modes of requested directories extract - extract requested files list of files to be extracted delete [arg] - delete `arg' from add [arg] - add `arg' to list of pwd - print current directory cd arg - change directory ls: out of memory directory reopen failed %s%s: name exceeds %d char / verbose mode off verbose mode on setmodeswhatDebugdebugging mode off debugging mode on %s: unknown command; type ? for help restore interrupted, continue|NIL|ONTAPE|INOFND|NAMEFND|MODECHGdir %10llu %s %s: not on the tape ./%lluMark entries to be removed. Delete whiteouts %s: REMOVE corrupted symbol table name/inode conflict, mktempname %s [%s] %s: %s deleted hard link %s to directory %s [%s] %s: %s|LINK cannot KEEP and change modesNODE and LEAF links to same inode[%s] %s: Extraneous name %s: (inode %llu) not found on tape [%s] %s: inconsistent state [%s] %s: impossible state Find unreferenced names. %s: remove unreferenced name unreferenced with flagsRemove old nodes (directories). cannot remove, non-emptyContinue extraction of new leaves Extract new leaves. %llu: bad first %s: not found on tape expected next file %llu, got %llu unknown file on tape unexpected file on tapeExtract requested files Add whiteouts Add links Check the symbol table. incomplete operationsWarning: missing name %s type should be LEAFmissing inumber %llu Mangled directory: reclen not multiple of 4 reclen less than UFS_DIRSIZ (%d < %lu) bad seek pointer to rst_seekdir %d Extract directories from tape %s/rstdir%d%s/rstdir%d-XXXXXXcannot mkstemp temporary file %scannot open temporary file %s%s/rstmode%d%s/rstmode%d-XXXXXXopendirfile: %s Root directory is not on tape no memory directory table error reading directory corrupted directory: bad reclen %d corrupted directory: bad inum %d %s/Warning: `.' missing from directory %s Warning: `..' missing from directory %s %s%s: name exceeds %lu char Set directory mode, owner, and times. modefile not defined directory mode, owner, and times not set fopen: %s cannot open mode file %s cannot find directory inode %llu error setting directory modes Cannot find directory inode %llu named %s write error extracting inode %llu, name %s read: %s cannot find entry in parent listaddino: out of range %llu duplicate inumdeleteino: out of range %llu deleteino: %llu not found %s is not a directory %s: pathname too long bad name no space for string table no memory to extend symbol table bad name to addentry %s link to non-existent name duplicate entry not marked REMOVEDfreeing referenced directoryfreeing non-empty directorylookupino failedlink not foundcannot move ROOTCheckpointing the restore cannot create save file %s for symbol table fwrite: %s output error to file %s writing symbol table Initialize symbol table. no memory for entry table cannot open symbol table file %s stat: %s cannot stat symbol table file %s cannot allocate space for symbol table cannot read symbol table file %s Incremental tape too low Incremental tape too high initsymtable called from command %c Checksum error %o, inode %llu file %s unallocated block in symbolic link %s symbolic link name: %s->%s%s; too long %d Cannot have multiple dumps on pipe input ioctl MTFSF: %s seek error extracting inode %llu, name %s lseek: %s End-of-input encountered while extractingWarning: %s %s write error extracting inode %llu, name %s write: %s Cannot allocate space for tape buffer cannot open %s: %s the epoch [unknown]#Dump date: %s#Dumped from: %s#Level %d dump of %s on %s:%s #Label: %s /set uname=root gname=wheel error writing to mtree fileChanging volumes on pipe input? Unless you know which volume yourYou have not read any tapes yet. towards the first. with the last volume and work file(s) are on you should start (Use 1 for the first volume/tape, etc.) You have read volumesSpecify next volume #: Volume numbers are positive numerics Mount tape volume %d Enter ``none'' if there are no more tapes otherwise enter tape name (default: %s) Cannot open %s header read failed at %d blocks tape is not dump tape Volume mismatch: expecting %d, tape header claims it is %d Wrong dump date got: %s wanted: %sread %ld recs, tape starts with %ld Skipping %d duplicate record%s. active file into volume 1 mid-media short read error. partial block read: %d should be %d Tape read error while trying to set up tape trying to resynchronize restoring %s skipping over inode %llu continuation failed: %s End-of-tape encountered Note: Doing Byte swapping gethead: unknown inode type %d Volume header (%s inode format) begins with record %lldDumped inodes map headerUsed inodes map headerFile header, ino %lluFile continuation header, ino %lluEnd of tape header; predicted %ld blocks, got %ld blocksunexpected tape header unknown tape header type %d resync restore, skipped %ld blocks ran off end of tape not at beginning of a file Missing address (header) block for %s at %d blocks %s: unknown file mode 0%o skipped socket %s unextracted directory %s extract file %s %s: zero length symbolic link (ignored) extract special file %s %s: cannot create special file: %s extract fifo %s %s: cannot create fifo: %s fifo%s: cannot create file: %s %s (%s) = %s no memory for %s %s: inconsistent map size %s: map size changed Verify tape and initialize maps tape read error: %s is not a multiple of dump block sizeTape block size (%ld) %s (%ld) Tape block size is %d Tape is not a dump tape Converting to new file system format. cannot stat .: %s bad block size %d Tape is not volume 1 of the dump no header after volume mark! Cannot find file removal list MD5SHA1RMD160warning: cannot rename %s to %s: %s rename %s to %s warning: cannot create whiteout %s: %s Create whiteout %s |REMOVED|TMPNAME|EXTRACT|NEW|KEEP|EXISTED%s is not on the tape dump coresymbolichardwarning: cannot create symbolic link %s->%s: %s warning: cannot create hard link %s->%s: %s linkit: unknown type %d Create %s link %s->%s bad entry: %s parent name %s sibling name: %s next entry name: %s next link name: %s next hashchain name: %s entry type: %s inode number: %ld flags: %s RSTTMP%s%ld%llunot on ino listmktempname: called with TMPNAMEnewnode: not a nodewarning: %s: %s Make node %s removenode: not a noderemovenode: non-empty directoryRemove node %s removeleaf: not a leafRemove leaf %s delwhiteout: not a leafwarning: cannot delete whiteout %s: %s Delete whiteout %s %s type=%s uid=%d gid=%d mode=%#4.4o flags=nodump%suchg%suappnd%sopaque%sarch%sschg%ssappndLost connection to remote host.Protocol to remote tape server botched. (rmtgets got "%s"). Protocol to remote tape server botched (code "%s"). shell/tcp: unknown servicewho are you?invalid user name: %s/etc/rmtO%s %d C R%d W%d L%d %d I%d %d DSTGATEWAYNETMASKGENMASKIFPIFAAUTHORBRD TAGy҄=eŅ#KsUPBROADCASTDEBUGLOOPBACKPTPNOTRAILERSRUNNINGNOARP PROMISC ALLMULTI OACTIVE SIMPLEX LINK0LINK1LINK2MULTICASTUPGATEWAYHOSTREJECTDYNAMICMODIFIEDDONEMASK_PRESENT CONNECTED XRESOLVE LLINFO STATIC BLACKHOLECLONEDPROTO2PROTO1LOCALBROADCAST pksentrttvarrttssthreshsendpiperecvpipeexpirehopcountmtudfLnqSsTtvUGHRBD M@dmCLS1@2plb0123456789abcdefatalkhopcountinet6lockrestnostaticproto1proto2recvpiperttrttvarsendpipeshowssthreshx25xnsflushallnocloningnoconnectednoblackholenorejectmpls%s: inet %s; %s: link %s; %s: (%d) %s; not in tableentry in userouting table overflowprefixlen is not supported with af %d%s: bad value sockaddrs: routing message version %d not understood #%d: len %d, if# %d, %s, flags: pid %d, metric %d, flags: if# %d, what: re-associatedisassociatescan completejoinmichaelreplay (truncated) mac %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x src %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x dst %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x cipher %u keyix %u key rsc %#llx frame rsc %#llxarrivalpid %d, seq %d, errno %d, flags: locks: inits: route-sysctl-estimateactual retrieval of routing tableExamining routing table from sysctl(address family %s) write to routing socket, got %d for rlen%-20.20s writing to routing socket: %sbotched keyword: %sUsage: %s [-%s] cmd [[-] args] Internal ErrorCannot allocate memoryassuming route to ifold usage of trailing 0assuming route via gatewayold usage of trailing digitmissing destination specificationmissing gateway specification-host and -net conflictsoup->so_dstsoup->so_gatesoup->so_masksoup->so_genmasksoup->so_ifpsoup->so_ifa: gateway %sRTM_ADD: Add RouteRTM_DELETE: Delete RouteRTM_CHANGE: Change Metrics, Flags or GatewayRTM_GET: Report MetricsRTM_LOSING: Kernel Suspects PartitioningRTM_REDIRECT: Told to use different routeRTM_MISS: Lookup failed on this addressRTM_LOCK: fix specified metricsRTM_OLDADD: caused by SIOCADDRTRTM_OLDDEL: caused by SIOCDELRTRTM_OOIFINFO: iface status change (pre-1.5)RTM_OIFINFO: iface status change (pre-64bit time)RTM_IFANNOUNCE: iface arrival/departureRTM_IEEE80211: IEEE80211 wireless eventRTM_IFINFO: iface status changeRTM_NEWADDR: address being added to ifaceRTM_DELADDR: address being removed from ifaceRTM_CHGADDR: address being changed on ifacelink#%d%-*.*s %-*.*s %-6.6s FlagsAppleTalkEncapInternet Protocol Family %d: %-6.6s %u.%u.%u.%u/%d(%d) %saf %d: %ssysctl of routing tableRouting tables%6s %8s unspecPFPF0* XXX,,x<<Usage: %s [-Ddfhknprvxz] [-b bootstr] time [message ... | -] illegal time formatFINAL /usr/bin/wall%s -n%s: Can't find `%s' (%m)*** %sSystem shutdown message from %s@%s *** System going down at %5.5s System going down in %ld minute%s System going down in 30 seconds System going down IMMEDIATELY /etc/nologin NO LOGINS: System going down at /sbin/reboot/sbin/halt%s: Not super-userb:DdfhknprvxzIncompatible options -f and -nIncompatible options -%s and -rnowTZtime is already pastShutdown at %.24s. Shutdown NOW!shutdown: forkshutdown: [pid %d] %s by %s: %s System shutdown time has arrived but you'll have to do it yourself /fastbootfastboot file for fsck About to run shutdown hooks... . /etc/rc.shutdown Done running shutdown hooks. -v-z-dCan't exec `%s' (%m)Can't exec `%s'hw.disknamesusage: %s -A [-f|-o] [-n] [-p priority] [-t blk|noblk|auto] %s -a [-p priority] path %s -q %s -c -p priority path %s -D dumpdev|none %s -d path %s -l | -s [-k|-m|-g|-h] %s -U [-n] [-t blk|noblk|auto] %s -z could not set dump device to %s%s: setting dump device to %s WARNING: %s is readable by the worldWARNING: %s is writable by the world%s: adding %s as swap device at priority 0 %s: removing %s as swap device %s%s%cswpriority=nfsmntpt=empty mountpoint/sbin/mount_nfs%s: mount failed/sbin/umountnoblk%s: adding %s as swap device at priority %d %s: failed to add %s as swap device %s: failed to remove %s as swap device %s: umount failedswaponusage: %s -a [-t blk|noblk] %s ... ADUacdfghklmnop:qst:zcould not get dump deviceno dump device setdump device is major %llu minor %llu %s: there are swap or dump devices defined in /etc/fstab %s: no swap or dump devices in /etc/fstab KBytesMBytesGBytesno swap devices configuredSWAP_STATSSWAP_STATS different to SWAP_NSWAP (%d != %d)Device%-*s %*s %8s %8s %8s %s PriorityCapacityAvailUsed%-*s %*ld %8ld %8ld %5.0f%% %d %-*s %*s %8s %8s %5.0f%% %d %s/%s swap space %ld/%ld %s swap space total: %s allocated, %s used, %s available. total: %ld %s allocated, %ld %s used, %ld %s available Total%-*s %*s %8s %8s %5.0f%% %-*s %*ld %8ld %8ld %5.0f%% Usage: %s [-fR] special | node %s: not currently mountedumount_%s%s: execvpfRCe8 ***************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************TYPE %s %sTYPE %s%s: unknown mode. Continue with%s %s [anpqy?]? %s; %s aborted Prompting off for duration of %s. Interactive mode: off. confirmation options: a answer `yes' for the duration of %s n answer `no' for this file p turn off `prompt' mode q stop the current %s y answer `yes' for this file ? this help list nmap: unbalanced brackets. Using %s mode to transfer files. changetype: unknown type %dbinarytenexWe only support %s mode, sorry. We only support %s format, sorry. We only support %s structure, sorry. STORAPPESTOUlocal-fileremote-filelocal-filesGlob pattern `%s' not foundRestart is not supported by the remote server. RETRr+remote-filesmregetSkipping non-relative filename `%s' Can't open source file %s 20150912NetBSD-ftpVersion: %s %s %s %s. Bell modeEditing support not compiled in; ignoring command. Packet tracingmark: bad bytecount value `%s'. Hash mark printing %s (%d bytes/hash mark)Verbose modeUse of PORT/LPRT cmdsProgress barInteractive mode(none)Disabling gate-ftp mode - no gate-ftp server defined. Gate ftp: %s, server %s, port %s. GlobbingPreserve modification times%s: bad debugging value. Debugging %s (ftp_debug=%d). remote-directoryCWD command not recognized, trying XCWD. XCWD %sCan't chdir `%s'Local directory now: %s Unable to determine local directory DELE %sfrom-nameto-nameRNFR %sRNTO %sMLSDNLSTMLSD is not supported by the remote server. nlistpageroutput to local-file:mlsCan't execute `%s'Can't fork a subshell; try again laterusernameUSER %sPassword: PASS %sAccount: ACCT %sLogin failed. Unable to determine remote directory Remote directory: %s Local directory: %s directory-nameMKD command not recognized, trying XMKD. XMKD %sRMD command not recognized, trying XRMD. XRMD %scommand line to sendarguments to SITE commandSITE SITE CHMOD %s %sSITE UMASKSITE UMASK %sSITE IDLESITE IDLE %sHELPHELP %sQUITAccount:?Ambiguous command. ?Invalid command. ?Invalid proxy command. Not connected. Case mappingCarriage Return strippingNtrans off. Nmap off. mapoutPassive mode: %s; fallback to active mode: %s. EPSV/EPRT on IPv4EPSV/EPRT on IPv6Store uniqueReceive uniqueGet transfer rate throttle: %s; maximum: %d; increment %d. Put transfer rate throttle: %s; maximum: %d; increment %d. CDUPCDUP command not recognized, trying XCUP. XCUPrestart: Invalid offset `%s' No restart point defined. Restarting at %lld for next get, put or append SYSTLimit of 16 macros have already been defined. macro nameEnter macro line by line, terminating it with a null line. macdef: end of file encountered. Macro not defined - 4K buffer exceeded. %s %lld %s %sSTATSTAT %sLocal file "%s" is newer than remote file "%s". sndbufrcvbufxferbuf%s: size must be positive. Socket buffer sizes: send %d, receive %d. No such option `%s'. Setting `%s' to `%s'. %-*s %s Unsetting `%s'. FEAT is not supported by the remote server. FEATMLST is not supported by the remote server. MLSTMLST %sOPTS is not supported by the remote server. OPTS %sOPTS %s %sebcdicanonpassftp_proxyhttp_proxyhttps_proxyno_proxyrpromptaccountbyecdupdisconnecteditepsvepsv4epsv6featuresfgetidlelcdlpagelpwdmacdefmdeletemgetmlstmodtimemputmsendnewernmapntranspassivepdirpmlsdquoterecvremoptsrenameresetrestartrhelprmdirrstatusruniquesendportsitestructsuniquethrottleusage'%s' macro not found. %s: HTTP fetch aborted. %s: HTTP fetch timeout. Host: %sHost: [%s]parse_url: invoked with NULL argument!http://ftp://file://Invalid %s `%s'Unknown port `%s' in %s `%s'Receiving HTTP reply: %sInvalid URL `%s';type=a;type=i;type=dDirectory listing via a URL is not supportedInvalid suffix `%s' in URL `%s'*?[]{}Can't connect or login to host `%s:%s'fetch_ftp: unknown transfer type %d ftp: The `CWD ' command (without a directory), which is required by RFC 3986 to support the empty directory in the URL pathname (`//'), conflicts with the server's conformance to RFC 959. Try the same URL without the `//' in the URL pathname. Pragma: no-cache Cache-Control: no-cache (localhostNo support for non local file URL `%s'Invalid URL (no file after host) `%s'No file after directory (you must specify an output file) `%s'copiedCan't open `%s'Can't seek to restart `%s'Copying %s (restarting at %lld)retrieved ,Can't restart via proxy URL `%s'Scoped address notation `%s' disallowed via web proxyproxy URLMalformed proxy URL `%s'Can't LOOKUP `%s:%s': %sTrying %s:%s ... Can't create socket for connection to `%s:%s'Can't connect to `%s:%s'Requesting %s %svia %s:%uGET %s HTTP/1.0 GET %s HTTP/1.1 Accept: */* Connection: close Range: bytes=%lld- restarting at %lldFTPUSERAGENTUser-Agent: %s User-Agent: %s/%s %swith authorization%swith proxy authorizationProxy-Authorization: %s Writing HTTP requestalready done Size of `%s' differs from save file `%s'Unexpected EOF reading chunk-sizeInvalid chunk-sizeChunk-size `%.*s'Unexpected data following chunk-sizeWriting `%s'Unexpected EOF reading chunk CRLFUnexpected data following chunkReading fileCan't change modification time to %sImproper response from `%s:%s'Unsupported URL scheme `%.*s'Content-Length:Content-Range:Received unexpected Content-Range headerLast-Modified:Location:Transfer-Encoding:Bogus transfer encoding `binary' (fetching anyway)chunkedUnsupported transfer encoding `%s'Proxy-Authenticate:BasicWWW-Authenticate:Not expecting partial content headerNo redirection Location provided by serverToo many redirections requestedRedirected via %s Redirected to %s Error retrieving file `%s'Unknown error retrieving file remote abort aborted; closing connection. receive sendabortxfer: unknown direction `%s' aborted. Waiting for remote to finish abort. 421 Service not available, %s. No control connection for commandCan't lookup `%s:%s': %sCan't determine my address of connection to `%s:%s'Can't fdopen socketConnected to %s. Can't create socket for data connectionEPSVwrong server: return code must be 229 Passive mode refused. Passive mode AF mismatch. Shouldn't happen! wrong server: return code must be 227 %u,%u,%u,%u,%u,%uPassive mode address scan failure. Shouldn't happen! parse error! Can't set SO_REUSEADDR on data connectionCan't bind for data connectionCan't determine my address of data connectionCan't listen to data connectionEPRT |%u|%s|%s|PORT %d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d%c%c%c%d%cPASVPoll timeout waiting before acceptCan't poll waiting before acceptCan't accept data connectionCan't access `%s'runique: can't find unique file name. Lost control connection for abortCan't send abort message%cABOR proxy server does not support third party transfers. No primary connection. PORT %sREST %lldlocal: %s remote: %s Error aborting proxy commandlocal: %s %s: not a plain file. Reading `%s'Writing to networkCan't chmod `%s'Reading from networkWARNING! %d bare linefeeds received in ASCII mode. File may not have transferred correctly. Can't change modification time on %s to %sUsage error Error resetting connectionremote server timed out. Connection closeduser interrupt. Connection closedremote server has closed connectionusage: %s [-46AadefginpRtVv] [-N netrc] [-o outfile] [-P port] [-q quittime] [-r retry] [-s srcaddr] [-T dir,max[,inc]] [-x xferbufsize] [[user@]host [port]] [host:path[/]] [file:///file] [ftp://[user[:pass]@]host[:port]/path[/]] [http://[user[:pass]@]host[:port]/path] [...] %s -u URL file [...] Proxy c%sommands may be abbreviated. Commands are: ?Ambiguous %s command `%s' ?Invalid %s command `%s' ftp> prompt: no such option `prompt'rprompt: no such option `rprompt'Sorry, input line is too long. anonymoushttpFTPSERVERPORTftpgateNETRC$NETRC `%s': %sFTPMODEUnknown $FTPMODE `%s'; using defaultspftpFTPSERVERNeither $FTPSERVER nor GATE_SERVER is defined; disabling gate-ftpdumbINET6 support is not available; ignoring -6Bad quit value: %sBad retry value: %sBad throttle value `%s'Bad xferbuf value: %s46AadefginN:o:pP:q:r:Rs:tT:u:vVx:Can't lookup `%s': %s/.netrc%s/.netrc: %sFTPANONPASSPAGERFTPPROMPTFTPRPROMPTRetrying in %d seconds... getoptionvalue: invoked with NULL namegetoptionvalue: invoked with unknown option `%s'%lld byte%s %s in %d day%s %2d:%02d:%02d (%lld.%02d %.2sB/s) ETA: %02d:%02d (stalled)xsignal_restart: called with signal %d %s: transfer aborted because stalled for %lu sec. %3d%% |%.*s%*s| %5lld %-3s %3lld.%02d %.2sB/s --:-- ETA - stalled -%02d:%02d ETAKiBMiBGiBTiBPiBEiBToken in .netrc too longCan't read `%s'Error: .netrc file is readable by othersRemove password or make file unreadable by othersRemove account or make file unreadable by othersMissing macdef name argument. Macro definition missing null line terminator. Unknown .netrc keyword `%s'4K macro buffer exceeded. machineMDTMREST STREAMTVFS Remote system type is %.*s. unix215 TOPS20Remember to set tenex mode when transferring binary files from this machine. ftpXXXXXXXXXXUnable to create temporary file `%s'Can't find list of remote filesSIZE is not supported by remote server. SIZE %sMDTM is not supported by remote server. MDTM %s191Y2K warning! Incorrect time-val `%s' received from server. Converted to `%s' Can't parse time `%s'. %Y%m%d%H%M%S%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z Can't convert RFC 2822 time: buffer too small%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT%a, %d-%b-%y %H:%M:%S GMT%a, %b %d %H:%M:%S %YUnable to determine real path of `%s'crankrate invoked with unknown signal: %dUnable to determine rcvbuf sizeUnable to determine sndbuf sizeUnable to set sndbuf size %dUnable to set rcvbuf size %d EOF receivedError encounteredInput line is too longSorry, arguments too long. (%s) operation%s; %s aborted. Can't bind to `%s'Can't %s socket flags for connect to `%s:%s'Can't set socket non-blocking for connect to `%s:%s'Unable to allocate %ld bytes of memoryUnable to allocate memory for stringlistUnable to add `%s' to stringlistftp_strdup: called with NULL argumentUnable to allocate memory for string copyName (%s:%s): Name (%s): Login failed$initAlready connected to %s, use close first. main: gateserver not definedConnecting via pass-through server %s non-printstreamNetBSD gzip 20150113malloc failedfailed to read stdin%s: unexpected end of file%s: trailing garbage ignoredinput not gziped (MAGIC0)input not gziped (MAGIC1)unknown compression method1.2.10failed to inflateInitZ_NEED_DICT errordata stream errorinternal stream errormemory allocation errorunknown error from inflate(): %derror writing to outputtruncated inputinvalid compressed data--crc errorinvalid compressed data--length errordecompression errordeflateInit2 faileddeflate faileddeflateEnd failed%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%csnprintf compressed uncompressed ratio uncompressed_nameread of uncompressed size%12llu %12llu %2.2d.%5s%%can't read stdin(stdin): unexpected end of file(stdin)usage: %s [-123456789cdhlV] [ [ ...]] 123456789cdhlVcan't stat: %s%s is a directory%s: unknown suffix -- ignoredcan't read %scouldn't close inputcouldn't close output%s: uncompress failedcouldn't open (leaving original): %scouldn't stat (leaving original): %sstat gave different size: %lld != %lld (leaving original)could not create output: %s%s is not a regular file.gzD"D#D%D'S- SSUUMMMMAARRYY OOFF LLEESSSS CCOOMMMMAANNDDSS Commands marked with * may be preceded by a number, _N. Notes in parentheses indicate the behavior if _N is given. A key preceded by a caret indicates the Ctrl key; thus ^K is ctrl-K. h H Display this help. q :q Q :Q ZZ Exit. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- MMOOVVIINNGG e ^E j ^N CR * Forward one line (or _N lines). y ^Y k ^K ^P * Backward one line (or _N lines). f ^F ^V SPACE * Forward one window (or _N lines). b ^B ESC-v * Backward one window (or _N lines). z * Forward one window (and set window to _N). w * Backward one window (and set window to _N). ESC-SPACE * Forward one window, but don't stop at end-of-file. d ^D * Forward one half-window (and set half-window to _N). u ^U * Backward one half-window (and set half-window to _N). ESC-) RightArrow * Left one half screen width (or _N positions). ESC-( LeftArrow * Right one half screen width (or _N positions). F Forward forever; like "tail -f". r ^R ^L Repaint screen. R Repaint screen, discarding buffered input. --------------------------------------------------- Default "window" is the screen height. Default "half-window" is half of the screen height. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- SSEEAARRCCHHIINNGG /_p_a_t_t_e_r_n * Search forward for (_N-th) matching line. ?_p_a_t_t_e_r_n * Search backward for (_N-th) matching line. n * Repeat previous search (for _N-th occurrence). N * Repeat previous search in reverse direction. ESC-n * Repeat previous search, spanning files. ESC-N * Repeat previous search, reverse dir. & spanning files. ESC-u Undo (toggle) search highlighting. &_p_a_t_t_e_r_n * Display only matching lines --------------------------------------------------- A search pattern may be preceded by one or more of: ^N or ! Search for NON-matching lines. ^E or * Search multiple files (pass thru END OF FILE). ^F or @ Start search at FIRST file (for /) or last file (for ?). ^K Highlight matches, but don't move (KEEP position). ^R Don't use REGULAR EXPRESSIONS. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- JJUUMMPPIINNGG g < ESC-< * Go to first line in file (or line _N). G > ESC-> * Go to last line in file (or line _N). p % * Go to beginning of file (or _N percent into file). t * Go to the (_N-th) next tag. T * Go to the (_N-th) previous tag. { ( [ * Find close bracket } ) ]. } ) ] * Find open bracket { ( [. ESC-^F _<_c_1_> _<_c_2_> * Find close bracket _<_c_2_>. ESC-^B _<_c_1_> _<_c_2_> * Find open bracket _<_c_1_> --------------------------------------------------- Each "find close bracket" command goes forward to the close bracket matching the (_N-th) open bracket in the top line. Each "find open bracket" command goes backward to the open bracket matching the (_N-th) close bracket in the bottom line. m_<_l_e_t_t_e_r_> Mark the current position with . '_<_l_e_t_t_e_r_> Go to a previously marked position. '' Go to the previous position. ^X^X Same as '. --------------------------------------------------- A mark is any upper-case or lower-case letter. Certain marks are predefined: ^ means beginning of the file $ means end of the file --------------------------------------------------------------------------- CCHHAANNGGIINNGG FFIILLEESS :e [_f_i_l_e] Examine a new file. ^X^V Same as :e. :n * Examine the (_N-th) next file from the command line. :p * Examine the (_N-th) previous file from the command line. :x * Examine the first (or _N-th) file from the command line. :d Delete the current file from the command line list. = ^G :f Print current file name. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- MMIISSCCEELLLLAANNEEOOUUSS CCOOMMMMAANNDDSS -_<_f_l_a_g_> Toggle a command line option [see OPTIONS below]. --_<_n_a_m_e_> Toggle a command line option, by name. __<_f_l_a_g_> Display the setting of a command line option. ___<_n_a_m_e_> Display the setting of an option, by name. +_c_m_d Execute the less cmd each time a new file is examined. !_c_o_m_m_a_n_d Execute the shell command with $SHELL. |XX_c_o_m_m_a_n_d Pipe file between current pos & mark XX to shell command. v Edit the current file with $VISUAL or $EDITOR. V Print version number of "less". --------------------------------------------------------------------------- OOPPTTIIOONNSS Most options may be changed either on the command line, or from within less by using the - or -- command. Options may be given in one of two forms: either a single character preceded by a -, or a name preceded by --. -? ........ --help Display help (from command line). -a ........ --search-skip-screen Search skips current screen. -A ........ --SEARCH-SKIP-SCREEN Search starts just after target line. -b [_N] .... --buffers=[_N] Number of buffers. -B ........ --auto-buffers Don't automatically allocate buffers for pipes. -c ........ --clear-screen Repaint by clearing rather than scrolling. -d ........ --dumb Dumb terminal. -D [_x_n_._n] . --color=_x_n_._n Set screen colors. (MS-DOS only) -e -E .... --quit-at-eof --QUIT-AT-EOF Quit at end of file. -f ........ --force Force open non-regular files. -F ........ --quit-if-one-screen Quit if entire file fits on first screen. -g ........ --hilite-search Highlight only last match for searches. -G ........ --HILITE-SEARCH Don't highlight any matches for searches. -h [_N] .... --max-back-scroll=[_N] Backward scroll limit. -i ........ --ignore-case Ignore case in searches that do not contain uppercase. -I ........ --IGNORE-CASE Ignore case in all searches. -j [_N] .... --jump-target=[_N] Screen position of target lines. -J ........ --status-column Display a status column at left edge of screen. -k [_f_i_l_e] . --lesskey-file=[_f_i_l_e] Use a lesskey file. -K --quit-on-intr Exit less in response to ctrl-C. -L ........ --no-lessopen Ignore the LESSOPEN environment variable. -m -M .... --long-prompt --LONG-PROMPT Set prompt style. -n -N .... --line-numbers --LINE-NUMBERS Don't use line numbers. -o [_f_i_l_e] . --log-file=[_f_i_l_e] Copy to log file (standard input only). -O [_f_i_l_e] . --LOG-FILE=[_f_i_l_e] Copy to log file (unconditionally overwrite). -p [_p_a_t_t_e_r_n] --pattern=[_p_a_t_t_e_r_n] Start at pattern (from command line). -P [_p_r_o_m_p_t] --prompt=[_p_r_o_m_p_t] Define new prompt. -q -Q .... --quiet --QUIET --silent --SILENT Quiet the terminal bell. -r -R .... --raw-control-chars --RAW-CONTROL-CHARS Output "raw" control characters. -s ........ --squeeze-blank-lines Squeeze multiple blank lines. -S ........ --chop-long-lines Chop (truncate) long lines rather than wrapping. -t [_t_a_g] .. --tag=[_t_a_g] Find a tag. -T [_t_a_g_s_f_i_l_e] --tag-file=[_t_a_g_s_f_i_l_e] Use an alternate tags file. -u -U .... --underline-special --UNDERLINE-SPECIAL Change handling of backspaces. -V ........ --version Display the version number of "less". -w ........ --hilite-unread Highlight first new line after forward-screen. -W ........ --HILITE-UNREAD Highlight first new line after any forward movement. -x [_N[,...]] --tabs=[_N[,...]] Set tab stops. -X ........ --no-init Don't use termcap init/deinit strings. -y [_N] .... --max-forw-scroll=[_N] Forward scroll limit. -z [_N] .... --window=[_N] Set size of window. -" [_c[_c]] . --quotes=[_c[_c]] Set shell quote characters. -~ ........ --tilde Don't display tildes after end of file. -# [_N] .... --shift=[_N] Horizontal scroll amount (0 = one half screen width) ........ --no-keypad Don't send termcap keypad init/deinit strings. ........ --follow-name The F command changes files if the input file is renamed. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- LLIINNEE EEDDIITTIINNGG These keys can be used to edit text being entered on the "command line" at the bottom of the screen. RightArrow ESC-l Move cursor right one character. LeftArrow ESC-h Move cursor left one character. ctrl-RightArrow ESC-RightArrow ESC-w Move cursor right one word. ctrl-LeftArrow ESC-LeftArrow ESC-b Move cursor left one word. HOME ESC-0 Move cursor to start of line. END ESC-$ Move cursor to end of line. BACKSPACE Delete char to left of cursor. DELETE ESC-x Delete char under cursor. ctrl-BACKSPACE ESC-BACKSPACE Delete word to left of cursor. ctrl-DELETE ESC-DELETE ESC-X Delete word under cursor. ctrl-U ESC (MS-DOS only) Delete entire line. UpArrow ESC-k Retrieve previous command line. DownArrow ESC-j Retrieve next command line. TAB Complete filename & cycle. SHIFT-TAB ESC-TAB Complete filename & reverse cycle. ctrl-L Complete filename, list all. --More--(?eEND ?x- Next\: %x.:?pB%pB\%:byte %bB?s/%s...%t)?n?f%f .?m(%T %i of %m) ..?e(END) ?x- Next\: %x.:?pB%pB\%:byte %bB?s/%s...%t?n?f%f .?m(%T %i of %m) ..?e(END) ?x- Next\: %x..%t?f%f .?n?m(%T %i of %m) ..?ltlines %lt-%lb?L/%L. :byte %bB?s/%s. .?e(END) ?x- Next\: %x.:?pB%pB\%..%t?f%f .?m(%T %i of %m) .?ltlines %lt-%lb?L/%L. .byte %bB?s/%s. ?e(END) :?pB%pB\%..%tHELP -- ?eEND -- Press g to see it again:Press RETURN for more., or q when doneWaiting for dataLESSLESSSECUREVISUALLESSEDIT%E ?lm+%lm. %f@/\less/\help/\file/\@WARNING: terminal is not fully functionalNo filenames allowed with -t optionLESS_TERMCAP_DEBUG<%s>LESS_TERMCAP_LINESlikrklkukdkPkNkh@7kDhcxndadbticmsovb|^Nothing in top lineNothing in bottom lineNo bracket in top lineNo bracket in bottom lineNo matching bracketch_ungetchar overrunWarning: log file is incompleteseek errorread errorFinishing logfileseek error to 0invalid chardefchardef longer than 256invalid charset nameLESSCHARSETLESSCHARDEFLC_ALLLC_CTYPELANGUTF-8utf-8UTF8utf8latin1LESSBINFMT*s<%02X>LESSUTFBINFMTESC^%cANSI_X3.4-1968US-ASCIIiso8859ISO-8859-1latin9ISO-8859-15latin2ISO-8859-2ISO-8859-3latin3latin4ISO-8859-4cyrillicISO-8859-5ISO-8859-6arabicISO-8859-7greekIBM9005greek2005ISO-8859-8hebrewlatin5ISO-8859-9latin6ISO-8859-10latin7ISO-8859-13latin8ISO-8859-14latin10ISO-8859-16IBM437EBCDIC-USIBM1047IBM-1047KOI8-Rkoi8-rKOI8-UGEORGIAN-PSgeorgianpsTCVN5712-1tcvnNEXTSTEPwindowswindows-1252CP1251windows-1251CP1252CP1255windows-12558bcccbcc18b95.b8bcccbcc18b95.b126.bb8bcccbcc18b95.33b.8bcccbcc18b95.33b5.b8.b15.b4.b12.b18.b12.b.8bcccbcc18b95.33b.3b.7b2.13b.3b.b26.5b19.b8bcccbcc18b95.33b4.2b4.b3.b35.b44.b8bcccbcc18b95.33b14.b35.b44.b8bcccbcc18b95.33b.b29.32b28.2b2.b8bcccbcc18b95.b.KOI8-T8bcccbcc18b95.b8.b6.b8.b.b.5b7.3b4.b4.b3.b.b.3b.8bcccbcc18b95.3b11.4b12.2b.b..b...bcccbccbbb7.8b95.b48.5b.TIS-6208bcccbcc18b95.b.4b.11b7.8b.8bcccbcc18b95.bb125.bb8bcccbcc12bc5b95.b.8bcccbcc12bc5b95.b24.b.8bcccbcc12bc5b95.b.b11.b.2b12.b.8bcccbcc12bc5b95.b.b8.b.5b9.b.4b.5bc6bcc7bcc41b.9b7.9b5.b..8b6.10b6.b9.7b9.8b8.17b3.3b9.7b9.8b8.6b10.b.b.b.4cbcbc3b9cbccbccbb4c6bcc5b3cbbc4bc4bccbc191.bLESSHISTFILE.lesshstLESSHISTSIZE"%s LESSSEPARATOR.less-history-file:.search.shellNon-match First-file EOF-ignore Keep-pos Regex-off &/(P)Pattern not found!done|doneless %s(N-th) [Press 'h' for instructions.]There is no --%s optionThere is no %s optionCommand not availableExamine: Cannot edit standard inputWARNING: This file was viewed via LESSOPENNo next fileNo %snext fileNo previous fileNo %sprevious fileNo next tagNo previous tagNo such filegoto mark: |mark: Brackets: Warning: some commands disabledWarning: some edit commands disabledWarning: environment variables from lesskey file unavailableCannot use lesskey file "%s"/usr/bin/.sysless/etc/syslessLESSKEY_SYSTEM.lessLESSKEYWarning: "%s" exists; Overwrite, Append or Don't log? Overwrite, Append, or Don't log? (Type "O", "A", "D" or "q") Cannot write to "%s"@/\less/\empty/\file/\@"%s" may be a binary file. See it anyway? Missing filename ("less --help" for help)LESSMETACHARS; *? '"()<>[]|&^`#\$%=~LESSMETAESCAPE%c%s%clessechoLESSECHO%s -p0x%x -d0x%x -e%s -n0x%x %s*Invalid LESSOPEN variableLESSCLOSEInvalid LESSCLOSE variable...skipping... Cannot seek to that file positionCannot seek to beginning of fileCannot seek to line number %nCannot seek to end of fileDetermining length of fileDon't know length of fileLESSANSIENDCHARSLESSANSIMIDCHARS0123456789;[?!"'#%()*+ Line numbers turned offCalculating line numbers (press RETURN)Cannot seek to start positionInvalid mark letterMark not setMark not in current filelog file support is not availableInput is not a pipeLog file is already in useNo log fileLog file "%s"jInvalid line fractionInvalid line numberPosition target at screen line %d.%06dPosition target at screen position %sInvalid column fractionInvalid column numberHorizontal shift %d columnsHorizontal shift %s of screen widthtags support is not availableTags file "%s"less POSIX regular expressions) Copyright (C) 1984-2012 Mark Nudelman less comes with NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. For information about the terms of redistribution, see the file named README in the less distribution. Homepage: http://www.greenwoodsoftware.com/less Tab stops and then every %d spaces-" must be followed by 1 or 2 charsquotes %sUse "h" for helpValue is required after %s--%s-%c (--%s)Number is required after %sThe %s option should not be followed by =%s is an ambiguous abbreviation ("less --help" for help)There is no %s option ("less --help" for help)No such optionCannot change the %s optionCannot query the %s optionCannot use "-+" or "--" for a string optionCan't use "-!" for a numeric optionNegative option is invalidLESS_IS_MORESearch includes displayed screenSearch skips displayed screenSearch includes all of displayed screenMax buffer space per file (K): Max buffer space per file: %dKDon't automatically allocate buffersAutomatically allocate buffers when neededRepaint by scrolling from bottom of screenRepaint by painting from top of screenBe less helpful in promptsBe helpful in promptsAssume intelligent terminalAssume dumb terminalDon't quit at end-of-fileQuit at end-of-fileQuit immediately at end-of-fileOpen only regular filesOpen even non-regular filesDon't quit if end-of-file on first screenQuit if end-of-file on first screenDon't highlight search matchesHighlight matches for previous search onlyHighlight all matches for previous search patternBackwards scroll limit: Backwards scroll limit is %d linesCase is significant in searchesIgnore case in searchesIgnore case in searches and in patternsTarget line: 0123456789.-Don't display a status columnDisplay a status columnInterrupt (ctrl-C) returns to promptInterrupt (ctrl-C) exits lessDon't use the LESSOPEN filterUse the LESSOPEN filterShort promptMedium promptLong promptDon't use line numbersUse line numbersConstantly display line numberslog file: Log file: Ring the bell for errors AND at eof/bofRing the bell for errors but not at eof/bofNever ring the bellDisplay control characters as ^XDisplay control characters directlyDisplay control characters directly, processing ANSI sequencesDisplay all blank linesSqueeze multiple blank linesFold long linesChop long linestag: tags file: Display underlined text in underline modeBackspaces cause overstrikePrint backspace as ^HDon't highlight first unread lineHighlight first unread line after forward-screenHighlight first unread line after any forward movementTab stops: 0123456789,Send init/deinit strings to terminalDon't use init/deinit stringsForward scroll limit: Forward scroll limit is %d linesScroll window size: Scroll window size is %d linesquotes: Don't show tildes after end of fileShow tildes after end of fileHorizontal shift: 0123456789.Use keypad modeDon't use keypad modeUse new bottom of screen behaviorUse old bottom of screen behaviorF command follows file descriptorF command follows file nameUse backslash escaping in command line parametersDon't use backslash escaping in command line parametersuse-backslashfollow-nameold-botno-keypadtildequoteswindowmax-forw-scrollno-inithilite-unreadunderline-specialtag-filechop-long-linessqueeze-blank-linesraw-control-charsquietsilentLOG-FILElog-fileline-numberslong-promptno-lessopenquit-on-intrlesskey-filestatus-columnjump-targetignore-casemax-back-scrollhilite-searchquit-if-one-screenquit-at-eofclear-screenauto-bufferssearch-skip-screenInvalid patternNo previous regular expressionPlease re-enter search patternNothing to searchtagsLESSGLOBALTAGS%s -x%s %sGTAGSGRTAGSGSYMSGPATHNo tags fileNo such tag in tags fileunknown tag typeTag not found\ %lu: %s: \ can not be used as a string delimiter%lu: %s: newline can not be used as a string delimiter%lu: %s: unbalanced brackets ([])%lu: %s: whitespace after %s%lu: %s: RE error: %s%lu: %s: unterminated regular expression%lu: %s: expected context address%lu: %s: undefined label '%s'%lu: %s: unexpected EOF (pending }'s)0123456789/\$%lu: %s: command expected%lu: %s: command %c expects up to %d address(es), found %d%lu: %s: unexpected }%lu: %s: extra characters at the end of %c command%lu: %s: command %c expects \ followed by text%lu: %s: extra characters after \ at the end of %c command%lu: %s: filename expectedw commandread commandbranch%lu: %s: empty label%lu: %s: duplicate label '%s'%lu: %s: substitute pattern can not be delimited by newline or backslash%lu: %s: unterminated substitute pattern%lu: %s: \%c not defined in the RE%lu: %s: unescaped newline inside substitute pattern%lu: %s: unterminated substitute in regular expression%lu: %s: more than one number or 'g' in substitute flags%lu: %s: overflow in the 'N' substitute flag%lu: %s: no wfile specified%lu: %s: bad flag in substitute command: '%c'%lu: %s: transform pattern can not be delimited by newline or backslash%lu: %s: unterminated transform source string%lu: %s: unterminated transform target string%lu: %s: transform strings are not the same length%lu: %s: extra text at the end of a transform command%lu: %s: invalid command code %c%lu: %s: unused label '%s'setting line buffered output failedsetting unbuffered output failedUsage: %s [-aElnru] command [file ...] %s [-aElnru] [-e command] [-f command_file] [-I[extension]] [-i[extension]] [file ...] EI::ae:f:i::lnru ..."-I or -i may not be used with stdinrename()fclose()in-place editing only%s: %s %sworks for regular files%s/.!%ld!%smalloc(%zu)realloc(%zu)calloc(%zu, %zu)first RE may not be empty\%c\%03o%lu: %s: \%u not defined in the RE\abfrtv disconnecting...unknown ACU typecan't open phone number fileunrecognizable host name call abortedhayes timeout error (%s) [sh] ! can't execlcan't forkcan't create %s [cd] %s: bad directory %s [EOT] %d %s%c %d write error lines transferred in Local command? can't establish pipe can't fork! List command for remote system? can't execl! chars transferred in timed out at eol can't find `%s' away for [set] ~{[*?$`'"\echo %s"Echo" failed "%s": No match Buffer overflow expanding "%s" Local file name? %s: cannot create [take] usage: from [to] cat %s;echo %s: cannot open [put] usage: from [to] cat>%s stty -echo;cat>%s;stty echo secondminutehourreceive file from remote hostsend file to remote hosttake file from remote UNIXput file to remote UNIXpipe remote filepipe local command to remote hostconnect program to remote hostchange directoryexit from tipsuspend tip (local+remote)suspend tip (local only)set variableget this summarysend breakUsage: cu [options] [phone-number|"dir"] Use cu --help for help BSD tip/cu Usage: cu [options] [phone-number|"dir"] -E,--escape char: Use this escape character -F,--flow {hard,soft,none}: Use RTS/CTS, ^S/^Q, no flow control -f: Use no flow control --nostop: Do not use software flow control -a, -p,--port port: Use this port as ACU/Dialer -c,--phone number: Call this number -h,--halfduplex: Echo characters locally (use "half duplex") -e: Use even parity -o: Use odd parity -P,--parity {even,odd,none}: use even, odd, no parity -l,--line line: Use this device (ttyXX) -n: Disable escape character processing -s,--speed,--baud speed,-#: Use this speed -t: Connect via hard-wired connection only one escape character allowedbad flow settingevenbad parity settingmore than one line specifiedmore than one parity specifiedE:F:P:a:p:c:l:ns:hefot0123456789more than one phone number specifiedcu%dall ports busylink downunsupported speed %ldConnect failedescapephonehalfduplexnostopHOSTno host specifiedREMOTE/etc/remoteunknown host %scan't open host description filepossible reference loop in host description filedu%s: missing device spec%s: missing phone numbertbprdldvcupndiusage: %s [-v] [-speed] system-name %s [-v] [-speed] phone-number n r t fEb%c %2s%-2s %c %s Lost carrier.%s: unknown parity value Connected connected must be interactive%s, unknown optionv0123456789phone number too long (max = %d bytes)tip%dPHONESbad baud rate %d%s [EOT]can't clear O_NONBLOCKaccess denied out of core %s=%-5dn r t bf record%s: unknown variable %s/.tiprcset %sbeautifybaudratebadialtimeoutdialeofreadeofreofwriteeofwexceptionsframesizephonesraiseraisecharrecscripttabexpandverbechochecklinedelayldelaychardelaycdelayetimeoutrawftphdxlocalechohardwareflowAT Cannot synchronize with hayes... timeout waiting for reply ATH0 03cannot hang up modem please use 'tip dialer' to make sure the line is hung up ATv1 dialing...ATv0 ATTD01234RINGNO CARRIERERROR in inputCONNECT 1200Unknown Modem error: %c (0x%x)Usage: %s [-G group,group,...] [-g group] [-u user] newroot [command] no such group `%s'G:g:u:no such user `%s'too many supplementary groups providedsetgroupssetgid-ix,$MˠP%$8%Ɋ8$Պފ$$ $*9$F$O8$X8$b8%ks$ $$8|$%x$Ƌx$ҋߋ%$ފ$$ +$;$D8$M8$Wފ %c8%n|$%8<%8;%͔Ҡܠ V&`+4?uDHLV\`hlnrhw.disknames2IчHZIчH IчH(=rGy=iG}ϙ3Dh&ؙSFH0eC: SFU0eCD-чHIчHn-чHܙ (s*K>; Hah!IdontNeedEFI      !"#$%&  X %Y %[ %\ %/bin/ksh/bin/cshmdnsd+nsswitchNoaes-xtsaes-cbc3des-cbcblowfish-cbcencblkno1encblkno8pkcs5_pbkdf2/sha1pkcs5_pbkdf2storedkeyurandomkeyshell_cmdre-enterAdditional packages/sbin/halt -q/sbin/reboot -q%c: <: page up, >: page down%-25s %.50sCould not initialize menu system, please check your terminal type. Window too short (m->h %d, m->numopts %d, exithadd %d, y %d, max_lines %d, hadd %d) for menu "%.30s" Screen too narrow (%d + %d > %d) for menu "%s" Could not create window (%d + %d, %d + %d, %d, %d) for menu "%s" Help: exit: x, page up: u <, page down: d >ExitZeroconfrun mdnsd onlyrun mdnsd and resolve local namesdo not run mdnsdgoogle-public-dns-a.google.com (IPv4)google-public-dns-b.google.com (IPv4)google-public-dns-a.google.com (IPv6)google-public-dns-b.google.com (IPv6)51210242048409681921638432768FFSv1 [MSGTXTSmsg_prompt_win: newwin(%d, %d, %d, %d) failed usage: sysinst [-D] [-f definition_file] [-r release] [-C bg:fg] Installation messages in Englishen_US.ISO8859-1YesSomeNoneOnOffunchangedDelete?reinstall sets forupgradeNetBSD/zaurus 8.2 This menu-driven tool is designed to help you install NetBSD to a hard disk, or upgrade an existing NetBSD system, with a minimum of work. In the following menus type the reference letter (a, b, c, ...) to select an item, or type CTRL+N/CTRL+P to select the next/previous item. The arrow keys and Page-up/Page-down may also work. Activate the current selection from the menu by typing the enter key. Thank you for using NetBSD! You have chosen to install NetBSD on your hard disk. This will change information on your hard disk. You should have made a full backup before this procedure! This procedure will do the following things: a) Partition your disk b) Create new BSD file systems c) Load and install distribution sets d) Some initial system configuration (After you enter the partition information but before your disk is changed, you will have the opportunity to quit this procedure.) Shall we continue? Ok, let's upgrade NetBSD on your hard disk. As always, this will change information on your hard disk. You should have made a full backup before this procedure! Do you really want to upgrade NetBSD? (This is your last warning before this procedure starts modifying your disks.) Ok, let's unpack the NetBSD distribution sets to a bootable hard disk. This procedure just fetches and unpacks sets onto a pre-partitioned bootable disk. It does not label disks, upgrade bootblocks, or save any existing configuration info. (Quit and choose `install' or `upgrade' if you want those options.) You should have already done an `install' or `upgrade' before starting this procedure! Do you really want to reinstall NetBSD distribution sets? (This is your last warning before this procedure starts modifying your disks.) Mounting %s failed. Continue? I can not find any hard disks for use by NetBSD. You will be returned to the original menu. I found only one disk, %s. Therefore I assume you want to %s NetBSD on it. On which disk do you want to %s NetBSD? Available disksaverage file size (bytes)mount point (or 'none')secMBNetBSD uses a BSD disklabel to carve up the NetBSD portion of the disk into multiple BSD partitions. You must now set up your BSD disklabel. You can use a simple editor to set the sizes of the NetBSD partitions, or keep the existing partition sizes and contents. You will then be given the opportunity to change any of the disklabel fields. The NetBSD part of your disk is %d Megabytes. A full installation requires at least %d Megabytes without X and at least %d Megabytes if the X sets are included. Choosing megabytes will give partition sizes close to your choice, but aligned to cylinder boundaries. Choosing sectors will allow you to more accurately specify the sizes. On most disks, there is little to gain from cylinder alignment. On very old disks, it is most efficient to choose partition sizes that are exact multiples of your actual cylinder size. Choose your size specifierYou can now change the sizes for the system partitions. The default is to allocate all the space to the root file system. However, you may wish to have separate /usr (additional system files), /var (log files etc) or /home (users' home directories) file systems. Free space will be added to the partition marked with a '+'. MB Cylinders Sectors Filesystem Mount point?Size for %s in %s?Change input units (sectors/cylinders/MB)NetBSD partitionWhole diskBoot partitionAdd a user defined partitionAccept partition sizes. Free space %d %s, %d free partitions.Reduce partition sizes by %d %s (%u sectors).The start value you specified is beyond the end of the disk. With this value, the partition end is beyond the end of the disk. Your partition size has been truncated to %d %s. Type enter to continue This disk is too large for a disklabel partition table to be used and hence cannot be used as a bootable disk or to hold the root partition. We now have your BSD disklabel partitions as: This is your last chance to change them. Start %3s End %3s Size %3s FS type Newfs Mount Mount point --------- --------- --------- ---------- ----- ----- ----------- %9lu %9lu %9lu %-10s %-5s %-5s %sShow all unused partitionsPartition sizes okThe current values for partition `%c' are, Select the field you wish to change: MB cylinders sectors ------- --------- --------- FStype: %9s start: %9u %8u%c %9u size: %9u %8u%c %9u end: %9u %8u%c %9u block size: %9d bytes fragment size: %9d bytes avg file size: %9d bytes (for number of inodes) avg file size: 4 fragments newfs: %9s mount: %9s mount options: mount point: %9sToggleRestore original valuesSelect the typeother types%s Special values that can be entered for the size value: -1: use until the end of the NetBSD part of the disk a-%c: end this partition where partition X starts size (%s)%s Special values that can be entered for the offset value: -1: start at the beginning of the NetBSD part of the disk a-%c: start at the end of previous partition (a, b, ..., %c) start (%s)Badly formed sector number Select file system block sizeSelect file system fragment sizePlease enter a name for your NetBSD diskOk, we are now ready to install NetBSD on your hard disk (%s). Nothing has been written yet. This is your last chance to quit this process before anything gets changed. Shall we continue? Ok, the first part of the procedure is finished. Sysinst has written a disklabel to the target disk, and newfs'ed and fsck'ed the new partitions you specified for the target disk. Ok, the first part of the procedure is finished. Sysinst has written a disklabel to the target disk, and fsck'ed the new partitions you specified for the target disk. Could not open %s, error message was: %s. mount of device /dev/%s%c on %s failed. The extraction of the selected sets for NetBSD-8.2 is complete. The system is now able to boot from the selected hard disk. To complete the installation, sysinst will give you the opportunity to configure some essential things first. The installation of NetBSD-8.2 is now complete. The system should boot from hard disk. Follow the instructions in the INSTALL document about final configuration of your system. We also recommend reading the afterboot(8) manpage; it contains a list of things to be checked after the first complete boot. At a minimum, you should edit /etc/rc.conf to match your needs. See /etc/defaults/rc.conf for the default values. The upgrade to NetBSD-8.2 is now complete. You will now need to follow the instructions in the INSTALL document as to what you need to do to get your system reconfigured for your situation. Remember to (re)read the afterboot(8) manpage as it may contain new items since your last upgrade. Unpacking additional release sets of NetBSD-8.2 is now complete. You will now need to follow the instructions in the INSTALL document to get your system reconfigured for your situation. The afterboot(8) manpage can also be of some help. If you unpacked the etc set, you will need to edit /etc/rc.conf to get a multi-user system. At a minimum, you will need to change rc_configured=NO to rc_configured=YES. Your disk is now ready for installing the kernel and the distribution sets. As noted in your INSTALL notes, you have several options. For ftp or nfs, you must be connected to a network with access to the proper machines. Sets selected %d, processed %d, Next set %s. The NetBSD distribution is broken into a collection of distribution sets. There are some basic sets that are needed by all installations and there are some other sets that are optional. You may choose to install a core set (Minimal installation), all of them (Full installation), or a custom group of sets (Custom installation). The following are the %s site, directory, user, and password that will be used. If "user" is "ftp", then the password is not needed. e-mail addressEnter the nfs host and server directory where the distribution is located. Remember, the directory should contain the .tgz files and must be nfs mountable. Enter the floppy device to be used and transfer directory on the target file system. The set files must be in the root directory of the floppies. Enter the CDROM device to be used and directory on the CDROM where the distribution is located. Remember, the directory should contain the .tgz files. Available CDs Multiple CDs found. Please select the one containing the install CD.The installation sets have not been found at the default location on this CD. Please check the device and path name.Enter the unmounted local device and directory on that device where the distribution is located. Remember, the directory should contain the .tgz files. Enter the already-mounted local directory where the distribution is located. Remember, the directory should contain the .tgz files. I can not find any network interfaces for use by NetBSD. You will be returned to the previous menu. The following network interfaces are active: %s Does one of them connect to the required server?Which network device would you like to use?Available interfacesTo be able to use the network, we need answers to the following: Your DNS domainYour host nameYour IPv4 addressServer IPv4 addressIPv4 NetmaskYour name serverIPv4 gatewayNetwork media typeThe following are the values you entered. DNS Domain: %s Host Name: %s Nameserver: %s Primary Interface: %s Media type: %s Host IP: %s Netmask: %s IPv4 Gateway: %s The following are the values you entered. Are they OK? DNS Domain: %s Host Name: %s Nameserver: %s Primary Interface: %s Media type: %s Host IP: %s Server IP: %s Netmask: %s IPv4 Gateway: %s IPv6 autoconf: %s Are they OK? Waiting while network interface comes up. Could not create /etc/resolv.conf. Install aborted. Could not change to directory %s: %s. Install aborted. Delete after installRelease set %s does not exist.All selected distribution sets unpacked successfully.There were problems unpacking distribution sets. Your installation is incomplete. You selected %d distribution sets. %d sets couldn't be found and %d were skipped after an error occurred. Of the %d that were attempted, %d unpacked without errors and %d with errors. Aborting installation. Please recheck your distribution source and consider reinstalling sets from the main menu.Your choices have made it impossible to install NetBSD. Install aborted. The distribution was not successfully loaded. You will need to proceed by hand. Installation aborted. The distribution was not successfully loaded. You will need to proceed by hand. Upgrade aborted. Unpacking additional sets was not successful. You will need to proceed by hand, or choose a different source for release sets and try again. There is a big problem! Can not create /mnt/etc/fstab. Bailing out! Help! No /etc/fstab in target disk %s. Aborting upgrade. Help! Can't parse /etc/fstab in target disk %s. Aborting upgrade. I cannot save %s/bin/X as %s/bin/X.old, because the target disk already has an %s/bin/X.old. Please fix this before continuing. One way is to start a shell from the Utilities menu, examine the target %s/bin/X and %s/bin/X.old. If %s/bin/X.old is from a completed upgrade, you can rm -f %s/bin/X.old and restart. Or if %s/bin/X.old is from a recent, incomplete upgrade, you can rm -f %s/bin/X and mv %s/bin/X.old to %s/bin/X Aborting upgrade.There was a problem in setting up the network. Either your gateway or your nameserver was not reachable by a ping. Do you want to configure your network again? ("No" allows you to continue anyway or abort the install process.) Would you like to continue the install process anyway, and assume that the network is working? ("No" aborts the install process.) Making device nodes ... It appears that /dev/%s%c is not a BSD file system or the fsck was not successful. Try mounting it anyway? (Error number %d.) target root is missing %s. The completed new root file system failed a basic sanity check. Are you sure you installed all the required sets? Floppy file system typeCould not find the file on the floppy. The floppy was not mounted successfully. Please load the floppy containing the file named "%s.%s". If the set has no more disks, select "Set finished" to install the set. Select "Abort fetch" to return to the install media selection menu. Is the network information you entered accurate for this machine in regular operation and do you want it installed in /etc? The following is the list of distribution sets that will be used. Distribution set Selected ------------------------ -------- BaseConfiguration files (/etc)Compiler toolsGamesManual pagesMiscellaneousKernel modulesTest programsText processing toolsX11 setsX11 base and clientsX11 configurationX11 fontsX11 serversX11 programmingSource and debug setsKernel sourcesBase sourcesShare sourcesGNU sourcesX11 sourcesDebug symbolsX11 debug symbols%-27s %3sSelect all the above setsDeselect all the above setsInstall selected setsThere was an error in extracting the file %s. That means some files were not extracted correctly and your system will not be complete. Continue extracting sets?There must be a single partition marked to be mounted on '/'.partitions %c and %c overlap.No bootcode for specified FS type of root partitionSorry, the root file system can't be FFSv2 due to lack of bootloader support on this port. You can either edit the partition table by hand, or give up and return to the main menu. Edit the partition table again?Could not open config file %s Please choose the timezone that fits you best from the list below. Press RETURN to select an entry. Press 'x' followed by RETURN to quit the timezone selection. Default: %s Selected: %s Local time: %s %s Back to main timezone listThe disk that you selected has a swap partition that may currently be in use if your system is low on memory. Because you are going to repartition this disk, this swap partition will be disabled now. Please beware that this might lead to out of swap errors. Should you get such an error, please restart the system and try again.Sysinst failed to deactivate the swap partition on the disk that you chose for installation. Please reboot and try again.The root password of the newly installed system has not yet been initialized, and is thus empty. Do you want to set a root password for the system now?You can now select which shell to use for the root user. The default is /bin/sh, but you may prefer another one. There is no defined root file system. You need to define at least one mount point with "/". Press to continue. Enter slattach flags Pick an option to turn on or off.ScriptingLogging Status: Command: FinishedCommand failedCommand ended on signalNetBSD-8.2 Install SystemExit Install SystemInstall NetBSD to hard diskUpgrade NetBSD on a hard diskRe-install sets or install additional setsReboot the computerUtility menuConfig menuBack to main menuNetBSD-8.2 UtilitiesRun /bin/shSet timezoneConfigure networkPartition a diskLogging functionsHalt the systemyes or no?Hit enter to continueChoose your installationSet sizes of NetBSD partitionsUse existing partition sizesMegabytesCylindersSectorsInstall fromFTPHTTPNFSCD-ROM / DVDFloppyUnmounted fsLocal directorySelect your distributionFull installationInstallation without X11Minimal installationCustom installation** hidden **Base directoryBinary set directorySource set directoryTransfer directoryUserPasswordProxyGet DistributionContinueWhat do you want to do?Try againSet finishedSkip setSkip set groupAbandon installationAbort fetchFile system Select DNS serverother Perform autoconfiguration?Root shellUser shellColor schemeWhite on blackBlack on whiteWhite on blueGreen on blackSendmail is no longer in this release of NetBSD, default MTA is postfix. The file /etc/mailer.conf still chooses the removed sendmail. Do you want to upgrade /etc/mailer.conf automatically for postfix? If you choose "No" you will have to update /etc/mailer.conf yourself to ensure proper email delivery.To use the network interface %s, you must agree to the license in file %s. To view this file now, you can type ^Z, look at the contents of the file and then type "fg" to resume.To configure the binary package system, please choose the network location to fetch packages from. Once your system comes up, you can use 'pkgin' to install additional packages, or remove packages.Enabling binary packages with pkgin requires setting up the repository. The following are the host, directory, user, and password that will be used. If "user" is "ftp", then the password is not needed. Making backup of rc.conf failed. Continue?rc.conf backup saved to %s.Restoring backup rc.conf failed.Deleting old %s entry failed.Package directoryconfigure a prior installation ofpassword setYESDONEAbandoned***EMPTY***TimezoneChange root passwordEnable installation of binary packagesEnable sshdEnable ntpdRun ntpdate at bootEnable mdnsdEnable xdmEnable cgdEnable lvmEnable raidframeAdd a userConfigure the additional items as needed.Finished configuringInstall pkgin and update package summaryYour system is now configured to use pkgin to install binary packages. To install a package, run: pkgin install from a root shell. Read the pkgin(1) manual page for further information.Fetch and unpack pkgsrcInstalling pkgsrc requires unpacking an archive retrieved over the network. The following are the host, directory, user, and password that will be used. If "user" is "ftp", then the password is not needed. pkgsrc directoryFetch and unpack pkgsrc for building from sourceNetwork configuration failed. Retry?Quit without installing pkgsrcQuit installing binary pkgsInstallation of pkgin failed, possibly because no binary packages exist. Please check the package path and try again.Operation not supported!Mountpoint (or 'raid', 'cgd', 'lvm')?Extended partitioningEdit BSD partitionsEdit and save MBRSwitch to GPTSwitch to MBRSet disk nameFormat as RAIDFormat as LVM PVEncryptBootable flagSafe eraseUndo changesUnconfigureEditForce umountFill with zerosFill with random dataFill with crypto data0 - No parity, simple striping.1 - Mirroring. The parity is the mirror.4 - Striping with parity stored on the last component.5 - Striping with distributed parity.RemoveAddThis removes all partitions on the disk. Do you want to continue?Save changes before finishing?Changes cannot be saved.No root partition defined. Cannot continue Device is blocked. Editing it may cause problems. Do you want to force unblock it and continue?Do you want to try?Create cryptographic volume (CGD)Create virtual disk image (VND)Create volume group (LVM VG) Create logical volumeCreate software RAIDUpdate device listSave changesBLOCKEDUNCHANGEDUSED(mounted)(unused)GPT-labeled diskFinish partitioningLimit for the device count was reached!Invalid device!Available disks:Cannot allocate device node!This is the extended partition manager. All disks, partitions, etc. are listed below. MBR partitions, if desired, must be created before editing the disklabel. To use RAID, LVM, or CGD: 1) Create BSD partitions with the appropriate type; 2) Create RAID/LVM VG/CGD using these partitions; 3) Save changes; 4) Create partitions for RAID/CGD or Logical Volumes for LVM. raid%d (level %1d) on %-34s %11uM EMPTY RAID!Disks: %33sSpares: %32sRAID level: %22dnumRow: %22dnumCol: %22dnumSpare: %22dsectPerSU: %22dSUsPerParityUnit: %22dSUsPerReconUnit: %22dMulti-dimensional arrays are NOT supported!numRow?numCol?numSpare?sectPerSU?SUsPerParityUnit?SUsPerReconUnit?Disks in RAID: PATH NOT DEFINED! vnd%1d on %-51s ASSIGN vnd%1d on %-45s %11uMFile path: %29sCreate new image: %20sSize: %22sMRead-only: %22sSet geometry by hand: %18sBytes per Sector: %18sSectors per Track: %18sTracks per Cylinder: %18sCylinders: %22sFile path?Bytes per Sector?Sectors per Track?Tracks per Cylinder?Cylinders? DISK NOT DEFINED! cgd%1d %-48s %11uMBase device: %24sEncryption: %24sKey size: %24dIV algorithm: %24sKey generation: %24sVerification method: %17sDisks in VG: %-44s %20sM EMPTY VG!PV's: %34sName: %34sMaxLogicalVolumes: %20sMaxPhysicalVolumes: %20sPhysicalExtentSize: %20sName?MaxLogicalVolumes?MaxPhysicalVolumes?PhysicalExtentSize (MB)? Logical volume %-35s %11uMSize: %33dMRead-only: %27sContiguous: %27sLogicalExtentsNumber: %18sMinor number: %26sMirrors: %27dMirrorLogRegionSize: %18sPersistent minor number: %14sReadAheadSectors: %18sStripes: %27sStripeSize: %27sZeroing of the first KB: %13sLogicalExtentsNumber?Minor number?Mirrors?MirrorLogRegionSize?ReadAheadSectors?Stripes?8 character username to addDo you wish to add this user to group wheel?Delete partitionThe selected partition does not seem to have a valid file system. Do you want to newfs (format) it?A swap partition (named %s) seems to exist on %s. Do you want to use that?Installing boot blocks on %s.... We now have your NetBSD partitions on %s as follows (Size and Offset in %s): Kernel (GENERIC)Kernel (C700)We are now going to install NetBSD on the disk %s. NetBSD requires a single partition in the disk's MBR partition table, this is split further by the NetBSD disklabel. NetBSD can also access file systems in other MBR partitions. If you select 'Use the entire disk' then the previous contents of the disk will be overwritten and a single MBR partition used to cover the entire disk. If you want to install more than one operating system then edit the MBR partition table and create a partition for NetBSD. A few hundred MB is enough for a basic installation, but you should allow extra for additional software and user files. Allow at least 5GB if you want to build NetBSD itself. Which would you like to do?Edit the MBR partition tableUse the entire disk Total disk size %lu %s. Start(%3s) Size(%3s) Flg Kind ---------- ---------- --- ---------------- %10d %10d %c%c%cYou have not marked a partition active. This may cause your system to not start up properly. Should the NetBSD partition of the disk be marked active? You will be prompted for the geometry. Please enter the number of sectors per track (maximum 63) and number of heads (maximum 256) that the BIOS uses to access the disk. The number of cylinders will be calculated from the disk size. Sysinst could not automatically determine the BIOS geometry of the disk. The physical geometry is %d cylinders %d sectors %d heads Using the information already on the disk, my best guess for the BIOS geometry is %d cylinders %d sectors %d heads real geom: %d cyl, %d heads, %d sec (NB: for comparison only) BIOS geom: %d cyl, %d heads, %d sec Your disk currently has a non-NetBSD partition. Do you really want to overwrite that partition with NetBSD? Partition OK type: %s start: %d %s size: %d %s end: %d %s active: %s install: %s%ssize (maximum %d %s)Invalid numeric: Too large: Space allocated: Space at %d..%d %s (size %d %s) %s%sStart (in %s)Partition kind (0..255)There can only be one extended partitionThe Current MBR partition table is shown below. Flgs: a => Active partition, I => Install here. Select the partition you wish to change: Partition table OKDon't changeOther, input number Do you want to re-edit the MBR table (or abandon the installation)? There is no NetBSD partition in the MBR partition table.There are multiple NetBSD partitions in the MBR partition table. You should set the 'install' flag on the one you want to use.Setting up the DOS partition table ... Rewrite of MBR failed. I can't continue.Log ended at: %s # Script ended at: %s sysinst terminated. /usr/share/sysinst/catalog//usr/share/sysinst/catalogsysinstmsgs.sysinst: environment variable TERM not set. %u:%uDr:f:C:psysinst: screen too small xfer dir/usr/INSTALLext dirext src dirftp hostftp.NetBSD.orgftp dirpub/NetBSD/NetBSD-8.2ftp prefix/zaurus/binary/setsftp src prefix/source/setsftp userftp passftp proxynfs hostnfs dir/bsd/releasecd devfd dev/dev/fd0alocal devlocal fslocal dirtargetroot mount/targetrootdist postfix.tgzdisknamemydiskpkg hostpkg dirpub/pkgsrc/packages/NetBSDpkg prefix/zaurus/8.2/Allpkg userpkg passpkg proxypkgsrc hostpkgsrc dirpkgsrc prefixpub/pkgsrc/stablepkgsrc userpkgsrc passpkgsrc proxy/bin/X.old/usr/X11R6/usr/X11R7/tmp/sysinst.sh#!/bin/sh # Script started at: %s script file------------------------------sysinst: failed to allocate output window. openpty() failed fork() failedexecuting: %s &&chroot(%s) for %sexecvp %sselectselect failure: %s select(2) failed but no child died?/tmp/sysinst.logLog started at: %s could not open /tmp/sysinst.log: %s Dynamic menu creation failed. vasprintf(&scmd, "%s", ...)realloc(argv) for %s:%%.*s%s%%%02Xipwiwi/sbin/ifconfig -l 2>/dev/nullAborting: Could not run ifconfig. Could not run ifconfig.hw.%s.accept_eula%s=1manual/sbin/ifconfig %s media %s/sbin/ifconfig -m %s |while IFS=; read line; do [ "$line" = "${line#*media}" ] || echo $line; done/sbin/dhcpcd%s -d -n %s/sbin/route -n show | while read dest gateway flags; do [ "$dest" = default ] && { echo "$gateway"; break; }; donecat /etc/resolv.conf 2>/dev/null | while read keyword address rest; do [ "$keyword" = nameserver ] && { echo "$address"; break; }; donecat /etc/resolv.conf 2>/dev/null | while read keyword domain rest; do [ "$keyword" = domain ] && { echo "$domain"; break; }; donecat /etc/resolv.conf 2>/dev/null | while read keyword search rest; do [ "$keyword" = search ] && { echo "$search"; break; }; done0xff0000000xffff00000xffffff00/sbin/ifconfig lo0 </etc/resolv.conf Created by NetBSD sysinst on; ; BIND data file ; %s %s; search %s nameserver %s EOF /sbin/ifconfig %s inet %s %s up-s 115200 -l /dev/tty00/sbin/slattach /sbin/ifconfig %s inet %s netmask %s/sbin/ifconfig %s inet %s/sbin/route -n flush -inet/sbin/route -n add default %s/sbin/ifconfig -w 15 -W 5-_.+!,-_.+!,/%s://%s%s/%s-a /usr/bin/ftp %s%s/%s%s/sbin/mount -r -o -2,-i,-r=1024 -t nfs %s:%s /mnt2/mnt2/%shostname=%s /etc/ifconfig.%scat <>%s%s %s netmask %s media %s %s netmask %s /etc/hostscat <>%s/etc/hosts # # Added by NetBSD sysinst localhost.%s %s defaultroutedefaultroute="%s" dhcpcd=YES dhcpcd_flags="-qM %s" /libdata/firmware/if_iwi/LICENSE.ipw2200-fw/libdata/firmware/if_ipw/LICENSEgreipipgiffaithlolo0ppptun%s -p -b 16 -c 4 /dev/r%s%c%s -p -c 3 /dev/r%s%c/sbin/fsck_%s%s -p -q /dev/r%s%cdisklabel -w -r%s -f /tmp/disktab %s '%s' -i /sbin/newfs -V2 -O2 /dev/r%s/sbin/newfs %s%.0d-tffs -o async/sbin/newfs -V2 -O %d -b %d -f %d%s%.0d-tffs -o log/sbin/newfs_lfs -b %d-tlfs-tmsdos%s /dev/r%s/mnt,dp,log,noauto,async,noatime,nodev,nodevmtime,noexec,nosuid/etccat <%s/etc/fstab Making %s/etc/fstab (%s). Failed to make /etc/fstab! # NetBSD /etc/fstab # See /usr/share/examples/fstab/ for more examples. NAME=%s / ffs rw 1 1 NAME=%s none swap sw,dp 0 0 /dev/%s none swap sw%s 0 0 %s/dev/%s %s %s rw%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s %d %d /dev/%s%c /tmp mfs rw,-s=%lli swap /tmp mfs rw,-s=%lli kernfs /kern kernfs rw ptyfs /dev/pts ptyfs rw procfs /proc procfs rw /dev/%s /cdrom cd9660 ro,noauto hw.usermem64%stmpfs /var/shm tmpfs rw,-m1777,-sram%%25 /kern/proc/dev/pts/cdrom/var/shm/dev/%s%cdkctl %s delwedge %sgpt show -u %s 2>/dev/nullPritableSectable:no_mbrdevice %s %s (%s@%s)%s (%s, %s)%s (%s, %s %s)gpt -qr header %sCannot process disk %s: too big size (%d) /dev/%s %s ffs %s/dev/%s %s ufs %scd0araiddk:no_partwindows,hfsefibios/sbin/mount -rt cd9660 /dev/%s /mnt2/bin/sh MAKEDEV allvasprintf(&spatterns, "%s", ...)sed -an -e '%s;H;$!d;g;w %s' %s/sbin/mount -rt %s /dev/%s /mnt2%s/%s/%s/sbin/umount /mnt2aa/sbin/mount -r -t %s %s /mnt2sh -c '/bin/cat /mnt2/%s.%s %s %s/%s/%s%s'/dev/rcd%d%cCD001/etc/localtimeUTCzoneinfo/etc/rc.confcat <>%s/etc/rc.conf /etc/sysctl.confcat <>%s/etc/sysctl.conf s/^rc_configured=NO/rc_configured=YES//.sysinst/usrrm -rf usr/X11R7/lib/X11/xkb/symbols/pcprogress -zf %s tar --chroot -xhepf -rm %sfsck_lfsmount_lfsnewfs_lfspreposterous clock time Can't convert to localtime 0x%jx (%s) /usr/share/zoneinfo/ Please consult the install documents./usr/share/zoneinfo/%smkdir -m 755 /mnt2 /usr/sbin/postinstall -s /.sysinst -d / check mailerconf/usr/sbin/postinstall -s /.sysinst -d / fix mailerconf/usr/sbin/postinstall -s /.sysinst -d / fix/etc/rc.d/random_seed start/varrandom_file=/etc/entropy-file /boot.cfgsh -c 'sed -e s./var/db/./etc/. < /boot.cfg > /tmp/boot.cfg.tmp'/tmp/boot.cfg.tmp/etc/rc.d/random_seed stop/etc/rc.conf.tmp.XXXXXX/etc/rc.conf.bak.XXXXXX/netbsd/sbin/init/etc/rc/etc/rc.subr/sbin/fsck/sbin/fsck_ffs/sbin/mount/sbin/mount_ffskern-GENERICkern-C700gamestestsxbasexcompxetcxfontxserversyssrcsharesrcgnusrcxsrcxdebug -async noatime nodev nodevmtime noexec nosuid log /bin/mkdir -p %scd to %s cd %s /bin/cp %s %smv %s %scp -p %s %s/sbin/mount %s %s %s%s/sbin/umount %s%sif [ $? != 0 ]; then echo "%s does not exist!"; fi /dev/r%saNetBSD60/usr/sbin/useradd -m -s %s -G wheel %s/usr/sbin/useradd -m -s %s %spasswd -l %ss,^%s$,%s=%s,adding %s=%s replacement pattern is %s pkg_add %s/pkgin/usr/pkg/bin/pkgin -y install %ss,^[^#].*$,%s,/usr/pkg/etc/pkgin/repositories.conf/usr/pkg/bin/pkgin -y update%-50s %-10schpass -s %s rootpasswd -l rootsource for 3rd-party packageschroot %s /usr/bin/awk -F: '$1=="root" { print $NF; exit }' /etc/passwdgetent passwd root | cut -d: -f2chroot %s getent passwd root | chroot %s cut -d: -f2buf %s strlen(buf) %zu XXX Help Stringntpdate/tmp/checkrc.shCould not open %s for writing#!/bin/sh . /etc/defaults/rc.conf . /etc/rc.subr #!/bin/sh . /etc/rc.conf . /etc/rc.subr if checkyesno %s then echo YES else echo NO fi chroot %s /bin/sh %s 2>&1var %s is %s %dMlvm pvremove -ffy /dev/r%slvm pvcreate -ffy /dev/r%s%s -l %d%s -p %d%s -s %dlvm vgcreate %s %s %s%s -C %c%s -M %c%s -p %s%s -Z %c%s -n %s%s -l %s%s --minor %d%s -m %d%s -R %d%s -r %d%s -i %d%s -I %d%s -L %uMlvm lvcreate %s %sPartman device: %s lvol%.2dvg%.2dgpt remove -a %s-t %sgpt add -i %u -b %u -s %u %s %sCannot create GPT partition #%d on %s dkctl %s addwedge HACK%d %d %d unuseddkctl %s listwedgesdkctl %s addwedge dk%d %u %u %s %s (%s)Cannot create wedge dk%d for %s. dkctl %s delwedge dk%d/tmp/%s%c/sbin/mount %s /dev/%s%c %smkdir -p %s dd if=/dev/zero of=%s bs=1m count=%d progress=100 msgfmt=humanvnconfig %s vnd%d %s %d %d %d %dvnconfig %s vnd%d %slvm pv%-33.32s %-22.21s %12.12sdk%d: %s %-30.29s %-22.21s %11uM%s%c: %s %s%-33.32s %-22.21s %11uM(%s-%d) on %sVG '%s' on %d/%ugpt create -f %sgpt destroy %spartmanSpecial disk %s preparing error Disk %s preparing error /tmp/raid.%d.confCould not open %s for writing cat <%s START array %d %d %d START disks /dev/%s START spare START layout %d %d %d %d START queue fifo 100 raidctl -C %s raid%draidctl -I %d raid%draidctl -vi raid%draidctl -v -A yes raid%dRAIDframe configuring error #%d cgdconfig -g -i %s -k %s -o /tmp/cgd.%d.conf %s %dcgdconfig -V re-enter cgd%d /dev/%s /tmp/cgd.%d.confCGD configuring error #%d LVM configuring error #%d VND configuring error #%d %s (%s, %s-%d)%s (lvl %d, %d disks, %d spare)dd of=/dev/%s if=/dev/zero bs=1m progress=100 msgfmt=humandd of=/dev/%s if=/dev/urandom bs=1m progress=100 msgfmt=humansh -c 'cgdconfig -s cgd0 /dev/%s aes-cbc 128 < /dev/urandom'dd of=/dev/rcgd0d if=/dev/urandom bs=1m progress=100 msgfmt=humancgdconfig -u cgd0umount -f /dev/%scgdconfig -u %svnconfig -u %sraidctl -u %sdkeject -t disk /dev/%sdraidctlvnconfigcgdconfiggptdkctl-t nullraidctl -v -A root %sError writting RAID bootsector to %s gpt biosboot -i %d %sError writting GPT bootsector to %s Error writting bootsector to %s dkctl %s makewedges%s. %scan't delete extendedmain-extended mixupUser answered no to destroy other data, aborting. Unknown (%d) %*s (%s)Extended partition, LBAFreeBSD/386BSDLinux swapDOS FAT16, <32MDOS FAT16, >32MWindows FAT16, LBAWindows FAT32Windows FAT32, LBANTFS volume setPReP BootUnknown(%lli)%6lli%8s%10lli%10lli %c %s%lli%sdlsize=%lld ptsize=%lld ptstart=%lld disk %c/tmp/disktab.%sCreating disklabel %s in %s cat <>/etc/disktab %s|NetBSD installation generated:\ :dt=%s:ty=winchester:\ :nc#%d:nt#%d:ns#%d:\ :sc#%d:su#%u:\ :se#%d:%s\ nparts limited to %d. :p%c#%u:o%c#%u:t%c=%s:b%c#%u:f%c#%u:sh -c 'cat /tmp/disktab.* >/tmp/disktab'***************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************8 usage: %s [-ez] [-b buffersize] [-f file] [-l length] %*.s [-p prefix] cmd [args...] input sizeb:ef:l:p:zgzip -l %sreading compressed file lengthclosing compressed file length pipegzip pipefork for gzipexec()ing gzipmalloc for buffersizefork for output pipecould not exec %swriting %u bytes to output pipeUmEM-%uusage: ping6 [-dfHmnNqtvwW] [-a [aAclsg]] [-b sockbufsiz] [-c count] [-I interface] [-i wait] [-l preload] [-p pattern] [-X deadline] [-x maxwait] [-S sourceaddr] [-s packetsize] [-h hoplimit] [-g gateway] [hops...] host nxt %u, len %u (%lu bytes) Jumbo Payload Opt: Length %u Router Alert Opt: Type %u Received Opt %u len %lu ping6: wrote %s %d chars, ret=%d --- %s ping6 statistics --- %ld packets transmitted, %ld packets received, +%ld duplicates, round-trip min/avg/max/std-dev = %.3f/%.3f/%.3f/%.3f ms IP6Vr TC Flow Plen Nxt Hlim %1x %02x %05x %04x %02x %02x %s->HBH DSTOPT FRAG RTHDR ICMP6: type = %d, code = %d ESPTCP: from port %u, to port %u (decimal) UDP: from port %u, to port %u (decimal) Unknown Header(%d) invalid peernamepacket too short (%d bytes) from %sfailed to get receiving hop limitfailed to get receiving packet information%d bytes from %s, icmp_seq=%u hlim=%d dst=%s time=%.3f ms(DUP!) wrong data byte #%d should be 0x%x but was 0x%xrefused, type 0x%xunknown, type 0x%xunknown code 0x%x, type 0x%xNodeInfo NOOPNodeInfo Supported Qtypes, compressed bitmap, raw bitmaprefusedunknown qtype no address %s(TTL=infty)(TTL=%u)TTL=%d:meaninglessTTL=%d:invalidTTL=%d03 draftno nameinvalid namelen:%d/%luNo Route to DestinationDestination Administratively UnreachableDestination Unreachable Beyond ScopeDestination Unreachable, Bad Code: %d Packet too big mtu = %d Time to live exceededTime exceeded, Bad Code: %d Parameter problem: Erroneous Header Unknown Nextheader Unrecognized Option Bad code(%d) pointer = 0x%02x Echo RequestEcho ReplyListener QueryListener ReportListener DoneRouter AdvertisementNeighbor SolicitationNeighbor AdvertisementRedirectDestination: %s New Target: %sNode Information QuerySupported qtypesDNS nameIPv4 nodeaddr, subject=%s(%s), oldfqdn, no subjectDNS label, subject=%s(invalid), invalidNode Information Reply HbH Options: Dst Options: Routing: nxt %u, len %u (%d bytes), type %u, %d segments, segments unknown, %d left [%d] [%d]%s invalid socket buffer sizeillegal number of packets -- %sMust be superuser to flood pingillegal hoplimit %sillegal hoplimit -- %sillegal timing interval %s%s: only root may use interval < 1sInterval %s too largeInterval too small; raised to 0.01Must be superuser to preloadillegal preload value -- %spatterns must be specified as hex digits-R is not supported in this configurationinvalid source address: %sillegal datalen value -- %sdatalen value too large, maximum is %dBad/invalid deadline time: %sa:b:c:dfHg:h:I:i:l:mnNop:qRS:s:tvwWx:X:too many intermediate hopsff02::2:0000:0000getaddrinfo failedgetaddrinfo for the gateway %s: %sgateway resolves to multiple addressessetsockopt(IPV6_NEXTHOP)setsockopt(IPV6_RECVHOPOPTS)setsockopt(IPV6_RECVDSTOPTS)-f and -i incompatible optionsUnable to allocate packetIPV6_MULTICAST_HOPSsetsockopt(IPV6_USE_MIN_MTU)setsockopt(IPV6_RECVPATHMTU)setsockopt(ICMP6_FILTER)setsockopt(IPV6_RECVRTHDR)can't allocate enough memory%s: invalid interface namecan't initialize rthdrbad addr family of an intermediate addrcan't add an intermediate nodeUDP socketUDP setsockopt(IPV6_PKTINFO)UDP setsockopt(IPV6_UNICAST_HOPS)UDP setsockopt(IPV6_MULTICAST_HOPS)UDP setsockopt(IPV6_RTHDR)UDP connectgetsocknameyou need -b to increase socket buffer sizesetsockopt(SO_SNDBUF)setsockopt(SO_RCVBUF)setsockopt(IPV6_RECVPKTINFO)setsockopt(IPV6_RECVHOPLIMIT)PING6(%lu=40+8+%lu bytes) %s --> recvmsgpath MTU for %s is notified. (ignored) new path MTU (%d) is notified SuccessRefusedIPv6 addresssetvarcontrol_handle_datacontrol_writeonedhcpcd_initstate2dhcpcd_getinterfacesconfigure_interface1N]odhcpcd_daemonisedhcpcd_selectprofiledhcpcd_prestartinterfacesignal_cbdhcpcd_handleinterfacedhcpcd_linkoverflowdhcpcd_handlelinkdhcpcd_handlehwaddrCopyright (c) 2006-2019 Roy Marplesmain duid_getif_discoversplitvadd_environparse_optionIbcdefgMhsiBjxk&lm0no7p\ q5rBsItuvQwxXzyhAnB{CxDEFGHIJKL5MNOPQS TUVWXZ61 46|-~}(&/?Q_]fdk5"sy  O'default_configread_configrt_new0rt_deletemake_varappend_configb make_envUw |sscript_runreason0123456789abcdefdhcp_envoptionp Iv*Sw9d;M_z 6J^t!?Sn(:bJ6{6Y_if_opensockets_osif_ifa )arp_tryfreearp_readarp_probe1arp_announce1arp_openarp_probearp_announcearp_new5( HPHHPbpf_arp( PEP HEHH@DCH``Pread_leaselog_dhcps,dhcp_bindqz5a dhcp_openbpfdhcp_handledhcpdhcp_readpacketdhcp_readudpdhcp_expiredhcp_lastleasedhcp_start1dhcp_initdhcp_dumpipv4_deladdripv4_getstateipv4_addaddripv4_handleifaipv6_readsecret^^ipv6_deleteaddripv6_addaddr1ipv6_newaddr^ipv6_getstateipv6_addlinklocalcallbackipv6_regentempaddripv6_tempdadcallbackipv6nd_sendadvertisementipv6nd_expireraipv6nd_handledataipv6nd_handleraipv6nd_advertiseipv6nd_dadcallbackipv6nd_sendrsprobeipv6nd_startrs1/ 8 C L S    \ E      dhcp6_checkstatusokdhcp6_sendmessagedhcp6_startdiscoverdhcp6_startinformdhcp6_startrenewdhcp6_startrebinddhcp6_listendhcp6_writeleasedhcp6_recvifdhcp6_startrequestdhcp6_recv '')*PQ'|}wdhcp6_startinitdhcp6_startconfirmdhcp6_startreleasedhcp6_envdhcp6_dump%s_%s=%s/var/run/dhcpcd.unpriv.sock/var/run/dhcpcd%s%s.sock%s: IAID conflicts with one assigned to %sEXPIRE6EXPIRE%s: removing interfaceDEPARTEDSTOPPEDNOCARRIERPREINIT%s: waiting for an %s addressexiting due to oneshotforking to background%s: pipe%s: fork%s: pidfile_lock %d%s: write%s: eloop_requeue%s: readforked to background, child pid %d%s: no profile %s%s: selected profile %s%s: confile file changed, expiring leases%s: carrier lost%s: carrier acquired%s: waiting for carrierDUID %s%s: IAID %s%s: IA type %u IAID %s%s: ipv6_start%s: dhcp6_startRECONFIGUREstoppingSIGINTreceived %s, %sSIGTERMreleasingSIGALRMSIGHUPrenewingSIGUSR1reopening logSIGUSR2received SIGPIPEreceived signal %d but don't know what to do with it%s: interface departed%s: interface updated%s: interface addedroute socket overflowed - learning interface state%s: if_opensockets%s: new hardware address: %s--version7.2.2--getconfigfile--getinterfaces--listencontrol command: %s:146bc:de:f:gh:i:j:kl:m:no:pqr:s:t:u:v:wxy:z:ABC:DEF:GHI:JKLMNO:PQ:S:TUVW:X:Z:[master] [ip4] [ip6]--helpusage: dhcpcd [-146ABbDdEGgHJKLMNPpqTV] [-C, --nohook hook] [-c, --script script] [-e, --env value] [-F, --fqdn FQDN] [-f, --config file] [-h, --hostname hostname] [-I, --clientid clientid] [-i, --vendorclassid vendorclassid] [-j, --logfile logfile] [-l, --leasetime seconds] [-m, --metric metric] [-O, --nooption option] [-o, --option option] [-Q, --require option] [-r, --request address] [-S, --static value] [-s, --inform address[/cidr[/broadcast_address]]] [--inform6] [-t, --timeout seconds] [-u, --userclass class] [-v, --vendor code, value] [-W, --whitelist address[/cidr]] [-w] [--waitip [4 | 6]] [-y, --reboot seconds] [-X, --blacklist address[/cidr]] [-Z, --denyinterfaces pattern] [-z, --allowinterfaces pattern] [--inactive] [interface] [...] dhcpcd -n, --rebind [interface] dhcpcd -k, --release [interface] dhcpcd -U, --dumplease interface dhcpcd --version dhcpcd -x, --exit [interface]dhcpcd 7.2.2 %s Compiled in features: INET ARP INET6 DHCPv6/etc/dhcpcd.confInterface options: DHCPv4 options: ND options: DHCPv6 options:/var/run/dhcpcd%s%s%s.pid%s: chdir `/'%s: eloop_init%s: eloop_signal_set_cb%s: eloop_signal_mask%s: if_discoversending commands to master dhcpcd processsend OK%s: control_send%s: control_opensending signal %s to pid %ddhcpcd not runningwaiting for pid %d to exitpid %d failed to exit/var/run%s: mkdir `%s'/var/db/dhcpcd%s: pidfile_lockdhcpcd already running on pid %d (%s)%s: control_startdhcpcd-7.2.2 starting%s: interface not found or invalidno valid interfaces foundaborting as link detection is disabledno interfaces have a carrier%s: eloop_start%s: control_stopdhcpcd exited/var/db/dhcpcd/duidDUID too big (max %u): %smachdep.dmi.system-uuid00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000%s: is a NET/ROM pseudo interfacepicked interface %s to generate a DUIDno interfaces have a fixed hardware address%s: is a Virtual Interface Master, skipping%s: ignoring due to interface type and no config%s: unsupported interface type %.2x%s: if_init%s: no assignment: %snd_dhcp6_`%s' is not a valid CIDR`%s' is not a valid IP address/libexec/dhcpcd-run-hooks%s: hostnamehostname cannot begin with .vendorclassidfailed to convert leasetime %sfailed to convert metric %sfailed to convert timeout %suserclassinvalid vendor format: %svendorvendor option should be between 1 and 254 inclusivefailed to convert reboot %sskip_hooks=%sptrbothdisableinvalid value `%s' for FQDNclientidstatic assignment requiredip_address=subnet_mask=broadcast_address=ms_classless_static_routes=all routes need a gatewayrouters=interface_mtu=invalid MTU %sip6_address=%s: failed to convert prefix lenoption `%s' does not take an IPv4 addressinvalid IAID %sIA with IAID must belong in an interface blockinvalid IAID: %sembed must be after a define or encapencap must be after a defineinvalid syntax: %sinvalid code: %sinvalid syntaxfailed to convert lengthincomplete request typeoptionalincomplete optional typeincomplete index typeincomplete array typeunknown type: %signoring length for type `%s'ignoring array for stringsmissing bitflag assignmenttype %s requires a variable namevendor class is too bigno authentication supportcontrolgroup: %s: not foundmudurloption %d requires an argument%s: IA_PD not compiled inunknown option: %s%s: fopen `%s'arpingenvreconfigureleasetimerebindpersistentinforminform6waitipallowinterfacesnoarpnobackgroundnohooklastleasenogatewayxidhwaddrnolinknoipv4llrenewnooptionprintpidfilerequiredumpleasevariableswhitelistblacklistdenyinterfacesipv4onlyipv6onlyfallbacknoipv6rsipv6ra_autoconfipv6ra_noautoconfipv6ra_forknoipv4noipv6noaliasia_pdhostname_shortdefinenddefine6vendoptvendclassauthprotocolauthtokennoauthrequirednodhcpnodhcp6controlgroupslaacbootpnodelaynouplastleaseextendinactive(null) reject%s: %s host route to %s%s: %s host route to %s via %s%s: %s default route%s: %s default route via %s%s: %s%s route to %s/%d%s: %s%s route to %s/%d via %saddingchangingif_route (CHG)if_route (DEL)if_route (ADD)pid %d deleteddeleting%s_%sTESTSTATIC6ROUTERADVERTUNKNOWNinterface=%sreason=%spid=%difcarrier=%sifmetric=%difwireless=%difflags=%uifmtu=%dinterface_order=if_up=falseif_down=trueif_down=falseif_up=trueprotocol=%sif_afwaiting=%daf_waiting=%dsyslog_debug=trueprofile=%sifssid= - %s %s: executing `%s' %sRC_SVCNAMEPATH=%sPATH=/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/sbin%s: %s: WEXITSTATUS %d%s: %s: %s%s: arraytostr%s: control_queuestatic6reasonifcarrierifmetricifwirelessinterface_orderlocalhost. embed index uint8 int8 uint16 int16 uint32 int32 ipaddress ip6address bitflags dname ascii raw binhex rfc3361 rfc3442 norequest%s-%s%s-%s:%s-%s:%s%s_%s=/var/db/dhcpcd/%s%s.lease/var/db/dhcpcd/%s%s.lease6%s: %s %d%s_%s%d%s: %s %d.%d/%zu: malformed embedded option%s: %s %d.%d/%zu: missing embedded option%s: %s %d.%d/%zudefine 1 request ipaddress subnet_maskdefine 121 rfc3442 classless_static_routesdefine 249 rfc3442 ms_classless_static_routesdefine 33 request array ipaddress static_routesdefine 3 request array ipaddress routersdefine 6 array ipaddress domain_name_serversdefine 12 dname host_namedefine 15 array dname domain_namedefine 26 uint16 interface_mtudefine 28 request ipaddress broadcast_addressdefine 50 ipaddress dhcp_requested_addressdefine 51 request uint32 dhcp_lease_timedefine 52 byte dhcp_option_overloaddefine 53 byte dhcp_message_typedefine 54 ipaddress dhcp_server_identifierdefine 55 array byte dhcp_parameter_request_listdefine 56 string dhcp_messagedefine 57 uint16 dhcp_max_message_sizedefine 58 request uint32 dhcp_renewal_timedefine 59 request uint32 dhcp_rebinding_timedefine 60 string vendor_class_identifierdefine 61 binhex dhcp_client_identifierdefine 80 norequest flag rapid_commitdefine 81 embed fqdnembed bitflags=0000NEOS flagsembed byte rcode1embed byte rcode2embed optional domain fqdndefine 119 array domain domain_searchdefinend 1 binhex source_addressdefinend 2 binhex target_addressdefinend 3 index embed prefix_informationembed byte lengthembed bitflags=LA flagsembed uint32 vltimeembed uint32 pltimeembed uint32 reservedembed array ip6address prefixdefinend 5 embed mtuembed uint16 reservedembed uint32 mtudefinend 25 index embed rdnssembed uint32 lifetimeembed array ip6address serversdefinend 31 index embed dnsslembed domain searchdefine6 1 binhex client_iddefine6 2 binhex server_iddefine6 3 norequest index embed ia_naembed binhex:4 iaidembed uint32 t1embed uint32 t2encap 5 optionencap 13 optiondefine6 4 norequest index embed ia_taembed uint32 iaiddefine6 5 norequest index embed ia_addrembed ip6address ia_addrdefine6 12 ip6address unicastdefine6 13 norequest embed status_codeembed uint16 status_codeembed optional string messagedefine6 18 binhex interface_iddefine6 19 byte reconfigure_msgdefine6 20 flag reconfigure_acceptdefine6 23 array ip6address name_serversdefine6 24 array domain domain_searchdefine6 39 embed fqdnembed bitflags=00000NOS flagsdefine6 82 request uint32 sol_max_rtdefine6 83 request uint32 inf_max_rt%s: SO_USELOOPBACK%s: SIOCGIFALIASnet.inet6.ip6.use_tempaddrnet.inet6.ip6.temppltimenet.inet6.ip6.tempvltime%s: SIOCGIFINFO_FLAGS%s: SIOCSIFINFO_FLAGSSIOCSRTRFLUSH_IN6SIOCSPFXFLUSH_IN6%s: ARP probing %s (%d of %d), next in %0.1f seconds%s: ARP announcing %s (%d of %d), next in %d.0 seconds%s: ARP announcing %s (%d of %d)%s: probing for %s%s: ARP announcement of %s cancelled%s: hardware address %s claims %s%s: DAD detected %s/dev/bpfBPF version mismatch - recompileBerkley Packet Filter%s: duplicate xid on %s%s: waiting for DAD on %s%s: open `%s'reading standard input%s: reading lease `%s'%s: dhcp_read_lease_fd%s: %s: truncated lease%s: extending lease until DaD failure or DHCP%s: extending leaseNAK:%s: %s %s %s `%s'%s: %s %s %s %s `%s'%s: %s %s %s%s: %s %s %s %s %s %03d %s0.0.0.0/0MS %s: using %sClassless Static Routesip_addresssubnet_cidrnetwork_numberserver_name%s: using static address %s/%dSTATIC%s: received approval for %sINFORMTIMEOUT%s: leased %s for infinity%s: minimum lease is %d seconds%s: rebind time greater than lease time, forcing to %u seconds%s: renewal time greater than rebind time, forcing to %u seconds%s: leased %s for %u secondsREBINDREBOOTBOUND%s: renew in %u seconds, rebind in %u seconds%s: writing lease `%s'%s: waiting for 3rd party to configure IP address3RDPARTY%s: releasing lease of %sBOOTP%s: sending %s with xid 0x%x%s: sending %s (xid 0x%x), next in %0.1f seconds%s: if_getmtu%s: if_setmtuDuplicate address detected%s: VIVCO option too big%s: DHCP message too big%s: dhcp_sendudp%s not found%s: if_sendrawFAIL%s: dhcp_makeudppacket%s: soliciting a DHCP lease (requesting %s)%s: soliciting a %s lease%s: renewing lease of %s%s: failed to renew DHCP, rebinding%s: expire in %u seconds%s: cannot add IP address in test mode%s: DAD completed for %s%s: op (%d) is not BOOTREPLY%s: wrong xid 0x%x (expecting 0x%x) from %s%s: xid 0x%x is for hwaddr %s%s: ignoring DHCP reply (expecting BOOTP)discarding Force Renewunauthenticated Force Renewprobing, ignoringreject DHCPreject NAK%s: message: %sno address givenreject invalid addressdeclined duplicate addressofferedignoring offer ofnot ACK or OFFERignoring ack ofacknowledged%s: non whitelisted DHCP packet from %s%s: blacklisted DHCP packet from %s%s: truncated packet (%zu) from %s%s: checksum failure from %s%s: invalid UDP packet from %s%s: server %s is not destination%s: received BOOTP for inactive interface%s: redirecting DHCP message to %s%s: DHCP lease expired%s: timed out contacting a DHCP server, using last lease%s: dhcp_openudp%s: using ClientID %s%s: using hwaddr %s%s: dhcp_init%s: needs a clientid to configure%s: discarding expired lease%s: informing address of %s%s: rebinding lease of %sDUMP%s: delaying IPv4 for %0.1f seconds%s: pid %d deleted IP address %sDISCOVERREQUESTDECLINERELEASEFORCERENEW%s: forcing router %s through interface%s: router %s requires a host route%s: deleting IP address %s%s: adding IP address %s broadcast %s%s: if_addaddress%s: IP address %s already exists%s: added address vanished/var/db/dhcpcd/secret%s: IPv6 static DAD completedcannot find a loopback interface to reject via%s: deleting address %stemporary %s: %s: lifetime overflow%s: adding %saddress %s%s: pltime infinity, vltime infinity%s: pltime infinity, vltime %u seconds%s: pltime %useconds, vltime infinity%s: pltime %u seconds, vltime %u secondsip6_address%s: pid %d deleted address %s%s: waiting for %s to complete%s: regen temp addr %s%s: too many duplicate temporary addresses%s: sending NA for %s%s: waiting for Router Advertisement DAD to complete%s: %s is reachable again%s: %s is unreachable, expiring itrtpref: impossible RA flag %x%s: %s: router expired%s: expired address %sIPv6 ICMP packet too short from %s%s: IPv6 NA too short from %sinvalid hoplimit(%d) in NA from %s%s: NA multicast address %s (%s)%s: %s not a router (%s)IPv6 RA packet too short from %sinvalid hoplimit(%d) in RA from %sRA from non local address %s%s: ignoring RA from ourself %s%s: Router Advertisement from %s%s: %s: no longer a default router%s: short option%s: zero length option%s: option length exceeds message%s: reject RA (option %s) from %s%s: reject RA (option %d) from %s%s: invalid option len for prefix%s: invalid prefix len%s: invalid prefix in RA%s: pltime > vltimeipv6_createtempaddr%s: invalid MTU %d%s: reject RA (no option %s) from %sdhcp6_start: %s%s: No DHCPv6 instruction in RAinvalid IPv6 type %d or code %d from %s%s: unable to obtain a stable private addressipv6_makestableprivate%s: Router Advertisement DAD completed%s_nd%zuaddr%zu%s: delaying Router Solicitation for LL address%s: no IPv6 Routers available%s: sending Router Solicitation%s: soliciting an IPv6 router%s: delaying IPv6 router solicitation for %0.1f seconds%s: DHCPv6 Vendor Class too big%s: extending DHCPv6 lease%s: status truncatedUnknown Status (%d)%s: DHCPv6 REPLY: %s%s: option overflow%s: IA option truncated%s: ignoring unrequested IAID %s%s: IAID %s T1(%d) > T2(%d) from %s%s: IA Address option truncated%s: IA Address pltime %u > vltime %u%s: %s: DHCPv6 REPLY missing IA Address%s: DHCPv6 lease truncated%s: no useable IA found in lease%s: DHCPv6 DAD completed%s: ignoring unicast option as not masterbroadcastingunicastingdelaying%s: %s %s with xid 0x%02x%02x%02x%s: %s %s (xid 0x%02x%02x%02x), next in %0.1f seconds%s: no socket to send from%s: %s: sendmsg%s: sent %d times with no reply%s: soliciting a DHCPv6 lease%s: requesting DHCPv6 information%s: failed to renew DHCPv6, rebinding%s: rebinding prior DHCPv6 lease%s: %s received from %sINFORM6ITIMEDOUTBOUND6RENEW6REBIND6REBOOT6TIMEOUT6%s: %s will expire before renewal%s: ignoring T1 %u due to address expiryUNKNOWN6%s: %s: became stale%s: %s: no valid lifetime%s: refresh in %u seconds%s: renew in %u, rebind in %u, expire in %u seconds%s: will expire%s: waiting for DHCPv6 DAD to complete%s: failed to request information%s: failed to request address%s: failed to confirm prior address%s: DHCPv6 reply received but not running%s: DHCPv6 reply received but already bound%s: no DHCPv6 server ID from %s%s: reject DHCPv6 (no option %s) from %s%s: reject DHCPv6 (option %s) from %s%s: SOL_MAX_RT %llu -> %u%s: invalid SOL_MAX_RT %u%s: INF_MAX_RT %llu -> %u%s: invalid INF_MAX_RT %u%s: unauthenticated %s from %s%s: invalid DHCP6 type %s (%d)%s: invalid state for DHCP6 type %s (%d)%s: ADV (no address) from %s%s: ADV %s from %sDHCPv6 packet too short from %s%s: incorrect client ID from %s%s: RECONFIGURE6 recv from %s, sending to all interfaces%s: wrong xid 0x%02x%02x%02x (expecting 0x%02x%02x%02x) from %s%s: redirecting DHCP6 message to %s%s: confirming prior DHCPv6 lease%s: DHCPv6 lease expired%s: no advertising IPv6 router wants DHCP%05d %s%s: delaying DHCPv6 soliciation for LL addressSTOP6RELEASE6%s: dropping DHCPv6 due to no valid routers%s_dhcp6DUMP6Unspecified FailureNo Addresses AvailableNo BindingNot On LinkUse MulticastNo Prefix AvailableSOLICIT6ADVERTISE6REQUEST6REPLY6CONFIRM6RECONFIGURE6BBBBB@@(@(@(@(@(@(@(@(@(@(@(@(@(@(@(@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @(@(@(@(@(@(@(@ @ @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@(@(@(@(@(@(@ @ @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@(@(@(@(@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ{|}~>2BltKl|T/Z`fEl Ż@NrXTP/etc/group/etc/master.passwd%s%s%s 646towlowertowupperalnumblankcntrlgraphpunctxdigitUnknown error numberUnknown signal numberYP FAKE error %d %ju%ju%s%0*ju,uappnduchgnodumpopaquesappndarchschgsnaparchiveddumpsappendschangesimmutableuappenduchangeuimmutable ,pqrstuwxyzPQRST0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ/dev/ptmtty/dev/XtyXX/var/run/%s%s.pidfull-duplexfdxhalf-duplexhdxflowcontrolflag0flag1flag2loopbackhw-loopbackloopmasterrxpausetxpauseEarlyTokenReleaseETRSourceRoutingSRCRTAllRoutesALLRdual-attachdasadhochostapmonitorturboibsswdsmeshautoselectautomanualnone10baseT10baseT/UTP10UTP10BASE-T10base210base2/BNC10BNC10BASE210base510base5/AUI10AUI10BASE5100baseTX100TX100BASE-TX100baseFX100FX100BASE-FX100baseT4100T4100BASE-T4100baseVG100VG100VG-AnyLAN100baseT2100T2100BASE-T21000baseSX1000SX1000BASE-SX10baseSTPSTP10STP10BASE-STP10baseFLFL10FL10BASE-FL1000baseLX1000LX1000BASE-LX1000baseCX1000CX1000BASE-CX1000BASE-BX101000BASE-KX1000baseKX1000baseT1000T1000BASE-THomePNA1HPNA12500BASE-KX2500baseKX2.5GBASE-T2500baseT5GBASE-T5GbaseT10GbaseLR10GLR10GBASE-LR10GbaseSR10GSR10GBASE-SR10Gbase-LRM10Gbase-Twinax10Gbase-Twinax-Long10Gbase-T10GbaseCX410GCX410GBASE-CX42500baseSX2500SXDB9/4Mbit4STPDB9/16Mbit16STPUTP/4Mbit4UTPUTP/16Mbit16UTPSingle-modeSMFMulti-modeMMFCDDI10baseT-FDX10BASE-T-FDX100baseTX-FDX100BASE-TX-FDX1000baseT-FDXFH1FH2DS1DS2DS5DS11DS22OFDM6OFDM9OFDM12OFDM18OFDM24OFDM36OFDM48OFDM54OFDM72DS/354KbpsDS/512KbpsOFDM/3MbpsOFDM/4.5MbpsOFDM/27MbpsEthernetetherTokenRingtokenFDDIIEEE802.11CARP11a11b11gfh11na11ng-o %s: option not supportedMissing %s argumentInvalid %s argument `%s'NAME=malloc failedsysctl hw.disknames faileddk%s: getwedgeinfo/rdk/rno match for `%s'kern.labelusesmbrCannot copy string; %zu chars needed %zu providedCannot append to string; %zu chars needed %zu providedCannot copy stringCannot allocate %zu bytesCannot allocate %zu blocks of size %zuCannot re-allocate %zu bytesCannot re-allocate %zu * %zu bytesCannot open `%s'Cannot format stringCannot convert string value '%s' with base %d to a number in range [%jd .. %jd]Cannot convert string value '%s' with base %d to a number in range [%ju .. %ju]unusedswapv6v7sysvv71kv8ffsmsdoslfsotherhpfscd9660bootadoshfsfilecoreext2fsntfsraidframeccdjfs2appleufsvinumudfsysvbfsefsnilfscgdminixfs30%llo%lld0x%llx/dev/%s%s%s%c%.*s/r%sr%s%.*s/%sTERMUTF-8Inkey wstate screwed - exiting!!!xdumbESCDELAYTABSIZE sklmnopqrZ{tuvwxy  z|}~j|bcdefghWi !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGx\z^y]~_`     IV}a{MJOP[KHLRSQN TU Inkey: Cannot allocate new keymapCould not malloc for key entry inkey: Cannot allocate new key entry chunkadd_new_key: bad type passed Inkey state screwed - exiting!!!unknown5MS7)   #$      r?7QQj%^."Ar O.Eg ._l}J2 7Wem<B.>20<sg+ Q |q;o/|>Wa3V9Vi+h[u8e"m:Mk:k+t gZwX(h2)\A_4|v@dpS\n'Px8K{k1Z VTr];f|Q}[ kv/tmF/ B6zF7*:eP:@[\/q Gk%#e$_puHv?5<>dEA|~M;"i7h9[9Y Z=Kg =M)]\bsl*EX [CBph9`%Xb n%p0%{10}%/%{16}%*%p0%{10}%m%+%p0%p0%{2}%*%-%p0%p0%?%>%t%+%;bwamutccxsYAYFYBxtxn eo gn hc HC kmYChshlinYGdadbmimsnxxbNPNDNRos5iYDYE es!hz"ul#xo$YoYpYaBTcoYcYbitlhlw li lm ma sg CoYdYepaMWYfYgNCNlYhYiYjYkYlpbYmvtYnws acS8btblYvZzXycrZAZB ZC ZD cs rP ZyctMCclcbcecdciYwchCCcmdohovileCMve 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setnot enough memory to create terminal structurecannot access the terminfo database%s: terminal not listed in terminfo dataseunknown error%s: generic terminal%s: hardcopy terminalLINESCOLUMNSansi@P bG [%i%d;%dR[?%[;0123456789]c* Z [4%p1%dm[ [3%p1%dmH\V[0;10%?%p1%t;7%;%?%p2%t;4%;%?%p3%t;7%;%?%p4%t;5%;%?%p6%t;1%;%?%p7%t;8%;%?%p9%t;11%;m34E]`cUCJN?+,-.0`afghjklmno~pqrs_tuvwxyz{|}~S13 [%p1%dD. 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